Buy Cheap, Bury Deep: Store Owner Under Fire For Controversial Gun Ad

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Dec 28, 2007

Buy Cheap, Bury Deep: Store Owner Under Fire For Controversial Gun Ad
Posted By: Thomas Wilson 18 hrs ago

By Ryan Kosgard, KPRC/NBC News Channel

HOUSTON, TX -- A new, controversial gun store ad has some wondering about the real meaning behind, "Buy them cheap. Bury them deep." The radio ad, airing in the Houston, Texas area also says, "This is Jim Pruett calling from federal prison. Well, not yet."

The ad is for Jim Pruett's Guns and Ammo in northwest Harris County, Texas. It then carries a political message, "Come this November, many could be incarcerated if a bunch of naive voters elect misguided, anti-gun politicians to office."

One line stands out. It says, "Jim Pruett's guns and ammo, where we say 'Buy them cheap. Bury them deep.'" Some are asking, "Bury who deep?"

Owner Jim Pruett said, "We certainly don't mean -- buy your guns, shoot the criminals and bury them deep. Not in your back yard. No, that's not the intent of that. But it's a fun thing to think about."

Pruett said he meant customers should buy guns now and stash them away in case Texans cannot buy them later because politicians prohibit the sale. It's not the first time the former radio personality and Vietnam veteran has captured attention.

One of his radio ads urged people to arm themselves against Hurricane Katrina evacuees. He called them "Katricians."

Pruett said, "I try to use my radio time to say something important."

Andy Kahan, the crime victim's advocate for Houston's mayor, said of the gun ad, "It's just sad that we have to live in a society where you think that you have to have a firearm just to keep you and your family safe."

Pruett said his gun training classes remain at full capacity. He said they have successfully trained more than 5,000 people over the past seven years.
NBC News Channel
Andy Kahan, the crime victim's advocate for Houston's mayor, said of the gun ad, "It's just sad that we have to live in a society where you think that you have to have a firearm just to keep you and your family safe."

we don't have to, but we have the right to, and it most certainly helps.
Nice! I love that ad slogan, and I whole-heartedly agree with the sentiment. I am glad someone has the guts to exercise their 1st amendment right in this way--to blatantly protest what we all feel could be inevitable in the USA someday (hopefully later than sooner). And as a gun owner I knew exactly what he was talking about. Not for a second did I think he was talking about burying people until I read the article and they explained what the real controversy was about. I don't know of many gun enthusiasts that haven't pondered the idea of burying a working arsenal somewhere just in case SHTF. Good going! And if I ever come to Texas I'm gonna give that guy some of my business.
You know, the guy is right... it IS sad that we live in a country where you think you need a gun to keep you and your family safe.

It's sad that when you think like that, you're right!

I doubt that any person on this board would honestly say that they never hope guns are unnecessary for defense. It'd be nice to live in a world where guns aren't needed for self defense. Of course, at that point, they'll just be fun for plinking, hunting and competition.

But until that utopia comes to pass, may we all have just as much firepower as we need to keep ourselves and our families alive and well!

Andy Kahan, the crime victim's advocate for Houston's mayor, said of the gun ad, "It's just sad that we have to live in a society where you think that you have to have a firearm just to keep you and your family safe."

Yes but it's WONDERFUL that we live in a society where you are able to have a firearm to keep you and your family safe. :neener:
How dare Texans defend themselves against the Katrina evacuees, which have proven themselves to be some of the most vile criminals in America. I had a family member volunteer at the super dome and she said several aid workers were raped in the bathrooms. Clearly very moral people.
I think it is a morally inferior add campaign, it's like the people at the gun shows selling body armor with bright colored placards about how it will soon be outlawed. I guess what makes me mad about it is the fact that if this ad or your worries about the election cause you to go out a purchase a weapon it probably a case of to little to late. Especially if you plan to bury it. However if you can afford the air time then say whatever you want.

I thought they were giving him greif over openly stating he would be disobeying any gun confiscation laws.

I never got the connection of 'bury them deep' to mean kill your pollitical opposition. If that is the case, what does 'buy em cheap' mean? Bribe the cheap ones kill the ones who hold out for more cash than you have on hand?
It is my belief that many outside of Texas think that this is the slogan for the State itself, it interesting how people use Texas as the cliche for the end all be all of gun ownership when really the state as a whole is only about middle of the road on gun ownership.

Secondly I think this guy is if nothing else a brilliant business man, even if he does not believe in that attitude he is promoting many others do and will gladly buy from him because of it.
Andy Kahan, the crime victim's advocate for Houston's mayor, said of the gun ad, "It's just sad that we have to live in a society where you think that you have to have a firearm just to keep you and your family safe."

I wonder how many crime victims share his sentiments?
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