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Bad all over the place: Canadian traffic stop and rifle seizure (long)

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Nov 16, 2007
RCMP officers enforcing non-existent firearm laws

An interesting story out of Dawson Creek where RCMP officers stopped two local hunters and threatened to confiscate their rifles and charge the two with a criminal offense.

I am unable to download a link for the time being so I will post the whole article and re-do the post when the link becomes available.

Mounties Get Lesson On Gun Regulations
Northeast News
By: Joei Warm
September 5, 2007​

DAWSON CREEK - Local RCMP have been enforcing firearm regulations incorrectly. Thanks to an incident with a knowledgeable citizen, they learned they have been applying the transportation regulations for ‘restricted’ firearms to even ‘non-restricted’ ones.

They discovered their mistake when they pulled two hunters over for a routine traffic stop Aug. 24 and tried to seize two hunting rifles sitting unloaded between the seats in the truck. Fortunately the passenger, Jim Parfrey, is a federally-certified master firearms instructor. His knowledge of the correct regulations led him to insist RCMP investigate the way they handle these situations. In the end, he got the firearms back with an acknowledgement from police that he was right.


One of the detainees wrote up a longish first-hand account of what happened:

On Friday, August 24, 2007, I had an experience with a few members of the Dawson Creek detachment of the RCMP that I believe the public should be aware of. It had to do with their incorrect knowledge of the laws regarding the transportation of unrestricted firearms (hunting rifles) and the potential illegal treatment of legitimate law abiding citizens who legally use and own firearms. I have reason to believe that others who are not thoroughly familiar with the appropriate legislation may have been unfairly charged and may have lost their personal property and need to be aware of that.

To set the scene, Jim Kassen and I were heading from Jim’s residence east of Pouce Coupe to hunt moose for the afternoon and evening off the Wangler Road approximately 40 miles west of Dawson Creek. Our plan was to go hunting as soon as we finished some business in town. (We both had a valid hunting licence and a valid Moose Species Licence.) I am retired after some 32 years with the federal government, most of which were in management, and Jim Kassen is the recently retired President of Northern Lights College. While completing our business in town, we were pulled over by two RCMP constables in a cruiser with lights flashing. Jim had inadvertently driven straight ahead on 103rd Ave from the left hand turn lane in front of the Co-op during the very busy pre-noon traffic rush which was exacerbated by the closure of the traffic circle. As soon as Jim saw the lights of the police cruiser in the rear view mirror, he pulled into the first available parking spot while the cruiser pulled in behind. The cruiser blocked Jim’s truck as well as blocked west bound traffic flow on 103rd which was extremely busy. Jim got out of his truck but was ordered back into his vehicle by one of the constables who approached the driver’s side window and advised Jim of the reasons for the pull over, i.e., he didn’t turn left from the left turn only lane. The constable then noticed that there were two hunting rifles (non-restricted firearms) between the passenger and driver’s seats. Both rifles were unloaded with the actions open and the officer could clearly see this. Her manner changed immediately, she ordered Jim out of and to the back of his truck while I remained in the passenger seat with my seat belt on. The constable inspected both rifles asking where the locking mechanisms were and I advised that they were not required as both Jim and I had valid Possession and Acquisition Licences (PAL) and at least one of us was in the vehicle at all times. She then proceeded to take the firearms from the vehicle. At that point I asked what she was doing. She advised that she was seizing the firearms as they were not properly locked up for transportation and that Jim and I would be charged under the criminal code for not meeting safe transportation requirements. At this point I introduced myself advising that I was a federally certified Master Firearms Instructor fully knowledgeable in the legislation and regulations regarding the transport, storage and use of all firearms. I explained that our two non-restricted firearms met all legal requirements for transportation in an attended vehicle and that if she took the firearms it would be and is in fact theft of private property that was being transported legally. Furthermore to take the firearms without a lawful reason was an abuse of her authority.

In order to meet all legal requirements for transportation of non-restricted firearms in this case:

1. The firearms must be unloaded - both of our firearms were unloaded and as additional safety features, but not required by law,

a) the actions were open so any third party who knew anything about firearms could see they were unloaded and not in the battery or ready-to-fire position.

b) the firearms were kept below the dash and out of view so anyone walking or driving by would not be alarmed. The firearms could only be seen if someone came up to the vehicle and looked down. This, by the way, is a common method for local firearms owners and hunters to transport their firearms.

