Bad parent because I have guns in the house, please help

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Some have touched on this a little, but it bears really considering.

A woman that would berate someone in whose home she is a guest, especially for that long, is quite literally somewhat emotionally unstable. Be polite, but firm, and remove her at the best opportunity, and NEVER allow her into your home again, (or lives as much as possible) because the next rant of your unfitness as a parent may very well be a "they have a house full of guns and children" call to some government agency.

People like this are best kept on the far side of a good fence.
It doesn't really matter the subject of the tirade. Immediately upon her statement that I was a bad parent, I would have stopped her, explained that she was overstepping the bounds of propriety by insulting me in my home, in front of my guests. Further, if she were to persist, she would be invited to leave. If she were to refuse to leave, I would have no qualms about calling the police and having her removed as a tresspasser.

I got married at the age of four dozen (thus, I have no kids to worry about). Prior to that, I would host between three and five parties a year. Many of these are the stuff of legend. I have dealt with pretty much everything: belligerent party crashers, a guy's ex-wife and his current girlfriend are both there, fighters, drunk and pukey chicks, and, yes, vociferous, opinionated walking, talking anii.

Everything has its solution and the best one for those last-mentioned pests is simple ejection. "You!! Out!!" Get help if necessary, usually not, they act all hurt, then promise not to do it again. My reply is, "You can do whatever you want, you just don't get to do it here anymore." If you want to be a real poo-poo head, get the licence number and call the cops.

The point here is that the guest displayed shockingly rude behavior and she should have been dealt with on that basis.

Play nice with the other kids, or hit the door...

I can honestly say we dont know anyone like that. If that did happen in my home I think my wife would handle it in a manner unbecoming a southern lady faster than I could get out my chair.
Ask her to leave, politely, and never invite her back into your home. My g/f has a liberal friend (who is an idiot) but is very nice and fun to be around. Even she has the sense to shut up around her and I. I'd say cut that "friend" loose and find another to fill the void. No one will tell me how to raise my children.
TH3180 said:
Bad parent because I have guns in the house, please help

No problem, send the guns to me. ;)

(In case someone hasn't already made the suggestion. I only read the first page.)
my house? i woulda brought my 8 year old out to the side yard to shoot and give the 3 year old her first bb gun lesson. and all the menfolk would shoot a lil skeet. i do have a logistics problem only have 6 sets of muffs but i have 500 pair of foam plugs so we could work it out
1) Owning firearms is a choice, one that FREE persons can make.
2) Others may not like the choice you make and will make a point of showing you your error.
3) The greater burden of humility is on the superior character. SunTzu had conflict analyzed correctly, avoid it.
4) Liberals are not influenced by facts. They are by definition solipsists, everyone else is wrong.
5) Be the parent you wanted to have. Joe
Wow, I'm happy for me to say I never had that problem. But my ex-wife and I both carried handguns due to our jobs, and most of our friends worked for the same employer.:D

If someone did that to me in my house, she would have been escorted to the door and hopefully it would hit her in the rear as she walked through it. And my ex would have done the same.
...then(she) went into a 30 minute rant about what a horrable parent I am.

We have little terrier/chihuahua mix. Sometimes a squirrel in a tree or a cat on the fence or... I don't know... maybe a leaf blowing by the window will set her off. She barks and yaps and froths at the mouth and looks pretty silly. It goes on for about 30 minutes and nothing will calm her down. The only thing to do is put her in a different room and ingnore her until she calms down.

