BP Smoke forums

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i got an email from kirk sayin smokey emailed him this morn and told him he was shuttin em all down i surely dont trust him yall can believe what ya want!
Thanks ET ... I talked on emails myself this AM ... don't know and haven't seen the one yur talkin' about but will take yur word on it.
If I had a dollar for everytime I said that about my forums you and I could be multimilliomaires.
If they all come back on line I'll have to say my trust is right... if not I'm certain Smokey would give the low down on what happened.
I have no idea what happened over on 1858 and I don't wanna know.
But I do want you to know I like the both a ya ... please don't forget that :banghead:
well, not everything. The hideout is shut down for good it seems. I noticed he did not mention that in his post about technical difficulties. he did mention this thread, and me if not by name.
Sorry for the inconvenience, guys. I assure you I didn't knock all of my sites offline to show anyone anything or as a response to any petty forum problems. http://1858remington.com/discuss/index.php?topic=3031.msg46813#msg46813

ET, you have a documented email from me saying what? Kirk said he never told you I had told him I was shutting them all down, but he did assume I had. In fact, I haven't told anyone I was shutting anything down. If anyone can prove otherwise or produce any form of communication where I made such a statement, please do.

rbertalotto, PMed you on 1858 in regards to the donation. If anyone has donated to the forum and would like their donation returned, please PM me on 1858.

Indy, I wasn't mentioning you, just hitting the gist of the thread here. If it appeared so, my apologies.
We did have a good thing going it is a shame indeed petty forum problems would have such an impact. Lets see how long it lasts without members. That is all.
well if what ya say is true smokey, explain why all yer other forums managed to make it back up , but the hideout wher the "little band" was is still null and void?
For clarification purposes for those that are not in the know here on this issue, I would like to explain.
I was approached in early December about setting up a a place for the core members of 1858 to hangout. Since this forum had experienced growing pains, and there were some that didn't like it, I thought it was a good idea. Once it was installed, the administrator began telling me who he didn't want in there. With selectivity in place, I invited no one.
The forum was called the Hideout. It was a wide open with no restraint in language, name calling or what could be said there
I did have two objections, the name and format implied that I was administrating a forum excluding certain people. I insisted it be renamed to show it belonged to someone else. The web address still had hideout in it, but it was now displaying another name.
The only other objection I had was when they pushed it to extreme and started talking about other members of the 1858 Remington forum. Insults and name calling of members of other forums on my domains were a problem for me.
When I suggested some restraint a few of the hardcore members objected, but the problem ceased. It surfaced again, I removed a thread on one of our members at the 1858 Remington forum.
After my recent run in with this forum, I spoke with the administrator, but had a few red flags in his actions and our conversation, However, we seemed to have an agreement on the issue.

The Hideout and its sister forum were removed after this post by the administrator on the Hideout,
'a new domain for the new website. Haven't received the info yet from the provider, but will keep you all informed. Plan is to keep everything the same (I know some of you don't take change or direction too well.

The members of the Hideout had had plenty of time to exchange addresses and such, It was clear there was no sense in continuing to hosting it. I assumed both forums would be abandoned. I removed them both Tuesday night, but the sister forum above was restored this morning.
I do not regret my decision. I feel that I was more than fair on this issue and had every right to bring an end to the Hideout.
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