2. The vehicle must be attended by at least one individual who has a valid PAL or POL – in our case both of us had valid PALs and were in attendance. If we left the vehicle which was a pick-up truck, the firearms would have to be placed out of sight and the area they are in must be locked (for example covering the firearms with a blanket or jacket and locking the cab of the pick-up.) It is not a legal requirement that a non-restricted firearm be disabled by a locking mechanism while it is being transported.

3. The firearms should be registered even though the time frame legally requiring registration of non-restricted firearms has been extended by the current government until May, 2008. - Regardless both our firearms were registered.

The constable stated that she knew the firearms laws and had several charges pending for firearms offences of the same nature. Neither Jim nor I offered any resistance with the exception of my request that she return the firearms to us, that we did not authorize her to take them, and that the firearms met all legal requirements for transportation. Regardless, she took both firearms to her vehicle. She verified the firearms registration, our PALs, our driver’s licenses along with the fact that both Jim and I had no criminal record (either serious or misdemeanor) and had been law abiding our whole lives. After confirming this she also called a back up squad car even though there were two constables present and we were following all direction given and were not involved in any illegal activity. While this was occurring, traffic was delayed on 103rd and the general public had to assume there was a major police take down of what must be a couple of dangerous criminals. Meanwhile I remained in the passenger seat of the truck with my seat belt on.

After the back-up car arrived, the constable came back to our vehicle and advised Jim she was letting him go on the traffic violation but would not release the firearms because she was charging us with unsafe transportation under the criminal code and that her immediate superior had confirmed the charge. I again advised she was incorrect and that the firearms must be returned. At this time I removed my seat belt and went over to her and the other two constables and advised her once more that she was mistaken and that she should return our firearms. She asked for proof of the legislation and regulations which I had at my home in Vernon but not with me. I suggested that we go to her office and pull up the Canadian Firearms web site which was set up and is maintained by the RCMP. I advised that the legislation and regulations are accessible there. While she seemed to be unaware of this site she agreed to try this.

Jim and I drove to the RCMP station where we were confronted by the seizing constable’s immediate supervisor who proceeded to berate us for telling his constable that she was wrong and abusing her authority. He also reiterated that we would not get our firearms back and that we would be charged under Section 87 of the Criminal Code of Canada. I again stated my experience and background as well as certification and that we had done nothing wrong and wanted our firearms returned. I also asked to bring up the RCMP’s Canadian Firearm’s website. He refused, dismissed us, and was closing the reception window when I requested a meeting with his superior.

10 minutes later I was ushered in alone (Jim was directed to remain in the reception area) to meet with the Senior Officer in Charge who’s first position, based on information from his subordinates, was that we were going to be charged. However, he was open to my describing the circumstances of the firearms and the legal requirements for transportation. He also had a brochure in his possession from the RCMP’s Firearms Centre which identified the transportation requirements for both restricted and non-restricted firearms – the Dawson Creek detachment in error was applying the restricted requirements to non-restricted firearms. Restricted firearms (handguns etc.) must meet a much higher level of security for their transportation such as disabling by a locking mechanism and be in a locked opaque case, not to mention additional paper work requirements. With the brochure in his possession as well as confirmation from the police help line it was confirmed that I was right and that neither Jim nor I had done anything illegal regarding the transportation of our firearms. The Senior Officer in Charge advised that our firearms would be immediately released and he apologized for the mix-up. I went out to the reception area and waited with Jim for the return of our firearms. I felt we all learned something: – justice can be obtained by standing your ground, persevering, and being assertive when your rights have been violated; the Dawson Creek RCMP now have a clearer understanding of what constitutes safe transportation and law abiding citizens will have nothing to fear; and most importantly, a senior member of the force have proven that he was open to protecting the rights of honest law abiding citizens – after all we are human and errors do occur.

Everything had been resolved and the matter was finished to everyone’s satisfaction or so I thought. The supervisor brought our firearms out to us and I thanked him. You can imagine my shock when he bluntly stated to Jim and I that we would have been treated a lot worse than we were had he been present at the time our firearms where confiscated. Apparently in his mind citizens are not allowed to advise RCMP or object when their rights are being violated and/or the RCMP actions are wrong or illegal, and anyone who questions them will be treated severely. This belief is so ingrained that he made the statement to Jim and me together in the RCMP reception area which has a security camera that monitors and records. At the end of the day, nothing was learned and nothing was gained! I am gravely concerned that this kind of behavior and treatment of honest citizens will continue if these attitudes are not addressed.

