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Harry Tuttle

Nov 14, 2003

In just the latest chapter, there are 10 dead in Greater Minnesota, and the toll from multiple shootings this year is going through the roof.

For Immediate Release:

Contact Communications:
(202) 898-0792
Washington D.C. - The bloody attack on a Native American high school yesterday can't be viewed as an isolated incident. Though the motivations of the young killer are as of yet unknown, his rampage becomes another entry on a growing list of news reports on horrific gun violence and reports on the ready availability of ever-deadlier weapons.

"In recent months, we have seen horrible shooting attacks in shopping malls, office buildings, courthouses, the homes of judges, private hunting lands and it seems like every other kind of place we like to believe is safe," said Brady Campaign and Million Mom March President Michael Barnes. "And we're deluged with reports about legal guns that can shoot down airplanes, guns designed to kill police wearing body armor, and the FBI being forced to watch as terrorist suspects arm themselves with firearms."

"Our leaders are preaching about the culture of life," Barnes said. "They should spend the same amount of energy taking steps to stop our nation's culture of death."

In Red Lake, Minnesota, America yesterday suffered the worst school related shooting incident since the Columbine shootings in April of 1999. In Philadelphia, Pennsylvanian, a frustrated mayor is urging the state's Governor and legislature to help stem the tide of violence. In Atlanta, a beloved judge, an innocent court reporter and a veteran police officer were laid to rest. In Tyler, Texas, a brutal spouse killed his wife and a bystander and wounded his son with an AK-47 copycat weapon.

In Washington D.C., by contrast, lawmakers have allowed the Federal assault weapons ban to expire, limited law enforcement investigations of gun sellers, mandated the immediate destruction of records of gun sales, and stand poised to make it impossible for victims of gun violence to seek justice against reckless gun sellers in the courts.

"We need to do more to make sure our communities? -- and especially our young people -- are safe from gun violence," said Kate Havelin, President of the Twin Cities, Minnesota Million Mom March chapter. "Today I hope all of us think of those who died, those who were injured, and all of those whose lives have been changed because of gun violence."

"When will our leaders have enough?" asked Sarah Brady, Chair of the Brady Campaign. "When will the government do something to help stop the bloodshed? Red Lake sends all of America's mothers and fathers a message about how vulnerable all of our children are."
So, based on the Brady Bunch, we should:
  1. Arm teachers/security in schools.
  2. Prevent parents from raising children without morals. Perhaps religion could help here?
  3. Outfit all guns that are not currently being used with impenetrable forcefields.
  4. Maybe make shooting people illegal or something.
In Red Lake, Minnesota, America yesterday suffered the worst school related shooting incident since the Columbine shootings in April of 1999

Killed by guns stolen from a peace officer.

In Atlanta, a beloved judge, an innocent court reporter and a veteran police officer were laid to rest.

Killed by a gun stolen from a peace officer.

In Tyler, Texas, a brutal spouse killed his wife and a bystander and wounded his son with an AK-47 copycat weapon.

Stopped by a non-peace officer with a concealed handgun.

Seems like a message here, but it's not one that the twinkies at Brady want to hear.

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The teenager stole his grandfather's squad car and his shotgun and 2 handguns. How exactly will any gun control law prevent this from happening? Last I checked law enforcement/govt were exempt from EVERY SINGLE piece of gun control legislation passed.

Brady should take a long walk off a short pier. Preferably in Australia where those great white shark attacks are happening. :cuss:
The bloody attack on a Native American high school yesterday can't be viewed as an isolated incident. Though the motivations of the young killer are as of yet unknown,

He was a neo-Nazi with depression issues. Any questions?

his rampage becomes another entry on a growing list of news reports on horrific gun violence and reports on the ready availability of ever-deadlier weapons.

Readily available from his cop grandpappy, who he murdered.

"In recent months, we have seen horrible shooting attacks in shopping malls, office buildings, courthouses, the homes of judges, private hunting lands and it seems like every other kind of place we like to believe is safe,"

...many of which are places where law-abiding citizens carrying guns is banned. Coincidence?

said Brady Campaign and Million Mom March President Michael Barnes. "And we're deluged with reports about legal guns that can shoot down airplanes,

Reports from you, sure. But somehow it's never happened. Curiouser and curiouser!

guns designed to kill police wearing body armor

You mean moderate-power rifles will penetrate soft body armor only designed to protect against handgun bullets, which are used in 97% of gun crimes?

, and the FBI being forced to watch as terrorist suspects arm themselves with firearms."

Wait! You mean we can't take away thousands of people's civil rights because they are on a secret list of alleged "suspects?" Next you'll say something crazy like "innocent until proven guilty!"

"Our leaders are preaching about the culture of life," Barnes said. "They should spend the same amount of energy taking steps to stop our nation's culture of death."

In Red Lake, Minnesota, America yesterday suffered the worst school related shooting incident since the Columbine shootings in April of 1999.

Using a hunting shotgun and a cop's handguns!

In Philadelphia, Pennsylvanian, a frustrated mayor is urging the state's Governor and legislature to help stem the tide of violence.

By trying to limit concealed carry permits, which none of the murderers in the state have EVER carried?

In Atlanta, a beloved judge, an innocent court reporter and a veteran police officer were laid to rest. In Tyler, Texas, a brutal spouse killed his wife and a bystander and wounded his son with an AK-47 copycat weapon.

In Washington D.C., by contrast, lawmakers have allowed the Federal assault weapons ban to expire, the original law mandated...

limited law enforcement investigations of gun sellers, mandated the immediate destruction of records of gun sales the law mandates!

