Breaking: Defense Distributed website seized, Cody Wilson arrested on conspiracy char

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Sep 15, 2012
Unknown details at this time. Defense Distributed website now displays the logos of Department of Justice and Homeland Security Investigations, and the following information:

This domain name associated with the website or has been seized pursuant to an order issued by a U.S. District Court.

The webpage goes on to say that several individuals and entitites have been indicted and charged with federal crimes including conspiracy to violate the Arms Export Control Act, the Undetectable Firearms Act, and others.

At this time, I have no other confirmation of these arrests or actions.

There is some doubt about this action as the word "entities" is mispelled as "entitites" on the page.

If this is confirmed, it is a major chilling of free speech and net freedom. Defense Distributed had just obtained a federal license to make firearms.

Cody Wilson and Defense Distributed have been primary promoters of the concept of 3D printed firearms and magazines. There are obvious political motivations for the Obama administration to stop their activities, which have often been cited as showing how it would be impossible to enforce a federal magazine ban or ban on semi-automatic modern sporting rifles.

Cody Wilson had always said that they would be careful to follow federal law.

This may be a case of "three felonies a day" where the federal government is able to find that anyone has committed felonies every day, under broad and vague federal statues.

Link to seized webpage

Link to article on Defense Distributed federal license

©2013 by Dean Weingarten Permission to share granted as long as this notice is included.
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you do remember what today is, right?
any "shocking" news has to be taken with a very large grain of salt. :)

and why does that page say "Tuesday April 02" when today is April 1st?
a few years ago, the DOJ seized the domains of several poker web sites on which I had money deposited. The seal that appears on the DD site looks almost exactly like the seal that greeted me when I tried to login to my poker accounts.

But it is April 1...
DeadMoneyDrew said:
a few years ago, the DOJ seized the domains of several poker web sites on which I had money deposited. The seal that appears on the DD site looks almost exactly like the seal that greeted me when I tried to login to my poker accounts.
Well, now we know where your username comes from. ;)
So I can climb out of the bunker, walk back inside, and put my AR and BOB back into the closet now?

I'll just let my neighbors know by signal flag; those guys might shoot if I knocked on their doors.
Good one, DD... now cut it out, you're creepin me.

SOMEBODY (can't remember who) had this in their signature line:

"When you get mad enough, grab your rifle and run outside. If you're the only one out there, it isn't time yet." (or words to that effect) .

That said, THR is my canary in the coalmine. When the feds shut down THR for promoting seditious thought crime, it's ON.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have sandbags to buy and a big hole needs diggin out back.
And this is why I hate this day. Been fooled twice already
Tried to order some of those depleted uranium 12 gauge shotgun shells for shooting down drones, did ya? :) (And how would I know about that? :confused: )
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