Brady Campaign - Do you support it?

Do you support the Brady Campaign?

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I started writing a nice reasonable reply to this about how the Brady Campaign does a poor job because of the obvious difference between their mission statement and their actual intent, but reading their stuff got me too fed up.

From their website:

Brady believes that a safer America can be achieved without banning guns. Our stand is simple. We believe that law-abiding citizens should be able to buy and keep firearms.
there are certain classes of weapons that should be out of bounds for private ownership. They include Saturday-night specials, which are used almost exclusively for crime...

So, the law-abiding can be trusted with dangerous things, just like they are with cars, knives, chemicals, etc, and the lawless use crappy junk guns almost exclusively?

Then why are you working so hard on laws that will only affect me and the other law-abiding people out there? Why are you trying to regulate my AR-15 or bclark1's FN?

If you really did just care about keeping guns out of the hands of criminals and to make society safer, we'd pretty much all be behind you. We don't want criminals to have guns. We're afraid of bad guys with guns, too. And we care about safety. Believe me. Go to a range and handle a gun at all like we see politicians do or like we see in the movies and see what happens.

Why do I need what you call an assault rifle? Why do you need a Hummer or a Cadillac? Can't you do all of your car stuff with a Honda? Aren't those larger luxury cars more dangerous? They're heavier, faster, and take up more resources.

The Brady types talk about this horrible world where everyone carries a gun and can get assault rifles and machineguns. Guess what, you're already living in it. Even here in Maryland, I can get a machinegun. More people live around CCW carriers than not. You've probably already walked past ten today. What you're so scared of is already the status quo. And it's so innocuous, you don't even know it.

Why don't you million moms answer my girlfriend when she asks why she can't carry a gun on the train late at night when she's coming home from law school. Explain to her why she can't lawfully carry the one thing that really can help equalize her against a man that weighs a hundred pounds more than her.
Poison is more effective when you can't taste it

Some things are rock solid and clear. Something as important as a free people's responsibility and right to retain arms is one such issue. It's not just about hunting, it's not just about home protection. It's much larger; nothing short than the final check of government in our constitutional republic. Groups like the Brady Campaign and the Hunters/Shooter's Association may dilute their poison with a lot of juice, but that makes it all the more deadly. When you want to know where someone stands on the issue, make it clear, ask them "What role to citizens play in a government which is 'by the people'?" And eventually, "Should citizens ever be able to defend against fascist tyranny or foreign invasion?" Most liberals think we live under fascism with G. Bush, they are fooling themselves. We won't see anything like it until someone begins limiting gun ownership among law abiding, patriotic, critically thinking citizens. We are our nations last line of defense. The Brady group is a prime example of people who have been conned into thinking we are obsolete, unnecessary, or even, in the way.
The Brady group is a prime example of people who have been conned into thinking we are obsolete, unnecessary, or even, in the way.

One, they weren't conned. They made conscious decisions as to what they wanted. And two, you could sum it up by saying we are "in the way." They know we aren't obsolete or unnecessary because our existence is necessary to prevent what they want: total control by the gov't and pacification of the populace. They know that when only the police have firearms you have a police state, and they (more specifically, their masters) believe that they will be in charge at the end of it.
I think that's way over-complicated. While that kind of manipulation may be going on at some level, the reason these people have the voice they do is because of the "million moms". I think it's pretty likely that not too many of them are sitting at home dreaming of the police state.

My opinion is that they are being conned. They live insulated lives and it's very easy to put violence (either by criminals or their own government) way up on a shelf somewhere and to write it off as something far away that will never really happen.

It's not exactly surprising. It's not news that living a soft and easy life makes you quickly forget about the dangers out there. Add in to that news stories about guns and kids and no stories about guns being used for the right reasons, and this is what you get. It's the same thinking that lets them shovel sausage into their mouths, but be horrified when they see some animal hurt on the side of the road.

The problem I have with us not understanding where they're coming from is that it makes it harder to change opinions, which I think is what's needed. To me, the best way to get them off the idea that guns are these inherently evil, overwhelmingly dangerous things is to bring up and show guns being used effectively to stop those trying to hurt others.

Cop saves kid by shooting hostage taker. Tough stuff, but everyone would agree that he did the right thing. Thank God there was a cop there. Woman shoots attempted rapist. Thank God "one of us" had a gun and used it. Kid shoots home invader saving himself and his mom from murder. Tough thing for a kid, but thank God he did what he had to do to protect his family.

I really think the first step is getting them to realize guns can fall on either side of the good-guy/bad-guy tool fence. Because right now, they all think that guns have no place in society at all.
It would be nice if playboypenguin explain his on the fence vote. Perhaps we can help him out. :D

The brady's position of being supported by responsible gun owners is those that think the 2nd amendment is about hunting and sportman games. No one needs guns unless its a deer rifle, trap gun, or single shot .22. Sadly I don't think thats all that uncommon among gun owners.
If "reasonable/responsible gun ownership" means the emasculated, near-complete absence of private gun ownership in America, then yeah, the Bradys are your guys :barf:
Why I do not support Brady Campaign

Two questions:
Why did the Brady Campaign change names from Handgun Control Inc.?
Why did National Coalition to Ban Handguns change its name to
Violence Policy Center?

Example facts:
Fraternal Order of Police supports the armor piercing ammo law that
the NRA helped write; Brady Campaign still harps on "cop killer bullets"
and the NRA's opposition to a total ban.

One real personal peeve-off:
The Bradys lied about Leroy Pyle.
I'll support them if they are being robbed, by taking a good shot at the harmful badguy! I dont with them to drop dead but wish their organization would disappear!
I am the one undecided vote. Mainly because I have not read it yet. Once I have read it I am pretty sure I will be against it but I try not to prejudge. Maybe they have come to their senses are proposed a reasonable bill...but I doubt it.

Sometimes things are not what they seem. I would have thought I would have been in favor of something called the "clean sky act" until I actually read it.
No. In fact, it is an ongoing testament to the harmless, law-abiding nature of American gun owners that the leaders of the Brady Campaign and similar organizations are still alive.

~G. Fink
Do I support the Brady Campaign? The Brady Campaign is an organized effort to deprive Americans of their 2nd Amendment rights. In two words, He** no!
Playboy, I don't think there's anything to read here. The poll is just to find out how many gun-owners support the Brady Campaign, in general.

On the other hand, if you've never heard of the Brady's, you might need to read some of their publications.
Playboy, I don't think there's anything to read here. The poll is just to find out how many gun-owners support the Brady Campaign, in general.
Ahhhh...I thought the poll was in reference to a new legislative bill. As a whole I do not agree with the Brady program. Although I did meet the man himself a couple time (same fraternity) and he was a good guy.
I just got an argument from a guy claiming that a lot of responsible gun owners support the Brady Campaign, and that their goal is not to disarm America, but simply allow reasonable ownership.

The Brady Campaign's idea of "reasonable ownership" is that serfs like you and I are disarmed, and only law enforcement, military, and politicians get to have guns.
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