Baltimore Woman Says She'll Use Gun Buyback Cash to Pay for an Even Bigger Gun

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Dang, up to $500 for guns. Classic has had a complete lower for $79.99 for some time. And complete uppers for $199.99... A $280 AR, I’m pretty sure that would fetch the $500 to get an AR off the streets... For the chillins you know.

Smart woman.

A few years ago, a fuzzy brained left wing priest in Denver misused parish funds to buy back guns. One of his own parishoners sold a few Saturday night shooters to buy an AR-15! At least that was what he told the Denver Post.:D
I'm surprised- usually they offer gift cards to retailers that don't sell guns or ammo. With cash, someone can get rid of a crime gun and replace it, upgrade an inferior gun, or just buy drugs.
If I ever catch wind of a gun buyback in my neck of the woods that was buying back guns at a fraction of their cost, I’d love to interdict people on their way in and see if they’d like to sell to me instead for a bigger payout. “Oh you have an M1A that you’re turning in for $200? I’ll give you $400 for it.”

And before any nervous Nellies chime in, I’d only do this if legally permissible. I’d also ask for a ID so that if the next day, I found out the gun I just bought was used in a murder I would know who sold it to me.
I'm just a tulala so perhaps this is too far past my comprehension but what if the "buy-backs" are simply step one of a larger plan?

Consider- when the buy-backs don't reduce violence the state claims it's the right idea it's just that pesky 2nd and 5th amendment won't let them take it far enough. Further if you compensate for the property the subject uses the money to defeat the purpose. Since the subjects need to be "enticed" to remove weapons from the street then it has to be under color of law. Keep in mind these people think in the long term not the short term and in most cases their strategy for complete gov control is "death by a thousand cuts."
Why do government entities insist on calling gun turn in's for cash buybacks? How can you buyback something you didn't sell?
Mostly I think these things are just a fairly gormless attempt at reducing the "supply" of guns, on the theory that guns are either pathogens or vectors for violence; the disease model of "gun violence" is very popular these days in some circles, although it is imbecilic. But it's voluntary. If someone thinks sinking a bunch of money into this is a good idea, let them try (as long as it's not my tax dollars at work).

The only part of it that I find troubling is the possibility that, at some point in the future if some mandatory confiscatory policy is enacted, there will be a record of "tens of thousands" of people "selling millions of guns" for $50 or $200... and those may be argued to be the real "fair value" of firearms on a large scale. Which would be a joke, of course. But absolutely something I could see anti-gunners arguing in an effort to keep the cost of a mandatory buyback under the annual DoD budget figure.
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