Best wives

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Nov 7, 2016
Green Mountains
For all the grief my wife can give me about certain things, we can lock horns pretty good and can't get on the same wavelength, but when it comes to being supportive overall and all that, she is great. When my daughter was doing Karate twice a week she would always run in to the couple stores close by to the dojo that sold ammo and pick up ammo and shotgun shells that I needed for trap and when she can, she will go to my trap shoots whenever she can just to watch and I appreciate her big time for that.

She bought me my Glock 17 over a decade ago and today for my birthday she picked up a nice 870 express magnum she saw me eyeballing a few days ago, wanted to make it a surprise for my birthday, now she has a trap gun to use when she is able to shoot again and now we have a loaner gun we can let others use should they ever want to shoot trap. She is the greatest. Anybody else have a wife like that?
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Mine orchestrated keeping a rare aluminum alloy FN P35 (High Power) out of my hands for 3 months after I gushed about them so a dealer friend could hand pick one and get it to her to give as a Christmas present for me. AND she made sure the local custom shop was ready to turn the Argentine FM Detective and this alloy P35 into a custom carry piece. I'd say that was pretty special except I think she more enjoyed putting me through months of torment I went through trying to get our dealer friend to sell one to me as he put me off and put me off (I know he enjoyed tormenting me as well). Hmmmmm

OTOH, she shoots CZ pistols (started out with a TZ Silver Team .45ACP) and owns several now, has two ARs in 30 cal, wants to get a space gun paint job on a bullpup semi shotgun. Oh, and we used to take some serious defensive shooting courses when she first got interested.
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Mine orchestrated keeping a rare aluminum alloy FN P35 (High Power) out of my hands for 3 months so a dealer friend could hand pick one and get it to her to give as a Christmas present. AND she made sure the local custom shop was ready to turn the Argentine FM Detective and this alloy P35 into a custom carry piece. I'd say that was pretty special except I think she more enjoyed months of torment I went through trying to get our dealer friend to sell one to me as he put me off and put me off (I think he enjoyed tormenting me as well). Hmmmmm
Lol. That's a keeper..... I have to be careful not to make too much noise about things that are out of our range or she will go out and make it happen. I know how she can be so I didn't even ask to handle the Browning 725 12ga that was on the rack, I knew my birthday was around the corner and if I had indicated in any way, she would have went and spent $1800 we "do not" need to spend. Lol.

She just got a $2K work bonus and I know she would have spent it all if I gave her any indication. As it is, with the 870 I tried to throw her off the scent the other day by saying I already had the best 870 there was and a handful of other shotguns and it wasn't a "need". She didn't listen
IMG_20220825_195613.jpg not sure the year or anything yet, definitely feels rough compared to my TB but I plan to shoot a couple hundred #8's, 25- 00B's, 25- 2 ¾ slugs this coming weekend to break it in and take it apart, polish the chamber, smooth up the action a bit and add a different LOP stock and/or spacers so that it fits my 6'3" frame a lip better and take a ½" off the existing stock so that it fits her 5'3" frame.

I don't know what it is but I just like to amass a pile of random shells and just run em through. I love 870's and 500's/590's.
My wife Kathy is not a shooter type. Damn shame as she would be great at marksmanship. She has however, always been very supportive of my love of the shooting sports. Over all the years she has surprised me with several guns as gifts and years ago my Oehler 35P chronograph. We do have a humor thing we share. I really like the Colt Series 70 guns and if we come across one she knows I want she will ask "don't you have one of those"? I reply "yes honey but not one with this serial number". She has no problem with my gun buying or reloading components but if I see a gun I really want at a price point over $1,000 I will always ask before I comit to the buy. She bought me my M1A maybe 25 years ago for Christmas and she bought my Marlin 444 lever gun. She has made trips with me to the outdoor range where she is content to enjoy the outdoors and enjoy a good book hanging out in the truck. I did much worse before I found her 35 years ago. :) Great cook and great at managing finances and while I also enjoy cooking I have no desire to manage finances. :)

View attachment 1098762not sure the year or anything yet, definitely feels rough compared to my TB but I plan to shoot a couple hundred #8's, 25- 00B's, 25- 2 ¾ slugs this coming weekend to break it in and take it apart, polish the chamber, smooth up the action a bit and add a different LOP stock and/or spacers so that it fits my 6'3" frame a lip better and take a ½" off the existing stock so that it fits her 5'3" frame.

I don't know what it is but I just like to amass a pile of random shells and just run em through. I love 870's and 500's/590's.
NICE! love the 870 express, I shoot that at the trap range and people are surprise that i can constantly shoot 23-24’s birds with that, snd that from Olympic style low ready.
....if we come across one she knows I want she will ask "don't you have one of those"? I reply "yes honey but not one with this serial number".


My wife hasn't bought me any guns but I'm feeling pretty lucky to have a Massachusetts woman who supports us owning and shooting them. She was still kind of uncertain when I bought her a Single Six, felt better about the Wrangler, but was all in when she shot the Bearcat I found her. It was her idea when we last went to the range. It helps, I guess, that she can absolutely blow the center ring out of her targets with a gun that fits her.

