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Attention Disabled Veterans

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Jul 30, 2009
I just talked with a friend of mine that recently retired from the Army as a MSgt. As he sat down with people from the VA signing paperwork, he came across a page that roused his interest. Mind you, he said he read every single page, to the frustration of the VA rep. he was dealing with. He said you could feel the anger in the room because he wasnt being a good little sheep and signing as he was told.

Now this form he came across basicaly had he signed it would have had him admitting he was incompetent. He asked for a legal rep to explain it and the first thing this guy tells him is if he signs it, they send his name to the FBI and he cant buy/own firearms.

Remember what the head of DHS said, veterans are a threat to the powers that be.

Be careful out there guys.
One of his things was PTSD. That is what they are going after. Just another reason for people that need help to fear asking for it.
Guess I'll be re-evaluating that PTSD claim that I've been putting off... I'd rather wake up in a cold sweat now and then and have my guns near by, than be blacklisted and declared a threat to the country that I fought to protect.
I have to call BS to a certain extent on this. Not saying your friend is lying, but I am confident saying there are other things in the mix that we don't know about.

I am a disabled vet.

I have been diagnosed with PTSD by the VA.

I have filled out a lot of VA forms, reading all of them, and never seen anything like that on any of them.

I have bought some guns since then, with no issues. I have also gotten an Iowa permit to purchase with no issues.

What was your friend doing there (paperwork wise)? When you fill out a claim, you don't get a VA rep. Actually, I have never heard of a VA "rep". The closest thing you get to my knowledge is access to a VA patient advocate if you have issues within the VA system.
I have heard of this being related to PTSD claims, and can say for fact that a VA interviewer seemed particularly interested in any 'night sweats' I may have had.
hell man eat a couple bulbs of roasted garlic with a late supper and see if you don't have wild dreams!
This is a myth that's been going around for a while now. If I remember correctly it was debunked in the Oct 2009 edition of the NRA's First Freedom.

However, if anything like this actually does pop up, the first thing any vet needs to do is call the NRA. They would love to jump on something like that, and it would be political suicide for any bureaucrat to try anything like that.
When you fill out a claim, you don't get a VA rep

You do get a rep from the DAV, or VFW, or etc. at your post when you are going through your final clearing process. I had an Amvets represetative go over all my claims and even suggest things I overlooked. They help you with the initial paperwork that gets set to the VA for evaluation.
My "VA Rep" verbage may not be correct, but whoever he was dealing with told him just as I have related on here, that should he sign that one particular form, he would be barred from owning firearms.

That is the story as it was told to me.
You do get a rep from the DAV, or VFW, or etc. at your post when you are going through your final clearing process. I had an Amvets represetative go over all my claims and even suggest things I overlooked. They help you with the initial paperwork that gets set to the VA for evaluation.

DAV, VFW, AmVets is not the VA. Big difference.

Salchaket Joe, do you/he know the form number of this form? I'd love to see it.
Sorry, dont know the form number. There was a post a few months back where a guy said he had been judged "financialy incompetent"and he said he also could not own a firearm. I believe he may have been referring to the same process.
Not having been through the process, I don't know what form that may be, but have no trouble believing that the VA would have such a form for those suffering from post traumatic stress. I've been guilty of not using the proper title and calling a VA guy a rep, so see no import in that. What we need to remember that the VA is a bureaucy and the SOP may require that a form such as this be signed by a claimant with PTSD issues. They're probably trying to protect the public from us baby killers.:D
I have been asked to sign many many forms by the VA hospital staff; I read every word of each and every one of them. I have refused to sign several that referred to possible undiagnosed medical disorders because of my past combat experience. All of which is a joke because the VA has fought for the past 32 years to not approve a disability for me based on documented in line of duty injuries. I would guess their primary mission now is to not approve any disabilities and to find any and every reason to identify the veteran as a terrorist.
What you guys are referring to was called the “NICS Improvement Act of 2007" also known as "Veterans Disarmament Act" or "HR 2640". It was signed into law by President Bush Jan 8th 2008.

Also the NRA backed the passing of the bill. I'm not sure how it affects veterans but I suppose it can bar anyone with PTSD from owning a gun. This bill looks to have been passed in response to the Virginia Tech Massacre though.
This is a quote from a search I did on Google.

