Bad day at the range. . . .

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Honestly.. I went to the range yesterday and there was a match going on. Kinda bummed me out because there was a benchrest match going on and I of course have to obey the range rules of the match. I Brought 250 rounds of ammo and used 35 in 3-1/2 hours. I would have preferred to shoot at my own pace, however, shooting at that particular range was the last thing me and my Dad did together. So I appreciate every minute I shoot for all the ones he won't. Don't mind me... rough day, father's day. I'd shoot in death Valley for 5 minutes of range time again.
I built my own range, it can be your's too if you can find it.
An old Zen Master once said "If your doing 'it' and 'it' ain't fun, then why are you doing 'it'?
When I am shooting, I am training. I will introduce bad mags, bad ammo, even a bad gun, just to make the training a learning experience. That does not mean I make it a torture session. 'Perfect' Practice Makes Perfect Muscle Memory. If your dieing from the heat or from chiggers and mossies your practice is not perfect. Go home, turn-up the AC and practice dry-fire indoors, thats what the TV is for, it's a training tool! Believe me if push comes to shove and you are in a swamp with chiggers and leaches sucking away on you but the bad guy is 6 feet away, you'll be as still as a stump and your muscle memory will be intact.
The only bad days I have had involved going when I had a time constraint on myself. I also have decided that if I bring a newbie, I'm not going to try and shoot myself. When I shoot I go into my zen-forget everything zone. Anything that tries to pull me out of it winds up annoying the heck out of me.
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