Boycott Colorado Beer?

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Dec 22, 2008
Since Colorado seems to be close to passing more restrictive gun laws maybe
it's time to consider boycotting Colorado beer. This may give them some downsides to consider.
Uh...wut? :scrutiny:

You mean like, don't drink Coors :)barf:) to send a message about what the CO legislature is considering passing?

Unless you can point out pretty direct evidence that the head honchos at Coors :)barf: :barf:) are pushing for more gun control, that seems like a far stretch to make the point.

Besides, there are good beer companies (New Belgium, Breckenridge, Avery, Left Hand, etc.) which could be hurt by this who's staff and employees are probably just as opposed to these new acts as we are!
Hey...I promise to boycott Coors. But if they come out on our side, I'll buy a case just to support 'em!

(...water the plants with it or something...:D)
I think organizing a campaign to hit Colorado squarely in the tourism might make more of an impact on legislators than drawing the line at Coors. According to the Colorado Tourism Office it's an industry that employs about 200,000 people and brings in something in the realm of almost $10 billion, or put another way, $763 million in taxes (all data is circa 2007, from here)

And what can Colorado provide for tourists that you can't get in neighboring gun-friendly states like WY, MT, and UT (except legal weed)? There may be some uniquely Colorado attractions, but anything that would draw me to the state off the top of my head (skiing, hiking, camping, hunting, climbing) can be done in neighboring states.

The downside, of course, is the same argument that was put forward about beer above -- if a tourism boycott really gained momentum, a lot of the people getting directly hit in the wallet wouldn't be the bad guys. Of course, the threat may be enough to make an impact, and writing to elected officials in Colorado and telling them your tourist dollars are better spent elsewhere due to their repudiation of the US Constitution is an act all of us non-Coloradans can engage in that might help our brethren stuck on what appears to be that sinking ship.
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Joe Coors(R) lost to Ed Perlmutter(D) for the 7th district house seat in the last election. Joe's on our side. Drink all the beer you want.
The Coors family is pretty conservative. On the other hand, many of the craft breweries are located in very "blue" districts.
I don't see how colorado beer has anything to do with anything firearms related.

If you want to boycott something, how about boycotting all the gunstores that do not let you CCW in their store.

That's hyprocrisy at it's finest.
Oh come on, now ... what harm has beer ever- n/m.

On the other hand, I know LOTS of guys who go to CO for hunting tourism. NOT ANYMORE!

THAT'S how to hit em where it hurts. Don't like my guns? FINE. You won't see em in your state anymore.
I love beer, but most people from Colorado hate Texans. Not that this has anything to do with anything, really.
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