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Broke a Nork Today

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Moderator Emeritus
May 22, 2003
Lexington,North Carolina...or thereabouts
Early arrival Nork that I picked up in January broke today during my M-W-F

Tim was bangin' away, as per the plan, when the pistol locked open on the empty mag as per design...but somethin' was wrong. Mag was TIGHT comin' out...and the slide wouldn't drop on a fresh mag. Although the slide was locked, the stop wasn't engaged...Slide wasn't quite back far enough. Slide wouldn't move forward because the disconnect was frozen.

Peeked into the magwell and could see somethin' in there, but couldn't make out what it was. Tossed the pistol on the table and handed Tim one of my Colts so he could finish out his ammo allotment...policed brass, packed up and headed home for the second round of turbocoffee. Assumed that a chunk had broken off the disconnect.

Got the MSH out and the slide tripped. Whack! Pin fell out. I thought it was the sear pin. Turned out to be the end of the hammer strut, snapped off at the junction. 5-minute fix. All is well. Used a new-design Colt strut. A deviation from original design, but real steel and hell-for-stout.

Only seen one other real steel strut break like that...in a 1915 GI Colt. Seen a few MIM and cast aftermarkets let go...but only the two steel struts.

Estimated round count on the gun since we've had it is in the 'hood of 20,000.
No tellin' how many before it came here, but the gun had obviously been around the block a few times. Other than replacing the original barrel with a
1991A1 take-off, and a new Colt sear spring...the gun was stock.(Well...a little of the "Poor Man's Trigger Job" was done to eliminate the old Creep'n'Grit.)

I'll include this experience in the comprehensive Nork Report, comin' soon to a forum near you.
More silly (sorry Tuner) slang. Nork is Norinco. Winny is Winchester. Remmy is Remington. Eddy is Eddystone. Grand is Garand or M1 rifle. Carby is carbine. Springer is Springfield. Smitty is Smith & Wesson. Did I miss any more such nonsense?


Ummmm..."Smiffin" for the actions taken by one who inspects, performs tests, repairs, adjusts, finishes/refinishes...or tightens screw on (whew) firearms?

Didn't mean to appear so awfully...informal...sir. I shall take utmost care to
observe correct protocol in the future.:eek:
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Hey Tuner! You left cussin' out of your "Smiffin" definition. Or is that just when I'm around?
Hey while you're at it tell us about that TURBOCOFFEE!!!

Now, I've never had coffee. But that name, turbocoffee, sounds better than, well, assualt sniper .... Sounds tasty.

Humm...Got any SuperCoffee? Ya know, with a Turbo, they reuse some of the good stuff kinda' like a recirculation rig, ya know, but with a SuperCoffee™ they really get it goin'!

19112XS said:
Hey Tuner! You left cussin' out of your "Smiffin" definition. Or is that just when I'm around?

The cussin' part is simply an outlet that lets me vent a little and keep my blood pressure at a surviveable level...Keeps me from stepping out the door and flinging Micro Compacts down in the bottom below the shop...which would do much to alleviate my frustrations, but it wouldn't be conducive to good relations with the owners of the little buggers.:D

See there, Jim? I can talk good when I want to!:cool:


Turbocoffee is my personal trademark, and the recipe is simple. (Starbucks
customers...Don't read this part. Might getcher knickers in a knot.)

Maxwell House Columbian Supreme. Two heapin' tablespoons per 6-ounce cup. Filtered water recommended but optional. Real "YEEEEHAAAAA" stuff.
Makes espresso seem like Orange Pekoe tea, but it slams your eyes open
at 0400. Many an unsuspecting visitor has reported not sleeping for days on end after just two cups. :evil:
Chi-Com's Finest

Whatsit said:
Chineese communist's finest! Wait until they start making cars.

If they make'em outta the same stuff they make the pistols from...Better buy one. As it stands...even with the (mostly) minor problems that I've seen...I'd rather pay Springfield Loaded price for a new Nork than a Nork price for a Loaded Springer. (Hey! More silly sang!)

All steel...GOOD steel...no MIM or cast small parts...Every one that I've handled runs like a Timex watch...and they're tough as a chunk of pig iron.
I've got two that defied my best efforts to break or choke...and my best is
very good. I'm a sadist when it comes to wringin' a pistol out to see what it'll stand...and do things that'd give the average gun owner nightmares.
Break em..

I know the secret on how to break a nork,,just let me have at it with a file to rub the innards with. I garontee :banghead: :uhoh: :D
I'll be dam#ed!

I had always believed that the Chinese made a WONDERFUL rendition of the ever-present 1911! This is the first that I have heard of anyone managing to "break" one! :confused:

Jim Keenan said:
More silly (sorry Tuner) slang. Nork is Norinco. Winny is Winchester. Remmy is Remington. Eddy is Eddystone. Grand is Garand or M1 rifle. Carby is carbine. Springer is Springfield. Smitty is Smith & Wesson. Did I miss any more such nonsense?


Block = Glock..or.. tupperware to some. :)
Hey hey! How'd that grip safety work out?

Yes sir! one of em fit just fine. Im gonna send the other back to ya with yer mag if I can get to the mailbox without breakin it first:D :p
Finally had to replace the disconnect on the nork.....long story.
I understand about the venting. By the time one of mine makes it to your bench, it has heard the same colorful words used as several different parts of speech in the same sentence. One was stainless when we left the house, and deep blue when we left the range.

I'll not say Turbocoffee is strong, but rumor has it that hammer/sear engagement angles have been changed by a quick immersion. Three cups only kept me wide-eyed for 26 or so hours. :what:
gunfan said:
I had always believed that the Chinese made a WONDERFUL rendition of the ever-present 1911! This is the first that I have heard of anyone managing to "break" one! :

A single broken part after 20,000 + rounds....that wouldn't damage the "wonderful" description in my book. Makes it pretty damn GOOD in my book!
Goes to Show Ya...

Can't count on those inferior foreign guns, especially Norks. If you got one, better get rid of it ASAP! PM me and I'll take it off your hands, nice guy that I am, and bury it in my back yard. ;) ;)

jaysouth said:
Norked in NC. Don't anybody tell mamma.

Not a chance! I know that when mama ain't happy...ain't NO-body happy.:D

I got me a cousin in Knoxtown-ville...Other kinfolks in the Bristol-Kingsport area, and a good friend in Johnson City who comes to see me and listen to me cuss about specs and MIM. Daughter over in Parsons, who just dropped another grandbaby last month. Ain't life grand?

How bout that ulflyer...The recognized Duke of Nork after my pistols.
(Whoops! There goes more silliness with a pun attached.)
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