Try that.
My now adult children have thanked me repeatedly for teaching them about hunting and fishing. They are sometimes doumbfounded by the stupidity shown by some of their peer group. I have to think the gal in the OP never had any fun!
Ask the woman if she would mind if next year you had yourself a nice, deep, big smimming pool built for all the neighborhood kids to play and have lots of fun in. After she responds with glowing approval, remind her that it is statistically 10x more likely that a child will die in a swimming pool than with a gun. Considering that around 50% of homes have guns, MORE in rural areas, and far less than 50% of households have a pool, a pool is FAR more dangerous to her precious child than any gun, regardless of the storage conditions. The damned fact is that the VAST majority of gun accidents involving kids happen in homes where the adults are very irresponsible, drug addicted, absent, etc.
Taking into consideration that guns are actually used to save lives on more than a few occasions and swimming pools are not, to demonize guns is the height of stupidity.
Lastly, educate the foolish woman with one last, unimpeachable statistic: between 80-100 kids per year under the age of 14 are killed in gun accidents. Bicycles? Thousands. Skateboards? FAR, FAR more. Falls? 10x MORE than guns. Car accidents? 20x more than guns! Poisonings? MORE. Shall we go on?
I won't even mention that any `child' who is over the age of around 5 years old, who doesn't know basic gun safety, has an irresponsible parent.
My 2 1/2 year old boy KNOWS gun safety. He KNOWS not to touch the trigger or it will shoot and someone will get hurt. He KNOWS to tell mommy or daddy if he finds a gun. I TEST him with unloaded guns, often. It's our job to prepare our children for the real world.
I probably would not have thrown her out as I am a believer in old fashioned notions of hospitality. However, I would never invite such a person into my home ever again.
I have a 3 year old, I own guns, and I live in CA.....It's not too hard to find people that hate guns in the SF Bay Area, unfortunately most of my wives friends feel this way, and my wife doesn't really like guns either. Fortunately my wife understands that I feel the need to be able to protect my family and understands that I enjoy shooting sports. I keep all my guns locked away safely unless they are on my person. I do think the quick access handgun safe is great for the bedroom. If you take reasonable precautions than your doing your job as a parent. Running accross people that don't share your beliefs is going to happen and you get the opportunity to show that your a better person. Liberals have a right to be afraid, they have no means to protect themselves. The only thing that stops a bad man with a weapon is a good man with a weapon. Educate as many people as you can. We have years worth of bad politicians and an incredibly biased media to overcome.

Some of you may notice that your post has disappeared.

The misogynist wisecracks aren't going to get any traction, and those who insist on indulging in that tack will earn some extra special infraction points.

Let's stay with the original topic: busybody acquaintance breaches rules of etiquette and oversteps personal boundaries, engaging in uninformed anti-gun rant and presumptuous, sanctimonious moralizing beyond both her appropriate scope of influence and her intellectual ability.

If you have to make it about sexual roles, you've missed the point by several minutes of angle.

So, can we stay on topic?


But seriously, such a rant would have made me feel extremely uncomfortable very quickly, under the circumstances. I would at least have asked her to keep her thoughts to herself, and reminded her that she was welcome to leave at any time. That usually gets the point across. I like a good debate as much as anybody, and normally I'd stand my ground and argue, but that would not have been a good time and place for it.
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I have more guns than kids, and most of the guns have been around longer than the kids have. As far as I'm concerned, they're staying. ;)

Manco, the first part of your post is the funniest thing I have read all evening :D.

And your advice in the latter part of the post was quite sound.
My brother is a LE training officer. His job is guns. Should he live apart from his boys? Or rent storage for his guns? Our dad taught us both to shoot when we were young (he served 2 tours in Vietnam with the USMC). Did teaching us responsibility and discipline somehow violate his duties as a father?

For the thousands of LEOs that daily place their lives in jeopardy for the safety of our communities, do their jobs automatically disqualify them as good parents?

Ridiculous. She obviously has no confidence in her own abilities with firearms and is projecting her fears onto you. And instead of learning from you how to safely handle and secure weapons, she thought it much easier to try to make the source of her anxiety disappear. I like the idea of teaching her to shoot. Converts are always welcome and much needed.

Sent from my ADR6300 using Tapatalk
WOW!! What a discussion!
TH3180 - like many of the others, I wondered about your enduring a verbal assault like that, in your own home, in front of your guests (friends?), and for that long. WHEW!!
That being said, your wife's BRILLIANT suggestion to try and take this misguided fool target shooting (probably never happen) is wonderful! If she DOES go, and find out that she likes the skill, precision, and effort it takes a newbie to get on target, your wife may have made a convert. Just start SMALL like with a .22 REVOLVER. An auto might kick too much and she might drop the gun. But, if you can get this woman to "readjust" her thinking, even a little, you've done a good thing! Go for it!
Yeah, you need to get rid of the guns for you childrens sake, and everyone needs to stop letting their kids into automobiles. Automobile accidents are the leading cause of death among kids. (at least I think I heard that somewhere)
You'd be a horrible parent if you had no real way of protecting your family from the evils in this world. As far as the chick, she would have been escorted out of my house immediately and told to never come back.


