Bank Rent-a-cop guns are.. FAKE!!

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Dec 22, 2002
Houston, Texas
So the weather's been gettin' pretty hot, and so this rent-a-cop walks out of the bank to have a smoke; meanwhile, he's sweatin' up a storm. So he adjusts his belt and holster, and I notice something that caught my eye.

He lifts his pants up, and readjusts his holster, one of those with the tip cut out; and the tip is...


That means it's a plastic BB gun! So I'm curious, and I venture closer.. and sure enough, the safety on the back of his Beretta is a weldied piece of plastic..

I figured as much because only cops can own guns here in Taiwan.. and the Rent-a-cops can't..

What's amazing to me is, even when the entire Taiwan knows this; bank robberies go down significantly at banks that have "armed" security, even when people know the guns are fake. I guess people think "The guns are fake, but I wouldn't want to take my chances on account that one of them happens to be real." I hope I get to take a pic of it, but I brought up my camera, and the guy stared me down, so I didn't take a pic.. arrrg...

Next time though...

What this however does prove to me is that even dummy guns deter crime...

That's hillarious!
Private ownership of a firearm in Taiwan is an capital crime, carrying the death penalty, from what I heard. Considering you want to deter Communist China from invading, the "American Solution", i.e., "...a rifle behind every blade of grass", would work wonders.....:scrutiny:
...heehee,....changes the the old line about bringing a "Knife to a Gun fight".......knife wins in this senario.
The scary part is being on a flight that makes an unscheduled landing in Taiwan when you are flying with guns. :uhoh:
Hong Kong is also a problem area to go through.

And that rent a cop... I bet his belt and holster was white.
Italians sure love white holsters. :confused:

Also makes you wonder what was in the mag pouches. CO2 cartridges? :p

If you have problems taking photos, get a cell phone with a camera. ;)
Not only do the security guards at a local mall carry no guns,at all, the mall manager makes them fill out their reports in CRAYON because he won't let them have anything sharp.
If he sharpie'd the tip, that would have gotten him 20 years in the slammer.. so I don't think he was going to do that anytime soon...

Grrrrr I'm gonna get a pic...
I'd be too scared to carry a fake gun. That can get you killed really quick. Better to go unarmed and let the world know. What a way to make a living.
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I've always wondered what benefits/consequences there would be if you did the OPPOSITE?

What if you took a REAL gun and put an orange tip on the barrel? Carry it openly in a holster with the tip showing. Would anyone - esp. LEO's - care?

What else could a person get away with?
If you don't mind my asking...

What the heck are you doing living in Taiwan? Seems like a place someone who believes in freedom pretty much wouldn't want to live. A capital offense for private ownership of a firearm? Heck I don't even think Hitler went that far. Sure he killed a lot of folks - some for some pretty odd reasons - but not just for owning a gun.

What's the deal with Taiwan anyway?
Nobody here has a clue as to what a bank " Guard" does. I worked for a security company that had armed security officers art banks. I was the area guy that made sure they were doing their jobs. In the 3 years in this position I inventigated 1 shooting in a bank, 1 security officer knocked out with a baseball bat, and one with a shotgun pointed in his face. All were armed, and with the first shooting, my guy put him down. Don't belittle the low paid guy or gall in front of the bank....
What am I doing in Taiwan?

#1) Get myself a wife
#2) Develop a business

Let's see.. this past year, I paid... $0.52 in taxes..

Let's see, the company I started here will have 0% tax for the rest of the corporation's life, and I will be getting a 5% RETURN on all my listed expenses..

Taiwan isn't that free compared to America as far as social issues, (I try to fight the urge to spit at Chang Kai Shek everytime I see his pic) but in terms of economics, all the asian countries are light-years ahead of America in that respect..

I would like to get my business going and operate it 100% from America.. So hopefully, that will occur next year so I can move back..

But don't knock what you don't know yet.. but in the case of Taiwan, knock all you want, it's probably true..
At least the armoured car guards in China had a real gun.

Mind you, it was a little PPK knock-off, and only one of them was armed, but even that beats having a plastic gun!

Uh, no, I didn't mean Glocks. Really. I didn't.



So, Twoob, how's the #1 part coming along?
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