What occurred was wrong on so many levels:

The role of the RCMP is to enforce the laws of the land, not to create their own laws. If they don’t know the firearms laws that have been in place for 15 years and slightly updated 9 years ago in a community with a significant number of firearms owners and hunters, what other laws are they ignoring or applying inappropriately or illegally?

1. This is an area that attracts hunters from all over the province as well as all over the world. The activities of firearms owners and hunters contribute substantially to the local economy. Mistreatment, false charges and harassment will all have a negative affect. Ignorance of the law is no excuse for citizens in a court of law and therefore should not be an excuse for the RCMP. It’s a fine line between being ignorant and acting ignorantly – in this case the seizing constable and immediate supervisor crossed the line which leads me to believe that this occurs as a matter of habit, not as a very rare or once in a life-time situation.

1. By the constable’s own statement she has seized firearms from several other owners for the same reasons. Many people do not have the knowledge, the will or the communication skills to defend themselves and may have lost or will lose their property even though they have done nothing wrong. In our case the replacement value of the 2 firearms is approximately $3,000.00.

1. When did it become illegal for a law abiding citizen to advise the RCMP that they are wrong and that their actions are wrong? When pointing out an error, omission, illegal action, etc. why should honest law abiding citizens be openly intimidated? At the time of the threat the supervising officer had admitted that a mistake in interpretation had occurred, been ordered to return the firearms, but at the last moment added his intimidating comment.

1. At least 7 to 8 person hours of RCMP time and equipment was spent trying to prove that Jim and I had done something wrong instead of simply applying the law as it stands. A simple look at the RCMP’s Canadian Firearms website, either the “legislation and regulation” section or “brochure” section would have provided concrete proof of Jim and my innocence (a 5 to 10 minute exercise at most). Surely this time could have been better spent on highway patrol or investigating criminal activities such as break-ins or drug gang activity. But then of course law abiding citizens, especially seniors who can’t move very fast, are much easier targets.

1. How can the RCMP earn and maintain respect when they treat two retired seniors the way they did even though we posed no threat and were involved in no illegal activity? If they can treat us the way they did, I believe this can happen to anyone and probably has happened many times to law abiding citizens in the Dawson Creek area. What right does the RCMP have to treat two retired seniors as criminals in an active public place (seizing their firearms, calling for back-up, impeding traffic) when they have done nothing wrong or illegal with their firearms. Our only fault was to state our innocence and to advise the RCMP officer that her actions and information were wrong. I was raised to respect the RCMP, and I call many active and retired members friends. When I conduct a course (CORE or Firearms Safety) I always stress respect for enforcement as they have a legitimate job to do. At this stage I can only say that my respect for the RCMP was severely shaken on the 24th of August, 2007 and it is only people like the Senior Officer in Charge that allow me to believe there is still some hope.

I wrote this letter hoping that it will be a catalyst that prevents others from being treated as we were, or at the very least residents of Dawson Creek will be better prepared to defend themselves when dealing with the institution that is responsible to protect law abiding citizens.

Respectfully yours,

J.C. (Jim) Parfrey
7044 Nakiska Drive
Vernon, B.C. V1B 3M5
Telephone: (250) 275-6316
Cell: (250) 306-9460
E-mail: [email protected]
The last time I went to Canada (and it WAS the last time), the woman at customs asked me if I had a gun in the car. I told her I did not, which was true. Then she asked again, saying that I had one more chance to "tell the truth." Again, I said I had no gun in the car. She then yelled at me that she was going to have my car "torn apart" to find out if I had a hidden gun.

My wife was terrified by what appeared to be a uniformed lunatic. I was seriously frightened that the officer might shoot us, but she did not appear to be armed. After ranting a bit longer, she again warned us that we would be subject to search in Canada and that "we keep an eye on people like you." (White, American, no criminal record, TS clearance?) I must have fit some kind of Canadian "profile".

Had we not had hotel reservations in Canada and been looking forward to seeing some of the country, I would have turned around. I didn't, and must say that other than that, we enjoyed the trip. But I won't go back, and advise others to avoid Canada. With a "welcome" like that, I don't want to go back.


I've had the same experience entering Canada except that the customs agent ignored me for at least 30 or 45 seconds after I pulled up to the booth. I had to deny that I had firearms twice and then was grilled about whether or not I had any other weapons with me. The wait to get back into the U.S. is much longer but usually much more pleasant!
Thanks for the post. It is not uncommon for law enforcement in the US to be ignorant of our gun laws. Unfortunately gun owners have to be more informed than law enforcement. If we make a mistake we go to jail, if they do, then we pay legals fees and they might learn their lesson.
I am always very careful to know the laws I am subject to, especially when traveling outside my state. I love when someone tells me something is "illegal" and I ask what law it is breaking. Some of my favorites include "carrying a gun in a bank is illegal because it is a federal building" (I have also heard this applied to gun stores b/c they are federally licensed) & "silencers are illegal".
Not everything was resolved. The officers were not arrested for violation of basic human rights; and for violating their oath of office to enforce the law.