Keep your guns locked up when not in use, teach your kids gun safety. It's not that difficult. However, idiot anti's seem to think that a gun can break itself out of your safe, even load itself, and go shoot people on its own.
This is mainly about manners, tone of voice and socializing.

It´s nice to have discussions about things, if the participants actually
have an interest in the others view. If someone goes on a rant, to express
his/her superiority ... it is not a conversation. I wouldn´t put up with
it inside my home, nor outside or elsewhere.

you could easily take the wind from the sails of anyone who goes on
an unfounded rant by asking the parallel:
- do you drink? What kind of role model are you?
- have u ever driven too fast? What kind of role model are you?
- insert whatever
many many subjective imperfections in all of us.

But none of them can be talked about in a rude,respectless manner.

Telling other people how to raise their kids is about the most
stupid thing to do, if u wanna have a good time anywhere :)
It is the good and responsible parent that spends the time to properly educate his children the respect and proper way to use firearms. Then the child as he/she matures can develop their own views of gun ownership.
My parent's don't exactly love guns, I mean they are holding onto mine temporarily, but they just ask they be unloaded and on safe. I just have one thing to say about any kids I may have. They will be learning about guns from birth, just like they will be learning about working on bikes/cars, because I do those things in a safe manner.

I definately like the idea of taking her to the range (your better half taking her) I took my uncle, father, and sister to the range one day, with my Uncle being pretty anti-gun, and he ended up loving it. Saw how guns are to be treated, though his wife was not thrilled with the idea of him getting his own shotgun. :D

A gun (a typical gun) needs to be loaded, taken off safe, then have someone pull the trigger for it to go off. A car just needs a distracted driver, a pool just needs no fence and someone tripping, etc. With everything, you take reasonable precautions and you will be fine.

But if you are unsure about your parenting skills, I will be the third to mention that you are a bad parent and shouldn't have any guns in your house. I'll PM you my address.:evil:
Anyone that engages in an extended rant as a guest has violated the basic social contract as a guest. They've made themselves unwelcome.
Her problem is not that she's anti-gun. Her problem is that she's an ill-mannered boor. My response, delivered in front of everyone in a calm and analytical tone:

"Your problem is not that you're against guns. You're problem is that you were obviously raised by wolves. No, that's unfair... to wolves. Wolves as socially inept and abrasive as yourself would have been torn to shreds as pups by their fellows.

The simple truth is that you are an ignorant narcissist. You want what you want when you want it, and demand that your whims be catered to to the exclusion of everything else. The entire world and everyone in it revolve around you... or so you think. Leaving aside the question of whether you actually think in any meaningful way, you are utterly mistaken. Neither I nor anyone else have the slightest duty to jump when you snap your expensively (and tastelessly) manicured fingers. You are entitled to your opinions, no matter how juvenile or unrelated to reality. You are, in the proper setting, even entitled to express them in a polite and civilized way. What you are NOT entitled to is to come into someone else's home as a GUEST, and rudely and ignorantly berate your hosts for their legal and rationally arrived at choices. That you do so anyway indicates that you lack the manners of a chimpanzee. You act solely on egocentric impulse with no more self-control than a two year old. It also indicates that your parents failed in their duty to properly educate you to live among civilized human beings. Whether this was by design or a lack of ability on their part is not known to me. Regardless, you are a savage, lacking in basic decency.

While I am loathe to feed your self-absorbed sense of entitlement, my wife has done you the boon of bringing you your coat. Please take it, leave and do not return."

I'm not sure whom I'd rather see give that speech in a movie, Sir John Gielgud or William F. Buckly, Jr.
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