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haha well now I'm glad I bought mine

good to see i wasnt the only one who found them amusing and semi useful

never expected to see pattern and load reports for it though

-Matt S.
I made my own bug gun,,,

I bought one of those el-cheapo Chinese break-open pellet pistols,,,
It cost me a whopping $10.00 plus tax.

I just pour a 22 shell of salt in the barrel,,,
I take out wood bees and red wasps at 4-6 feet.

I let me dad use it on his back porch,,,
I never saw it again. ;)


You know this thread has me thinking.

I'd bet a 20 gauge load of table salt would be good medicine on the wood bees around the compound that just LOVE to buzz around and act like jerks.

Might have to try it this summer!
I got one when the guy was trying to raise the money on Indiegogo, "an online start up site", about 2 years ago. They were real cheap then and I got two and gave one to my neighbor. It still works, but could use a little more range.
I use that sea salt, it acts like buck shot , to flies. The cool thing is the bug doesn't splatter, it's pretty much a fall over and die deal. I love to take out flys in mid air with it. But my wife won't let me season my steak with it. lol
That web site has very cool stuff and a lot of it.
Try that sea salt, it's denser and larger granules, like buck shot, I shot myself with both, and it makes a difference. It really stung at under a foot. Those flys just roll over and die, fun, I ley one in every now and then just for target practice. You can get bored living in Florida. And talk about ammo costs.
Today's hunting trip

I'm so glad I found this thread! Last nite my lady was going bananas with the flyswatter and gripin up a storm about the flies. Not sure what happened, but we had a bunch. Seeing this thread reminded me a friend gave me one of these awhile back. My son and I have been hunting on and off all day. She just rolled her eyes, but they're gone!
We called them "Gallon Nippers" because they never bite unless they can take a full gallon of blood. It must be true as no one I know has survived to tell of being bitten by one.

Would loved to have been able to use the guns in the barn today......except I may have been kicked and trampled to death by a Colt that fears BB guns.

Speaking of which my crowd of elementary school buddies in the neighborhood used to stalk the fields with Daisy's BB guns to get wing shots on Grasshoppers. Talk about developing "instinctive" shooting skills with out using sights! One guy's good bird dog used to be so confused when one of us would shoulder and shoot at an obvious airborne target, yet he could not find a bird no matter how much he cast.....of course his casting would always scare up more Grasshoppers..... poor puppy.

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