These should be felonies, since it concerned the theft of firearms.
And the divide between LE and Citizen continues to grow..... I know It's only canada:neener:... But this is not far off from some of my experiences here in the U.S.A.
Not gun-related, but I had a similar experience entering Canada by clipper ferry in Victoria, BC. Myself and the guitar player for the band I was with at the time were attending a music festival for the weekend. Out of almost 250 passengers, we were the only 2 asked to step inside the customs office for 'further questioning,' most likely because we had long hair and were probably drug dealers in their minds. They proceeded to tear into our luggage while a Customs agent who could have been Jesse Ventura's twin questioned us brusquely.

My guitarist grew up in Panama, speaks with a thick accent, and does not drive. He produced a WA state ID card for the agent, but that wasn't good enough. "How come you don't drive ? Where's your green card ? (He was born in Kansas on a military base and thus a U.S. citizen.) I was biting my lip at the time. "I've dealt with you before" he says glaring at me. (Never seen him in my life.) "Okay guys, where's the stash ?" he barks as the other agent searches our belongings. Then came the coup de gras: "So what is the nature of your relationship boys? -Of course I knew what he was insinuating.

He finally ordered us to retrieve our tossed and torn luggage and go on our way. I did a slow burn for the rest of the day, and was so angry I could not sleep. At 7 AM I bounded out of bed, hastily dressed, and sprinted out of the hotel past startled bellhops and ran down the street toward the docks where the Custom's office is located. The breeze off my back was strong enough to turn a good sized windmill. Panting, I loudly banged on the door. A couple surprised agents gawked at me.


"Uh Sir, I think the agent you are referring to does not come on duty until 9 AM" an agent said with a sly smile. The other agents were actually cracking up inside !

Just about this time my guitarist shows up, corrals me, and takes me away apologizing the whole time to the agents who were enjoying my display. Thinking back, I am grateful he was not there as I am an average built fellow, while 'Jesse' went about 6'4" 275 pounds, bald, goatee, and looked like he had been in more than a few. I would have no doubt ended up in the hospital, jail, or both !

The good news is that after I cooled down and made a phone call or two, we were granted an audience across town with a high-up in Canadian Customs and Immigration. She interviewed us for over an hour. Every detail was covered. She had already heard about my early morning visit to the docks.

In a nutshell I explained that we don't at all mind being profiled, but we do not want to be treated rudely or have our luggage broken if we are cooperating and not acting like belligerent 'ugly Americans.' I also reminded her that neither Ahmed Rasaam, (LAX terminal bomber caught in Port Angeles) Timothy McVeigh, nor any of the 911 hijackers had long hair. Despite playing in Rock bands for over 25 years, I have never used drugs. Of the musicians I know that have used drugs, let's just say the movie "Midnight Express" made quite an impression on them, and they would never dream of taking drugs across the border hidden in vehicles or instruments.

The high-up apologized profusely and hinted that this was not the first complaint lodged against 'Jesse Ventura' and action would be taken.
"The high-up apologized profusely and hinted that this was not the first complaint lodged against 'Jesse Ventura' and action would be taken."
I think you were abused again in an entirely different way.
I think you were abused again in an entirely different way.

Possibly, but she was writing down and recording everything we were saying, and seemed genuinely concerned. You never know though.
I have a friend with a similar US to Canadian customs story to Jim Keenan (2nd post). My friend and his friends were going camping and fishing, and they received the same unpleasant treatment at the border. Except that they were pulled over, and Canadian customs started going through all their belongings and the vehicle looking for hidden firearms. My friend and his friends did not have any with them, but at that point my friend suddenly realized that he had borrowed the vehicle from a separate colleague who was not traveling with them, and my friend had a bad moment wondering if that colleague had left a handgun in the vehicle. Fortunately that was not the case, so they passed Customs (minus some overage on alcohol) and enjoyed their trip.

Moral of the story? If you borrow something make sure it is "clean" for the trip north!
Since I started this thing, I'll contribute.

I tried to get a shorter entry at 1,000 Islands by pulling up to a line with no cars in it. Above, was a sign indicating that French was spoken going through this particular booth.


