Aurora CO families owe $203,000

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Jan 21, 2003

We have been getting a lot of questions about our lawsuit against Lucky Gunner, the online company that sold ammunition to the man who murdered our daughter Jessica along with 11 others in an Aurora, Colorado, theater. Especially after the Rachel Maddow Show covered us twice, people ask us about the judge's order that we pay Lucky Gunner's attorneys' fees, since our lawsuit was unsuccessful.

Attorneys at Arnold and Porter and the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence brought the lawsuit for us, pro bono.

I'm sorry for the family' loss, but this is the correct outcome, though I'd be happier if activists and lawyers who likely pushed and used these families for greed or their own agenda.
This needs to happen far more often with these BS lawsuits. Loser pays needs to be adapted across the board and the vast majority of these bogus suits will evaporate in thin air.

Condolences to the family on the loss of their daughter and being lead into folly by low life "activists", but they would have been celebrating a win and counting the cash had the decision come down the other way.
The lawyers should have told the families of this risk when they offered their services as pro bono.
They were victims when the nut shot their child, and then were victims again when the brady bums used them as pawns in this "lawsuit". It is rare for such an amount to be awarded (from my limited knowledge) so it must have been a really bad case in the first place.

I wonder if the lawyers did it pro bono to protect themselves in someway?
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