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Blatant Anti-Gun Propaganda + bonus rant

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Oct 28, 2008
On the elevator today at work (downtown chicago), the in-elevator television service Captivate Network (more like Captive Network) displayed a news blurb which read like the following-

A new study funded by city mayors has concluded that areas with lax gun laws have a higher rate of handgun murders with legally purchased firearms than places with stricter gun laws.

Now, on the surface that appears to be saying that Lax gun laws.= More murders., and all the antis will read that in between sips of their lattes and have this partially digested piece of information reaffirm their unfounded beliefs that firearm laws save lives and that guns are inherently evil.

But what that study fails to mention is how "lax" gun laws compare to ALL rates of murder (firearm or otherwise) and also how it compares to ILLEGAL firearm murders. Because as the study reads, places like Chicago, New York, and Washington D.C. are completely safe from LEGAL handgun murders. Great. I feel a lot safer now. I think I'll go stroll around the projects knowing that no legal firearm will kill me.

I had to share this with someone and no one around me is sympathetic to 2nd amendment rights... :banghead: It's like living in a dystopian reality here... televisions everywhere, hanging over the streets, on elevators, in businesses, in resturants... all spewing out propaganda non-stop... huge Obama banners on lightpoles... Obama posters everywhere, in cubicles, in windows... obama stickers and shirts and hats... its starting to freak me out a little... he hasn't done a thing and he's being worshipped like a deity...

If you mention guns everyone looks at you like you're an insane criminal psychopath... I mentioned firearms to my roommate's girlfriend and all she said was "They need to get rid of them all." but the way she said it was so self-righteous and like it was the most obvious solution to all society's ills. I've seen multiple rallys against firearms, and they are predominately black people with signs like "Guns killed 3 kids in my neighborhood" and it's like maybe all the gangbangers should stop shooting each other. Maybe that's the problem, not the guns? Maybe your children need to stop killing each other?

And arguing with people all around me is the most infuriating thing ever... they just are totally set in their mentality that guns need to go. But then I say something like "Okay, gun laws are lax in the suburbs. Do you feel more or less likely to be shot there than the city?" "Oh i feel safer in the suburbs of course" "Well..." "well the city is different, people are crazy here." All the more reason for people to legally own firearms...

But then I think about it... gangbangers walking into a gun store and coming out with 3 or 4 aks, fooling around with them like they are toys, totally oblivious to the responsibility they entail. I mean, is that a "safer" reality? It's complicated I suppose.
Good job seeing through the propaganda. I am in a little bit of a dumb right now and couldn't get my head around the statement until you explained it (no legal handguns = no legal handgun murders). I usually pride myself on being able to see through stuff like this.
True gangbangers would never be able to buy that AK since they would fail the background check. Plus, its far more likely they'd buy some cheap handgun. They can't afford AKs.

Most purchases are from straw persons and from crooked dealers. More emphasis needs to be put on this, plus addressing the social and cultural cause of gun violence.

I see that as well - the elitest, holier-than-thou attitude of fervent antis. Normally they haven't thought it through or whatnot, they just think its the "obvious" solution and that anything else is crazy. To them, its like someone saying that 2+2 = 5 (the 1984 reference wasn't accidental ;-) ). Really, I truly believe that it is an attitude of "I am so much better than those low-life, uneducated, people-hating gun lovers."

And yea, I see that in the media as well. Sad, but what can you expect. At least in user-controlled media outlets, you'll find quite a bit of well-researched pro-liberty (pro-2A) videos. Unfortunately, most peope get their information from the boob tube and livejournal and take it as fact.
Good job seeing through the propaganda. I am in a little bit of a dumb right now and couldn't get my head around the statement until you explained it (no legal handguns = no legal handgun murders). I usually pride myself on being able to see through stuff like this.

It's very subtle and therefore a nice piece of dis-information. Its worded in a way that the quickest read (like the 30 seconds it's displayed while on an elevator) will read in a way that will promote gun laws.

It is blatantly propaganda, and it scares me... especially because its replayed all day throughout all of downtown, to everyone riding elevators. That is widespread proliferation of this propaganda.
After seeing the mayors tirade after the Heller decision its no surprise to hear of stupid misleading ads or studies or whatever you want to call them.
I just heard a 10 second blub about this "study" on the AM radio during their little news update at the top of the hour. I think was AP radio news.

It is undoubtedly propaganda, and they are absolutely laying the groundwork for a big push for more gun control.
What building is this?

Captivate network plays in most of the buildings around the city.

I think I saw this at 2 N riverside.

But Captivate network is all over the city in most of the major buildings elevators. They all play the same news blurbs and advertisments.
What you need to do is tape two flyers.

One reading, in bold font large print:

Another reading:
Unfortunately, that owuld just make 2A supporters look even more illegitimate. Sort of like the anti-America protestors who simply chant "death to israel, death to america" over and over. Obviously they have reasoning behind the statment but we don't hear that.

The antis won't hear it either.
Even though Chicago is very anti, I did however, hear one guy in a lobby today talking LOUDLy on his cell phone.