Anybody need a Single Six or Wrangler? I should put another Bearcat in reserve. (Two is one....)
My wife isn't a gun enthusiast, but she is a hard worker. I'm "sponsored" for 3-gun and the range that sponsors me is a small operation. However, I made an arrangement with the owner that any brass collected off the concrete shooting pad is mine and any brass in his buckets on the shooting pad we split 50/50. My wife now willingly and eagerly goes to the range when it is closed down (we've been given the combo to the gate) and collects brass. A few months back, the price for scrap brass was $2.54 a pound. You know how much a 5 gallon bucket of brass weighs? She was able to pay for her trip home to Peru to visit her family with her earnings, and the range owner gets a cleaned range AND a surprise paycheck periodically. Everybody wins, but my wife is definitely a winner.
The thread's title is a bit sexist, we must have women shooters who put up with their spouses, but in keeping to the intent of this thread:
Sounds like all of us posters married the right spouses.
Mine is not real interested in shooting unless the facility has a flush toilet bathroom and an air conditioned room to watch from.....HOWEVER, whenever she sees a handgun or rifle mentioned on TV or in a magazine I am reading she askes if I have one and if not why not. Encourages me to go to the club's range weekly to keep up my shooting skills and puts up with me converting 1/2 of our (her) excercise/art room into a reloading center. Laughts when I tell her I am going to the gun room. Which is the laundry/food pantry room except it also contains the gun safe, ammo storage and gunsmithing equipment. She only askes that I don't ding up the new washer & dryer.
BTW, ever try to find a recoil spring that launched behind the washing machine/

Back when I was racing sports cars she was under the car right with me, she painted the entire engine bay.

On another forum I told the story of her saying "just buy the thing" when talking about heritage revolvers. I don't know how I got so lucky.

She shoots, but not much, she did sporting clays hot and heavy before covid and has not really gotten back "into" it. Once and a blue moon she will come out back to shoot. If she is in town she will ask we need any X, so and so has some. I would have half the ammo I do if not for her.

Add to all that she is also a hottie.

We have been married 37 years now, and I married her at 18, and no I did not "have" to. I also can't think of the last time we "locked horns", sure we get on each others nerves now and again, people are people, but I can't remember the last "fight".

How she has stayed with this ADHD dufus I have no idea, but for me the world revolves around her.
There are two possible beneficial attitudes of wives regarding guns: either she is supportive of your gun interest, or she doesn't care at all and stays out of it completely. (There is a third possibility, where she is opposed to guns, but we won't go there.) I think, on the whole, that I would prefer that my wife not concern herself at all with the guns. Remember that support can easily turn into opposition, considering how fickle women are. There are plenty of divorce horror stories, of men being taken to the cleaners. When it comes to women, it's best to plan your life defensively. It doesn't matter how much you think you're in love. The statistics are there for all to see.
There are two possible beneficial attitudes of wives regarding guns: either she is supportive of your gun interest, or she doesn't care at all and stays out of it completely. (There is a third possibility, where she is opposed to guns, but we won't go there.) I think, on the whole, that I would prefer that my wife not concern herself at all with the guns. Remember that support can easily turn into opposition, considering how fickle women are. There are plenty of divorce horror stories, of men being taken to the cleaners. When it comes to women, it's best to plan your life defensively. It doesn't matter how much you think you're in love. The statistics are there for all to see.
Thanks for the relationship lesson professor, and the downer.

How's your wife?
.My wife doesn't roll her eyes any more when I come home with a new gun. I count that as a good sign.
I just can't get her to budge on a newer truck.
I have the opposite problem. My wife is constantly asking why I don't just go buy a new truck every time I pay the repair bill on my old 2004 Ford Ranger. Have you ever tried to trade a 2004 with 185k miles and $2,500 for a new one? Me neither. The '04 is paid for and insurance is cheap.
As long as I present her with a nice piece of jewelry whenever I buy a new gun, all is well. We came to an understanding the day I explained to her that guns are to guys what jewelry is to gals.
Needless to say, it is a rare thing these days when I bring home a new gun!
There are two possible beneficial attitudes of wives regarding guns: either she is supportive of your gun interest, or she doesn't care at all and stays out of it completely. (There is a third possibility, where she is opposed to guns, but we won't go there.) I think, on the whole, that I would prefer that my wife not concern herself at all with the guns. Remember that support can easily turn into opposition, considering how fickle women are. There are plenty of divorce horror stories, of men being taken to the cleaners. When it comes to women, it's best to plan your life defensively. It doesn't matter how much you think you're in love. The statistics are there for all to see.
Yikes man. I'm familiar with these types of relationships, I've seen people I'm close to and others get cleaned out and were lucky to keep the clothes on their backs. Not exactly what I was touching on in this particular thread.

What's nice is when your wife who you figure isn't paying attention or caring about your interests whatsoever, actually is and goes out and does something thoughtful. My wife sent me this meme one day, it seemed rather fitting. IMG_20210918_141837.jpg
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