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Better not have your kids pose with a gun

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I've been watching this all day on our local news station,I live on merritt island on the coast just north of palm bay. This guy is a convicted felon for previous firearm violations and the girl wasn't his daughter and the parents supposedly knew nothing about the pics. FWIW if anyone let my son handle a gun without my knowledge when he was 6 years old he would be in for a world of hurt and then I would call the law.:fire:
The article makes a huge deal out of the kid holding the gun. "Disturbing" they say.
Well I can imagine how it would be disturbing with:

1) the guy being a convicted felon in possesion of firearms

2) the guy using a stolen cell phone to take the pics

3) The guy forcing the child to pose for the pics while holding a firearm

4) The child having her finger on the trigger in those pics

Did you really need more to think it disturbing? Wow, that surprises me. . So I too am happy that the additional info from Home Depot George was given:

5) the child in the pics was not the guy's own child

6) that the child's parents were unaware of what was going on

If this had been my child, and I had caught this guy doing this, he would have been in a world of hurt. This was totally inappropriate behavior.

All the best,
How in the world did a convicted felon gain unsupervised access to a 6 year old girl. Some parents should be sterilized.
"How in the world did a convicted felon gain unsupervised access to a 6 year old girl."

The parents may not be at fault here. Since we're not allowed to "brand" felons it is kind of hard to tell who they are. Most people trust their neighbors and many would be surprised at how many criminals are living amongst us. That was the whole idea behind Megan's Law but that only covers sex offenders.
The parents may not be at fault here. Since we're not allowed to "brand" felons it is kind of hard to tell who they are. Most people trust their neighbors and many would be surprised at how many criminals are living amongst us. That was the whole idea behind Megan's Law but that only covers sex offenders.

Then let me restate.

How in the world did a man gain unsupervised access to a 6 year old girl. Some parents should be sterilized.
I saw this on the Drudge Report this morning. My first thought was-to bad it wasn't in D.C. that should have been the proof that their silly ban isn't working. As is it shows the fallicy of gun control (as we already now).
How in the world did a man gain unsupervised access to a 6 year old girl. Some parents should be sterilized.
I agree with you there. It does raise the question if the parents are related to perp.:scrutiny:
Longdayjake: at least you're starting him off with the right rifle :cool:
My little guy hasn't posed with any guns yet, but he does have a strong attraction to gun magazines (the paper variety). He always wants to show me the Kimber ads in American Rifleman.

yea, the guy in question in the article...holy crap. He's gonna be looking at alot of jail time. I dont even want to know what the hell he was intending with the pictures of a girl that he didnt know holding a gun while he snapped pics. I'll just assume it involved disgust, and hope that this guy gets locked up.
[SARCASM]How dare you evil people take pictures of your innocent children posing with these deadly weapons! Don't you know this kind of thing leads to family values, respect, and togetherness?[/SARCASM]
The guy mentioned in the story sounds like he doesn't have 2 brain cells to rub together, a convicted felon taking a picture of a gun he's not supposed to be in posession of with a stolen cell phone, but it sounds like the kid is innocent, and had the courtesy not to drop the hammer on her dad.
P.S.- great pics THR'ers! Start 'em young and teach 'em right!
He was bright enough to have the gun pointed at him being (apparently) unloaded (four out of six chambers). He was bright enough to breathe on his own.
Other than that, he seems to be dumb as a post.
All cute kids guys...

But Jakes pic takes the cake...It would have been even better if he had on camo clothes...maybe even a little boonie hat..

As far as my kids and guns...I have a 15 year old son that is starting to outshoot me on a regular basis....at ranges exceeding 600 yards...and I ain't half bad myself.

Needless to say he got an early start.
What? No Cricket for the little girl on the right, SCPigpen?

Out of the thousands of pictures my Pop took, I wish I could find a couple I know he did of me behind a Browning water-cooled machine gun (DEWATed) mounted in the back of his 1929 Ford pickup in the mid-forties.

I would have been five or six years old.

Mom made him get rid of it.

The machine gun, not the pickup.
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