Boy Scout Merit Badge Counselors May Become Felons

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Dec 19, 2012
If this bill becomes law, there will be a lot of unintentional consequences. Boy Scout Merit Badge Counselors will become felons if they teach the merit badge away from a "duly incorporated range". In many (most?) parts of the country, this merit badge is taught at a private location, as most ranges are too expensive.

While there are many, many more situations that are in the same boat, this is one that might possibly ring a bell with many Democrats on board with this bill.
I thought they created an exemption for temporary transfers of 7 days or something like that?
As I read it, you have to remain in the house or the land immediately around it. Fields don't count. You have to meet all the requirements. You walk into the fields to your private range, hand the Scout a rifle and instant felon.
Maybe it would be best to point out exactly which bill and quote the text so we can see what's being said.
The same thing would happen to a lot guys teaching a youngster to hunt or shoot in the woods. Sorry, a little boy can no longer be taken hunting with his best friend and his (friend's) dad. Sounds dumb to me.

IIRC there is a little footnote excluding immediate family BUT what about an uncle, grandparent, step-parent, non-married significant other, or family friend?)
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