It wasn't, and the sign was an oversight from the shift before. We very nearly got the out of the car third-degree and rubber hoses routine from the none-too pleased anglophone Canadian customs agent.

those are :cuss:good reasons to stay out of canada.:uhoh:if enuf americans stayed out [toristas]may be some one would get the idea.things have changed since I went there and not for good.I still steam at the canadian legion for ripping me off in money exchange.I would never go there again.:fire:
I have many Canadian friends, and most of them say it's turned into a friggin' insane asylum up there,especially with issues concerning firearms or foreigners.
And we're about three places in line behind 'em. :(
As I've said here before, Mom is from Winnipeg, Dad is from Calgary. They have dual-citizenship, wintering in Florida every winter (and have for 30 years). Sadly, even THEY (who aren't shooters, gun enthusiasts or hunters) say that they're tired of funding the insanity of their anti-gun policies. At last count, according to them, the registration process was in the red by over 300 million dollars (that was originally projected to cost only $20 million for 5 years).

When tax-payers start voting with their brains instead of anti-gun emotions in the Great White North, maybe there'll be a turnaround. Until then, expect them to do just what the U.K. has done... continue to raise taxes for programs that are doomed from the start -- only as feel-good knee-jerk laws. Personally, higher taxes does NOT make me feel good.
Law enforcement officers should not attempt to enforce laws they do not know.

Those who violate that principle they obviously are not enforcing laws. They are abusing people under the color of law.

Any law enforcement agency that shelters them is not worthy of respect by citizens or law enforcement professionals.
Two Years Ago

Almost two years ago I visited a friend in Bonners Ferry (North Idaho) and, while there, we figured we'd take a quick jaunt up into BC and look at the scenery.

Having parked all the rifles and ammo at his house, and having done a thorough second sweep to make sure, we set off to visit our "Canadian Friends" some 35 miles up the road.

At the border, we were met with the "do you have any guns in the car" question. In response, I raised my eyebrows and asked the young lady, "Why? Do we need one?" The wry and sarcastic reply was, "only if you want to go to jail."

We were only up there for half an hour or 45 minutes, and turned around. The US customs guys were very suspicious at first ("you mean to tell us you drove into Canada and only stayed for half an hour?") and figured we must be transporting something. I gave them all the info on where we were staying, who we were staying with, and so on, and then asked, "hey, where's the best spot to watch the fireworks?"

I explained that we had cut short our visit because we wanted to get a decent seat for one of the better displays. Our final five minutes with Customs was quite pleasant, and they gave us some good advice about where the best fireworks would be, and where to park for the best view.

At the time, I figured the Canadian border agent's gun question was a personal quirk, but since then it's become evident that it's policy.

Sad, really.

The Canadians fear that we may be bringing them guns.

The Americans fear that we may be bringing them drugs.

All we wanted to do was take pictures of the mountains and enjoy the fireworks.

Fine bunch of smugglers WE are.

I was asked if I had any firearms and also if I had any pepper spray and impact weapons (i.e. asp or PR-24). Weird
And the divide between LE and Citizen continues to grow..... I know It's only canada... But this is not far off from some of my experiences here in the U.S.A.

I live in California - this is MUCH BETTER than experiences in the U.S.A. They got their guns back and weren't charged for being within the law, how novel.
I'm a Dual citizen. Born in Canada - raised in Canada and the US. America is now my permanent home. Having seen the lunacy that takes place in Canada on a daily basis, I'll take my chances with the crazies down here thank you very much.
... and that if she took the firearms it would be and is in fact theft of private property that was being transported legally. Furthermore to take the firearms without a lawful reason was an abuse of her authority.
This is the approach that should be used almost universally when police illegally seized not just firearms but any private property.

At least in the United States, a peace officer does not commit a crime, and can certainly sometimes be excused, when there is a mistake of fact. However, a "mistake" of law is another matter - and willful disregard for statute law is yet another matter altogether.


Well, I guess its up to me to stand up for Canada. Most Canadians now live along the 49th parallel and have been conditioned from birth to fear all you gun toting Americans. Its well known in Canada that you guys will take every opportunity to shoot up the place if given half a chance. We've all seen the movies and TV shows. The border guards no doubt expected you to have guns. They probably expected you to shoot your way across the border. However, if you ever do get across the border and are driving to Alaska via Hwy 16 and Hwy 37, send me a PM. You can stop by and I'll show you some Canadian hospitality. We can even go shooting. Unlike many Canadians, I'm fairly well armed. :D
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