Australia Bans Blowguns

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Jan 15, 2005
This has potential impact on YOU, if you shoot blowguns - whether as a survivalist, as part of the Martial Arts, for hunting, for fishing, for competition target shooting, for paintball, or just as a recreational past-time.

I received this very sad news from the Chairman of the Australian Sport Blowgun Association, Sean Rayner:

"I have something very sad to tell you.
The Australian Government has outlawed Blowguns.There is now no states where they are legal.
I ask that if you know anyone in Australia, to ask them to help me.
Thank you.
Sean Rayner (I.F.A., Aust., Chairman)"

We have now lost a Nation (we'll need at least 75, we're now down to 12) and a Continent (we need 4, we're now down to 3), towards our goal of having the sport represented in the 2016 Olympics.

If you can somehow help Sean - please do. Write to the Australian ambassador in your country, or to the head of the Australian Sports Council, if you're from "Oz".
I do have a list of Australian Legislation leading up to this current ban, but cannot find the details online as yet.

First, Canada. Now, Australia. Don't let this happen in your country. Be proud of your blowgunning interest. If you're a survivalist, a Martial Artist, participate in paintball games, are a hunter, or fisherman using the blowgun, you can benefit from target shooting to improve your skills.

If you're in a local club, participate! Have the club sponsor an extra competition this year, and publicize it proudly. If you're a colleague member, or a club member, spread the word about the sport. Hold a demonstration to show off the sport in your area. If you don't belong to the NSBA - join (it's free!). Let's make this Olympic event happen, and maybe we can then have the Australian government repeal their recent legislation against the sport.

We don't have enough numbers yet, internationally, to make a difference. However, we do have some clout ... having conducted a successful e-mail and forum-posting campaign which convinced TLC (Cable TV network, "The Learning Channel") to remove their offensive blowgun commercial from the air, for their show, "What Not To Wear", this past summer.

We need to organize in every participating country, and get more countries involved.

Online vendors (Like Phantomas/Tornado blowguns in Germany, Blowguns NW, Primitive Weapons, Stun-ning Sales, Extreme Blowguns, and the others) need to sponsor local competitions in their area, and advertise the sport on their websites. How does it look to your customers, if you sell the product, but do not sponsor the sport?

Regional competitions, and national competitions need to be held by the national organizations in each country. The First "World Cup" competition is being planned for the Summer of 2007, in France or England (details are being worked on currently).

Make a difference for the future of the sport.

Apathy is what dissolved George Fisher's "American Sport Blowgun Association" - don't let history repeat itself.

May your darts always fly true!
the really sad thing is.....

in California they have been banned for years. Imagine what felonies I was committing as a kid when I made one out of PVC pipe, a nail and a little cardboard.
What do they consider a blow gun anyways?

Are straws from McDonald's and a little wad of paper with a pin stuck through it also illegal?
Quick, ban 1/2 inch electrical conduit and PVC fittings!!!!!

Ban 1/8 inch dowel rods and sheets of paper!!!!

Stop me before I make another death-dealing blowgun of doom!!!!!

I can't keep up!

Every time I turn around, Australia has "banned" something else. :mad:

Blowguns, eh?

Why don't they ban 'blowhards' like our P.M. instead?

Wow. What's next?

Don't ask! :uhoh:

The list of "Prohibited Weapons" on the counter partition at the Alice Springs Police Station is already two 18" X 24" posters long...they're gonna have to extend the partition soon at this rate.

The N.T. leads Australia with it's homicide rate, incidentally...
Preferred weapons being star pickets and 'tomahawks' and such locally handy items.
One aboriginal woman was recently seriously injured with a can of peas hurled on the Todd Mall. I can see the future is in frozen peas...... :rolleyes:
Well atleast they're safe from drive by blow gun shootings. Next thing on the list is styrofoam covered baseball bats. It is for the children afterall. I can only hope America doesn't turn into an England or Australia.
All I can say is, THANK GOD.

There could have been a terrible blowgun crime any moment. I'll sleep snug tonight.
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