Bronze Swords

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Jan 3, 2003
0 hrs east of TN

Bronze swords have been found by the thousands in graves, rivers, and bogs all across Europe. But because the alloy is so soft—and easy to mangle compared with later iron weapons—historians have long wondered whether these swords were battlefield tools or mere status symbols. Now, a team of archaeologists has staged modern fights with bronze swords to measure the resulting microscopic dings and dents. Sword-on-sword contact was a “big part” of Bronze Age fighting, they found, done with specific, artful moves that spread from region to region over time.

Unlike axes, spears, or arrows, “swords are the first objects invented purely to kill someone,” says University of Göttingen archaeologist Raphael Hermann, who led the new study. Bronze swords—used across Europe from 1600 B.C.E. to 600 C.E.—were made of a mixture of copper and tin, which was softer and harder to repair than later iron weapons. That meant Bronze Age weapons and fighting techniques had to be adapted to the metal’s properties. “Use them in a clumsy way, and you’ll destroy them,” says Barry Molloy, an archaeologist at University College Dublin who was not involved in the study.

As a result, some archaeologists suggested bronze blades served a largely ceremonial purpose. At most, they argued, fighters adapted their technique to the metal’s limitations: Perhaps Bronze Age warriors actively avoided crossing swords to spare their weapons. “Stab somebody in the guts, and you won’t have a mark on your sword at all,” Hermann says.
To test the idea, Hermann and colleagues had a weaponsmith cast seven bronze swords. Then, they systematically recorded the marks left by a series of preplanned blade-on-blade blows, as well as strikes on shields and spears. “But that’s not real combat,” Hermann says. “I thought, ‘There’s something missing.’”

While a graduate student at Newcastle University, he recruited members of a local club devoted to recreating and teaching medieval European combat styles, and asked them to duel with the replicas, using motions found in combat manuals written in the Middle Ages. After recording the combat sequences using high-speed cameras, the researchers noted the type and location of dents and notches left after each clash.

The team assigned characteristic wear patterns to specific sword moves and combinations. If the motions left the same distinctive marks found on Bronze Age swords, Hermann says, it was highly likely that Bronze Age warriors had also used those moves. For example, marks on the replica swords made by a technique known to medieval German duelists as versetzen, or “displacement”—locking blades in an effort to control and dominate an opponent’s weapon—were identical to distinct bulges found on swords from Bronze Age Italy and Great Britain.

Next, Hermann and colleagues put 110 Bronze Age swords from Italy and Great Britain under a microscope and cataloged more than 2500 wear marks. Wear patterns were linked to geography and time, suggesting distinct fighting styles developed over centuries, they report this month in the Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory. Displacement, for example, didn’t show up until 1300 B.C.E. and appeared in Italy several centuries before it did in Great Britain.

“In order to fight the way the marks show, there has to be a lot of training involved,” Hermann says. Because the marks are so consistent from sword to sword, they suggest different warriors weren’t swinging at random, but were using well-practiced techniques. Christian Horn, an archaeologist at the University of Gothenburg who was not involved in the research, agrees, and says the experiments offer quantitative evidence of things archaeologists had only been able to speculate about.

They also offer a new, individualized model for conducting research into ancient warfare, Molloy says. “We’ve only recently started to think of these as more personal possessions and look at how actual individuals were using weapons,” Molloy says. “This is a turning point—it lets us study what kind of actions were avoided and what risks you could take with a bronze sword. This shows that yes, they were used, and they were used skillfully.”

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Good article, but this "swords are the first objects invented purely to kill someone", is a ridiculous statement. What other use is a spear?
I read the book, Memories ride the ebb of tide and it is about the experiences of a young filipino during WW2. Leo Giron learns Escrima knife/sword fighting from local martial artist masters and describes night combat with Japanese. Leo Giron also written a number of books about Escrima: Giros Escrima: Memories of a Bladed Warrior, I have not read those. But, Leo Giron's WW2 account shows that even in "primitive" societies, there were masters of sword/knife fighting who had well thought out, disciplined, programs of martial arts. After reading the paper on Bronze age swords, I am certain we can say the same thing for the cities of the Bronze age.
Good article, but this "swords are the first objects invented purely to kill someone", is a ridiculous statement. What other use is a spear?
A spear is pretty handy to hunt with, a sword is sorta useless in that respects. Spears, long before the Bronze Age was perhaps used to kill people in the Stone Age but doubt if that was the intended purpose. Sword on the other hand is nothing More than a long knife. What other purpose for a sword except to fight with.
It would be a hoot to see the Forged in Fire gang have smiths make bronze swords to see if they would cut and KEAL.
I've picked up a few Chinese bronze swords over the years.
The good ones are very different in that the cutting edges and grip areas often have an infusion of chromium oxide, which makes the surface harder but more brittle.
The treated areas are also far more resistant to corrosion. I have one example that spent a couple of millenia buried in a stream bed. The treated areas are still that warm brown that was so beloved by the Chinese lords, still as sharp and clean as it was when new. The untreated areas are coated with corrosion and cementation products jacketed with sand and small pebbles.

The resulting weapon is very different from its European or Middle Eastern equivalent.
It tended to remain sharp and unmarred in combat with lesser weapons and armor and would not show the use marks mentioned in the essay shown above.

Beautiful and fascinating weapons.
What other use is a spear?

Hunt, fish and use as a weapon. The point being made is the sword is used against people almost to the exclusion of any other use where a spear has a wider range of use to put meat on the table as well as keeping you from being meat on someone elses.
It would be a hoot to see the Forged in Fire gang have smiths make bronze swords to see if they would cut and KEAL.
I remember an episode of that edged weapon TV show,the one that had Danny Trejo in it, where they cast some Bronze Age weapons and tested them against armor of that period. It was interesting to watch the building process as they used sand casting and had at least one failure that they showed.
Robert Brooks is the bloke who runs the group who the resurchers used in the article, he lives just up the road from me, if anyone wants i can pass on any questions or ply him with "fally down liquid" to get his contact details
Good article, but this "swords are the first objects invented purely to kill someone", is a ridiculous statement. What other use is a spear?
"What OTHER use has a spear"? Archaeological finds indicate the spear was used for a considerable time to hunt everything from smaller game on up to wooly mammoth, including bear and bison. And of course harpoon spears hunted seal, walrus, whale and you name it by primitive people. Neanderthals used stabbing spears, and our more direct ancestors used the spear with an atlatl for taking down big game.
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