Back to School time! Need Prayer!

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Keep in mind the teacher is the authority figure in the classroom. Do not question their authority, demean them, or belittle them. This will simply brand you as a trouble maker and the institution of public education will rally to the teachers defense on principle. The teacher needs their authority to be able to manage the behavior in their classroom and all teachers and administrators know that.

Try to ask good leading questions. Get together with other like-minded students. Its much harder to dismiss something outright when you are not the lone class nutjob. Recognize the teachers authority and be sensitive to their needs as a teacher and also to other members of the classroom, but be firm.

Try to get into the higher level classrooms (honors, advanced, AP, whatever). The teachers tend to be better and also tend to tolerate more discussion, etc. because they and the students can handle it.

Some Anecdotes from a decade ago when I was in Public School:

I remember in 11th grade AP english my teacher (left-wing ex-nun feminazi fruitcake) and I were talking in a small group one day. She said something along the lines of "I know you don't like me very much" and I replied with "yeah, but I'm not going to be a jerk about it." She was one of the worst english teachers I have ever had, but not because she was an uber-liberal.

One of the best english teachers I had ever was my 12th grade AP english teacher (50+ year old gay man). He loved discussion in his class. Once he found out I was a conservative christian, he would call on me to offer a counter argument to the liberal kids in my class. Very seldomly would he interject his own politics unless we specifically asked him what he thought. Yeah he was a left winger, but he was much more interested in getting his students interested in learning than evangelizing them to some political doctrine.

On the other hand my brother who has a much bigger problem with authority than I do, had shouting matches with the former teacher regularly and wasn't much better with the latter. Why? Because he tends to be a jerk about it.
Good advice yer gettin' mostly. I think you can recognize which ones. (balrog and MrAcheson at the top of the list, methinks.)

One other thing - KNOW your subject! Read the material over and over, and KNOW it.

And be amused. Be terribly amused. You HAVE the superior position - act like it. No, don't be a snot, but don't let them get under your skin. Be in control. Don't get down to a name calling level.
good luck to you wanderer
you sound like you have your head on your shoulders
just keep it there and you'll be fine :)
stand up for what you belive in but dont go to far and antagonize people......
there are two sides to everything, remember that
if there wasnt, we wouldnt need lawyers....
and in a week i will begin to study the long path to the Bar exam.....
mmmm three more years!
I suppose being polite about the issue and not interrupting anyone would be good. I saw a debate on MSNBC (I repented) and the people arguing were constantly yelling at each other and interrupting. How well does that make your point come across? It makes you look like a right or left wing extremist nut that couldn't have a conversation with anyone.
Wanderer, I'm going into 8th grade, too. All I know is before I am allowed to present any logical arguments or facts about guns in class (last year), I am called a "gun nut", "crazy terrorist person", and "psycho NRA whatever". It sucks going to school with sheeple, you'll just have to live with it.
Wanderer, Wombat, stand tall and don't surrender.

You young men are in the forefront of the battle. Even if it doesn't seem like you are getting anywhere, you are getting the truth in front of the sheeple. You probably won't win over your teacher, but there are others listening. Remember that. Carry your head high, don't get down on their level, and keep telling the truth.

We can only win them one at a time. We can LOSE them in wholesale lots, though, by losing our cool.

Stay cool, men.
I gotta hand it to you Wombat, by the way you talk I assumed you were an adult! Slow progress is better than no progress. I've made it my goal to at least move five people to the middle this year, or to pro-gun. If they do the same, it still grows. Five becomes 25, 25 becomes 125, etc. It's like the movie 'Pay it Forward'. Never saw it, but I know the plot. :cool:
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