In early June 2007, the National Rifle Association (NRA) endorsed the bill following negotiations with Reps. McCarthy and Dingell. In exchange for the NRA's support of the bills provisions to improve the updating of information into the FBI’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS), the changes to the bill included protecting the ability of veterans designated as having psychological conditions, such as post-traumatic stress disorder, and individuals successfully treated for mental illness to purchase guns. Following the endorsement, the bill was expected to reach the House floor sometime in mid-June

What is unclear is why the John Birch Society and Gun Owners of America oppose it.

Your friend can get his VA medical records sent to him, and possibly about everything else.

Would he be willing to do that (good to do anyways IMO), redact his identifying info, and post a copy of this form?

Does he now have a copy of this form?
I am a Vet and draw a small disability (10%) from the VA. I am also 100% disabled in that I can't work due to chronic pain from joint injuries/herniated disks. When I lost my job due to these issues I started using the VA as my primary care physician and one of the first things they did was a survey to test for PTSD. I hit on almost all the questions and had to see a shrink but was ruled just plain old depressed over my situation. Quite understandable. No issues, no forms, no problems.
Will you be kind enough to have your friend post a redacted copy of this form?

You are barred from ownership of firearms if you have been ADJUDICATED(so ordered by a judge) as mentally ill or committed to a mental health facility against your will by a Judge.

Having any degree of service related PTSD does not rise to that level. If you are 100% disabled with service connected disabilty PTSD, you may own/buy as many guns as you want.

If you are receiving disability and subsequently have a GAF score of less than 40, you may be declared incompetent and have a guardian appointed to handle your FINANCIAL affairs. This is only done after a hearing in which you have a right to representation and to make statements yourself. There is not a soul outside the VA except the guardian who has any knowledge of this actionl. Discovery by law enforcement is held to the same standards as medical history.

There is no data base available to law enforcement listing VA patients who are disabled from PTSD or have been pronounced incompetent.

Additionally, your VA records are not available to law enforcement(state/local/federal) until they submitting a request for your records and the justification therefor. Basically unless you are the focus of a criminal investigation or have a warrant outstanding, their request is denied.

The VA leaves a lot to be desired in terms of efficiency, delivery of medical care and handling of claims, however, they are very protective of their patients' records.

You or your friend are doing a dis-service to the veterans' community by passing on lies like this. Someone should have to come on here and apologize to the board for their irresponsible action.
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I am not apoligizing for anything. I dont know if you can read that from way up there on that horse. All I did was related a story as it was told to me by someone that I trust. I am on active duty. To tell me that I am doing a diservice on a forum by posting something that someone has told me, well to me that is a little uppity. If you dont agree with the post or have other information than share it, but dont tell me I am doing a "dis-service" and need to drop my head and say I am sorry.

Perhaps the information that the legal rep. gave him was bad, but I believe entirely that he was told that.
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You are doing a dis service to the forum in general and veterans in particular by posting garbage like you just did.

I am not riding a high horse, I am just sick of Viet Nam era veterans being slimed. I have been a moderator for a group of Viet Nam combat veterans for over five years. You cannot comprehend how much damage you do by posting irresponsible crap like you just did. You just added to the disinformation that accepted as gospel. by the media and contempory culture about the real victims of that war.

Get your facts straight.
I have yet to hear of any disabled vets actually having signed the form and who are now complaining about it. Generally, the folks at the VA are very patient with vets reading forms before they are signed, at least according to my family members and friends who have to go to VA hospitals (two of whom are disabled). So I can see why people are finding it hard to believe the story as posted.

Sorry, dont know the form number. There was a post a few months back where a guy said he had been judged "financialy incompetent"and he said he also could not own a firearm. I believe he may have been referring to the same process.
Can't find the post.
DNS, I searched for it as well, I believe it was under Legal. Couldnt find it.

As I the messenger am taking a lot of flak for relaying something I thought would be good information for everyone, I will see about locking the thread.

To those who have taken offense somehow to my OP (calling me an outright liar), well, I dont know what to tell you. I thought I was doing a service.
I thought I was doing a service.

And I know thats what your intent was. At least, thats what I believe it to have been.

For me personally, I just want proof, or other people to share their experiences regarding some form that will essentially give away their 2A rights. Until then, I remain skeptical.
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