ATF eForms: is "submitted/in process" the same as "pending"?

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Dec 25, 2009
Northern KY
People using traditional mail in forms talk about when their applications "go pending" as opposed to when they were mailed and when the check was cashed. Is the classification on my eForm 1, which is "submitted/in process" the same as being "pending" or is this just the virtual equivalent of "we have received your application"?
I believe it is.

It's hard to really say for sure, because it's a different process entirely. But "pending" with the paper forms means that they have cashed your check and that someday they'll get to it. There's no real other status until it's approved. (Except for the "second pending" I've heard some about, and the problem status when you need to make a correction.)

With eForms, you pay immediately online. So once it says that it is "in process," I think that's pretty much it.

My records show that for my last eForm, I got an email on 8/25 saying it was "pending research," then one on 8/26 saying it was "submitted/in process" and then one on 11/26 saying it was "approved."

I believe the "assistant prescreen" before second pending is not needed in most cases on an e-form. Basically your application gets a flag if you use something not on the pulldown menu for caliber, origional manufacturer, etc.m

I had such a flag when the exact Cold holding company stamped on my gun was not one of the options and I submitted an on-line help request was was simply told to use "Colt". I was also told that the Affidavit of Citizenship was not needed when I enquired about how to attach it. Also "multi" is on the caliber pulldown menu (but I did not try it). It looks like they have changed their minds about a lot of things.

Since doing the two e-forms, both approved (91 and 95 days) I had to do a paper Form 4 with an old school dealer and I included the Affidavit just to be safe but attached a note asking them to discard it if no longer needed.

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