, and stand poised to make it impossible for victims of gun violence to seek justice against reckless gun sellers in the courts.

...just because these nusiance suits are intended to bankrupt the defendants, not win -- `cause they can't and don't.

"We need to do more to make sure our communities -- and especially our young people -- are safe from gun violence," disarming law-abiding people so that only criminals will have guns.

said Kate Havelin, President of the Twin Cities, Minnesota Million Mom March chapter.

...which proudly contributes up to seven of the two-hundred-member-strong "Million" Moms.

"Today I hope all of us think of those who died, those who were injured, and all of those whose lives have been changed because of gun violence."

"When will our leaders have enough?" asked Sarah Brady, Chair of the Brady Campaign. "When will the government do something to help stop the bloodshed? Red Lake sends all of America's mothers and fathers a message about how vulnerable all of our children are."

...when metal detectors and citizen disarmament zones are in place.

Isn't it funny how they can NEVER show a correlation between gun control and crime statistics, yet they use violent crime as their justification for gun control? So all you get are anecdotes and hysterics. Truly a willfully irrational group if there ever was one. Isn't insanity defined as doing the same thing over and over, and expecting a different outcome?
grimlock: "Maybe make shooting people illegal or something."

Crazy talk. Make possession of simple items without intent to commit crimes illegal, that's the money spot.
I thought that they tried to do that yesterday in the Terry Shindler-Schiavo case.

I'm with you, Bear. Just which "Culture of Death" should we be more worried about here?

Just wondering...
It never takes the leftist extremists long to show up with screechy press releases. The bodies haven't even reached room temperature before the carrion feeders are on hand with dire warnings that have no basis in reality nor any value to Americans.

Goebbels would be proud of the Brady crew of ghouls.
I have decided to write a letter to the Brady Campaign.

In it, I will thank them for convincing me to join the NRA, the GOA and the SAF.

I wouldn't have, but after learning about the utter BS they spew, and the fact that they want to take my newfound hobby away from me, I have to.

Thank you Brady Campaign, for opening my eyes.

Anyone else?

The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence
The Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence
1225 Eye Street, NW, Suite 1100
Washington, DC 20005

Brady Campaign Phone: (202) 898-0792
Brady Campaign Fax: (202) 371-9615

Brady Center Phone: (202) 289-7319
Brady Center Fax: (202) 408-1851
The course of action is clear:


Obviously, if a law enforcement officer has a weapon in his or her possession, it will surely and tragically be forcefully taken from the officer and used to murder said officer. Law enforcement officers cannot be trusted with weapons, and doing so will only result in their tragic end. So, in order to protect law enforcement officers from themselves and from being slain by their own weapons, the only logical course of action is to ban them from carrying weapons of any sort. These weapons should immediatly be confiscated and redistributed to lawful gun owners with concealed carry permits, so that they may protect the law enforcement community and society in general.
It makes me sick to think how the antis wring their hands in glee every time one of these things happens. Disgusting vultures!
Gun owners: time to go on the offensive!

Time to change tactics from a fighting retreat to attack.
Let's take the MN reservation shooting and turn it to OUR agenda!

"Pro-Freedom Groups point to lack of ability to defend themselves as contributor in deaths from school shooting"...

Heartless? Not considerate of the bereaved? TOUGH. The anti-s don't have anything in mind but their agenda and that's the battlefield we need to fight them on! So let's have JPFO and Alan Gottlieb and GOA and the NRA (yeah right) come out with a statement like the one above.

What we're doing isn't working so its time to change tactics!
My point is, we have been fighting- and LOSING, frankly- the gentleman's war against the anti-gun/anti-freedom crowd since 1934. If a long, drawn out LOSS is ok with you, then my idea is not for you. But to WIN; that is, repeal the laws restricting (dare i say, infringing?) our freedoms, i am coming to the opinion that we need to begin to think about more aggressive, active tactics.

We need to be the first to throw a response to world and local events! HCI is already posting their swill about the MN shootings. We need our side not to simply REACT to what HCI or DiFi says, but to proclaim from on high our OWN response! Copy the enemy's successful model and self righteously put forth the idea that lack of freedom to defend yourself left those people easy targets and say it like you mean it! Say it as if there's no way in the world anyone could disagree.
No apologies, no compromise!

In this game a compromise is a LOSS.

That's my idea, more or less. I hope our leadership and political voice catches on.
I might, just might have an iota of respect for these idiots if they came out against all violences. Is gun violence really so much worse?
I love words like gun violence. Kinda sticks in your brain and just pops out after awhile. Kinda like the words social justice,environmental justice, ethnic justice,etc. I believe in JUSTCE plain simple no confusion. Here are some more womens rights,animal rights,minority rights. These word combinations are scary and made for agenda making and confusing the mind.
Matt Payne nailed it.

"Gun violence" is sooo much worse than; 1) being stabbed and bleeding out; 2) having your skull cracked open with a hammer purchased at Home Depot; 3) being beaten to death by thugs with baseball bats. :rolleyes:

If they bothered to consult the facts, they wouldn't spew this crapola. :banghead:

I just keep writing letters and giving $ to help fight these people. They reinforce my decision everytime they say this stuff.
Wait a minute..........I thought schools were already gun free zones. What gives? Did someone forget to tell that kid who did the shooting in Minnesota?

How can you have a shooting in a gun free zone?
I've always like the phrase "gun violence" too.
It fits well into their blaming of the objects.
It implies that the gun caused the violence.
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