AZ state senate Dems introduce bill to register "assault weapons" and ban "large capacity" magazines

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Apr 26, 2015
I just read about this on Breitbart ( and I am very upset. A big reason I moved to Arizona is that it is consistently ranked the most gun-friendly state in the country.

I have appended the text of the bill, from It looks a lot like the horrible similar Cali law.

The sponsors are 12 Dems. My state senator is a Dem but is not one of the sponsors, and his 2016 "issues" included:
2nd Amendment

I am a strong supporter of the second amendment, and I will protect the rights of gun owners already in place at the state level. I do not, however, support allowing guns on college campuses or in government buildings. Additionally, I agree with the vast majority of gun owners and support requiring background checks for all gun purchases to ensure that firearms do not fall into the hands of criminals or those with mental health issues.

He also supported immigration enforcement:

We must secure the border. I support giving our border patrol agents the resources they need to protect our state and our border. Above all, I will listen to the law enforcement community from our county sheriffs to local police and provide them with the tools they need to do their jobs effectively. I will also work with our federal congressional delegation to ensure that Congress funds our border efforts.

Don't know whether the above are his heartfelt beliefs or he was just trying to straddle the fence.

A comment to one of his "buts" on 2A, the current law on guns in public buildings is if the facility doesn't want guns inside they have to provide safe storage where you leave your gun on entering and get it back on leaving:
- Storage of deadly weapons; definitions. A. If an operator of a public establishment or a sponsor of a public event requests that a person carrying a deadly weapon remove the weapon, the operator or sponsor shall provide temporary and secure storage.
This implies that if the facility does not offer secure temporary storage they have to let you bring it inside. I don't know about you guys, but having moved here from Cali and therefore being very security-conscious, I do not feel comfortable leaving my gun in my car. The whole idea of outright prohibition is counter-productive, we are allowed to carry a gun here, if the gun has to be left in the car every time we enter a public facility, that increases the chances of a criminal getting it. So it doesn't look to me like his position is well thought out.

Anyway, my question is, what is the most effective action I can take to help kill this bill?


  • Arizona-2020-SB1625-Introduced.pdf
    92 KB · Views: 2
From the VCDL's playbook, start calling and writing your reps EVERY DAY, and using social media to get the word out to everyone you know, to encourage them to do the same. Be polite, but firm with your reps that you do not support any infringements on your rights. While you are justified in taking action, keep in mind that this is a national political focus point, so many things are being brought forward, only to get completely amended or to die quietly in committee, so just because a bill has been introduced, does not guarantee its passage.
Received an email today from the outfit where I took my concealed carry permit training, concurrently with the above-described bill, separate bills were also introduced by the same gang of 12, one a very nasty red-flag law, the other to eliminate any transfer of guns between private parties without an FFL.

The email also encouraged joining the Arizona Citizens Defense League (, which I did.
My Lady of good cheer and be not afraid. This kind of disturbing nonsense pops up every few years in Arizona, and even when it fails, always stay organized and make as much noise as possible.
So where did these 12 come from? California, NY, Washington or maybe Oregon?

VOTE them out this November if they are up for re-election.
As Winston Churchill said, “Never let a crisis go to waste!”. :cool:

Typical Democrat tactics...wait until everyone’s attention is on something else, and make an assault on a liberty.

Like badkarmamib said, get active in calling and mailing your representatives and senators. Make a lot of noise - public noise! When Virginia legislators saw the groundswell of opposition, even some Democrats turned their backs on the most onerous bills. It wasn’t a total success, but the results would have been much worse without the grassroots efforts!!
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