"yeah it was pretty cool.. he had like a semi-automatic submachine gun... when i shot it it didn't kick at all... it felt like shooting caps... i thought it was going to have a lot of recoil... now, the .45 pistol on the other hand..."

not the usual conversation downtown. the guy looked like a total ex-frat boy but whatever. one more vote for freedom.
Fantastic use of statistics there, especially since it's true (if misleading). You could have one murder in Houston with a legal handgun, and a million illegal handgun murders in Chicago, and with twisted media statistics you'd think Big Brother's actually doing a good job.
"They need to get rid of them all." but the way she said it was so self-righteous and like it was the most obvious solution to all society's ills.

I overheard the boss and a co-worker talking about guns a couple months ago but I kept my mouth shut (the lady boss was kinda giving it to the anti anyways) until last week when the one said have fun hunting next week, I hope you don't shoot yourself:barf:
Anti-gunners have the same rhetorical tricks as Holocaust deniers, and the same morals too.

It doesn't take long to learn all of their lies and tricks. Give it a little time and you'll be able to complete their sentences for them.
Wow having those TVs around everywhere seems strangely Orwellian. I've heard many bad things about Chicago from about a dozen folks. Only two who certainly don't live there anymore having anything nice to say. Having public broadcast, provided by a 'private' supplier funded by public monies no doubt just seems rather perverse, at least to me in the South. I don't care for cities and don't ever want to live near a real one (we have little BS cities that for some god forsaken reason want to be like NY, Chicago, Boston, Detroit, haven't they seen nothing ultimately good comes of it, we already got all the cities we need for the disappearing industry we have in this country).

Anyway you can book out of Chicago, I realize having a good secure job might make that difficult. But if you can drift down to the south and bolster our RKBA ranks.
(we have little BS cities that for some god forsaken reason want to be like NY, Chicago, Boston, Detroit, haven't they seen nothing ultimately good comes of it, we already got all the cities we need for the disappearing industry we have in this country).

Umm... we have pretty major cities actually, like Dallas, Houston, Miami, and Atlanta to name a few. And the reason people want their ville to be like NYC is because NYC has things like, oh I don't know, bars and clubs that stay open until 4am, some of the world's best museums, and any type of food you can imagine. The Dallas/Ft. Worth area is probably the closest thing the South has to NYC. By bashing cities you inadvertently make yourself look like a cultural philistine in the eyes of the antis. "See, he doesn't care about culture, he just wants to shoot things with his guns!" The fact is, you can have guns AND culture. Case in point, you can carry into the King Tut exhibit at the Dallas Museum of Art. And look! Nobody gets shot! It's not the cities, it's the political machines behind certain northern cities- and we all know their names.

Anyway you can book out of Chicago, I realize having a good secure job might make that difficult. But if you can drift down to the south and bolster our RKBA ranks.

Or he can stay and fight in Chicago. We need some voices in the cities.
Poor Obama. The higher they lift him, the farther he's gonna have to fall.

He's not going to have any time to mess with guns. No, he's going to be running like crazy just to stay in the same place.

-And is anyone surprised that there's some anti-gun bias on a news channel? Then shame on you!
And is anyone surprised that there's some anti-gun bias on a news channel? Then shame on you!

I'm not surprised of the bias, even though ideally news reports should be done by objective parties with nothing to gain, speaking only the truth...

It's more just the combination of everything I see downtown these days.

The security personel is crazy, since Obama is in and out of his office here. They shut down streets, erase people's cameras, cordon off sidewalks... homeland security, chicago police... secret service... some other kind of federal police....

add to that Obama's face staring at me from every corner...

add to that gigantic televisions above the streets (100 N. Dearborn)and perpetual newscasts piping from loudspeakers (401 N Michigan)...

And then what really got me was this "news" item of a "study" that manipulated data to basically confuse and obscure reality... to push an agenda... I mean, studies and news reports are supposed to enlighten and inform, not to perpetuate ignorance and fear...

All of this just really made me snap to attention and to ask myself, what is this city the forbearer of? I am living in one of the most important cities in the world, and what is it showing about in the future... how will your children live? In a fictitious media fantasy land where the truth is nothing but a pack of lies, believed only because of the constant bombardment of the same lies from media monopolies? Where the most basic human right to self-defense is traded for the illusion of security?

It is everything the great minds of the past warned us against. Selling out our freedoms for double-speak, in a repressive police state, with a brainwashed and cowardly populace happily trading rights for "safety".
Two thoughts come to mind 1) I expect that from most people in Chitown 2) IL is a great place to be from :D My brother and I grew up down state and had plenty of opportunity to shoot. Since moving to Chicago, he's totally swallowed the Chitown liberal anti-gun Kool Aide.:barf: Pathetic, just pathetic.:(
Two thoughts come to mind 1) I expect that from most people in Chitown 2) IL is a great place to be from My brother and I grew up down state and had plenty of opportunity to shoot. Since moving to Chicago, he's totally swallowed the Chitown liberal anti-gun Kool Aide. Pathetic, just pathetic.
I'm FROM Apartheid Chicago. My contempt for voluntary Chicagoans simply knows no bounds. They're like an idiot, constantly smashing his own fingers with a ballpeen hammer and saying, "Ow! Can't somebody stop this pain???"

Chicagoans are like North Koreans, if North Koreans could easily leave North Korea, but CHOSE to stay there.
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