Automatic Case Feeder Trash Collector

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Nov 14, 2008
Clarkesville, GA
I tumble my brass to feed an XL650 with an auto case feeder. After using the press for several weeks the rear of my bench was covered in corn cob media and other assorted trash that shook out of the brass during the case feeder operation. This is exiting the feeder (as it should) through 2 small holes not previously noticed on the rear of the feeder.

Just wondering if any "undesirables" out there have an idea how to collect all this trash. A brief search of all the common accessory supply houses didn't turn up any manufactured items for purchase, and hole locations make attaching a common item (like a pill bottle) difficult.

Thanks in advance for any help !!
The Hornady case feeder I have did not have the holes to let the debree out. I added one, then taped a small 2 oz cup to catch what comes out. With out it the corn media was scooping up the media and getting all over the press. Some grains always remained and showed up with my powder cop die. I have since moved to the SS pins cleaning.
I separate the media from the cases after tumbling with a rotary device.

Only time I have had media get stuck and later fall out is if I happened to deprime before tumbling and I don't do that with corn cobb anymore. If I want primer pockets clean I am wet tumbling with no primer.
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