Bumper Sticker Slogans

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Mar 22, 2006
I've been thinking about developing anti-gun control slogans, suitable perhaps for mounting on a bumper sticker. Here are some of the candidates I've come up with.

Support Gun Control: Because Women Secretly Want To Be Raped

Gun Control: Putting Uppity Negroes In Their Place Since 1877

Support Gun Control: Because The Elderly Like To Get Beaten

For The Politician Who Has Nothing, There Is Always Gun Control

Gun Bans: Making Fascism Cool Again

(Ignorance * Hysteria) + Public Policy = Gun Control

Nurture Your Inner Racist: Support Gun Control Laws

I might actually shell out some personal funds to have some of these printed and give them out to fellow gun owners.

Whaddya think?
Yeah, I Know...

...But I wanted to draw a connection to the proliferation of gun control laws (including "may issue" CCW laws) after Reconstruction -- that restrictions on the bearing of arms after this period were specifically designed to disarm free blacks.
The negroes one is confusing. (to me) I'm not sure it's politically effective, given the article in the Philadelphia Inquirer (posted here about a month ago) cited that over 94% of the 420 gun homocides in Philly were commited by blacks. 86% were commited by blacks ON blacks.

Give Me Your Gun, Do What I Say

In Case of Rape, Dial .357

Gun Free Zones are Only Safe for Psychos

Adolph Hitler was for Gun Control, too.

You May Never Need a Gun. But...
When You Do, You'll REALLY Need It.
Ted Kennedy's car has killed more people than my guns.

And, as much as bumper stickers--more than bumper stickers--we need the clear applique-type window stickers that can be applied inside the window.

They need to be small as well as large--and they need to have an easy type to read. A good size is one that would fit across the bottom of a rear quarter window--maybe 2"x6" maximum, with rounded corners.

I have two stickers on my car, on that rear quarter-panel window--applied from inside, as suggested. One is a seal from my Alma Mater (a nationally-known private Liberal Arts College here in MN) and the other is my NRA "life member" shield. Buried behind the smoked glass, they are sure to catch the eye of someone parked next to me. In MN, that conjunction of the two symbols is somewhat jarring to the typical MN liberal, and that's what I want to project.

And, we should brainstorm and sort out the simple slogans--i.e., "subtle ones"--that make the typical non-gun-owner think twice about his / her biases. They don't have to be edgy (unless that's what you want to proclaim).

Jim H.
Gun Control = Citizen Control
Ohhh! I like that one!

we need the clear applique-type window stickers
A big +1 to that! I will NOT put a sticker on my car. Static window clings are greatly preferred. Not sure how much more expensive they are to produce.
my honor roll student can out-shoot your honor roll student.

Now that one I'd proudly display on the rear of my truck. Does someone actually make such a sticker? Better yet, a coffee cup? I'm not normally one for stickers on my vehicles. I have a 'Molon Labe', inconspicuously placed on the tailgate, and an NRA circle inside the tinted rear window.
I can make pretty much anything. I'll pick up some of the static cling stuff with my next order.

Guys, keep the messages simple... "My German Shepard is Smarter than Nancy Pelosi" gets the message across - Since I do short runs, if you have a politician you wanna target, let me know...
I was once flagged over by an old lady who wanted to know where I got my bumper sticker. The classic Heinlein quote"

"An armed society is a polite society"
"...we need the clear applique-type window stickers


Then you can put it away when parking."​

I'm less concerned about the static-cling type--in fact, I would prefer the "adhesive" type that's clear--as long as it can be applied to the INSIDE OF THE WINDOW. But, what ever's convenient to do.

A simple "Molon Labe"--in the greek letters--about 6" long by 1.5" high overall.

Jim H.
Gun Control Doesn't Work... Lets Try Parenting

Saw this at Walmart out here in CA ;)
Tonight I should have some white "reverse" stickers up on my web site... They're fairly sticky, and opaque white. I'll probably have Molon Labe or some sort, RKBA, etc... They'll go on the inside of a window.
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