Bye Bye Beretta...

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Good. Hope they lose all the income revenue next year. What else is in CT as far as manufacturing jobs? CT lost all of it textile business years ago. What else is there that that state will have as far as jobs?

Any firearms maker that is moving will have to be very careful to not pick a state that will enact similar laws in the future. That may not be as easy as it sounds, due to the lies and turncoat nature of elected persons who previously claimed to support the 2nd Amendment.
Good job beretta...I've been wanting a 92 for awhile (I have big hands for all you women out there saying the grip is too big lol j/k), and I'm going to a gun show tomorrow...I may come home with my first beretta. I hope this step out puts some pressure on other companies (especially the slew of them in CT), which motivates them to do the same. I think we should be sending letters to these companies stating as much.
This is welcomed news. I want to see these nanny/police states, reap the repurcussion from all of their useless legislation these arms manufacturers need to move west to the "free states", as much as I love my home state of OK, Wyoming, Montana, and Arizona are were it's at for gun owners.
Other then the article stirring things up it didn't explain why they had to move their factory out of Maryland because of the new gun laws. Is there any truth to it or is the newspaper just making sales and Beretta trying to get a bigger tax break?
And what is WITH these idiot politicians and 'deer hunting'. Seriously?

There must be some 'stupid liberal talking points' newsletter because I've heard this idiotic line repeated in many circles. Usually it is preceded with "but, I mean, why would anyone need...?" It's the same garbage, they must be getting it from somewhere.

Sad to hear about a good company being the ones to pay the price for the misbehavior of a few jerks (politicians and lone gunmen). Hopefully it will sink in when MD starts to see the drastic loss of revenue their state will be subjected to now. Maybe they'll make the connection, maybe they won't. I doubt that even if they do that they'd ever acknowledge it.
Alot of companies are moving most likely for tax breaks, but another big reason is potential loss of sales from out of state buyers. As it is I've heard alot of people from around the Internet say they won't buy products from ct based companies and even private buyers. So even the people who went out and spent 3k for an AR might have trouble selling them out of state. The dumb part is ct's new laws say out of state people who have any banned guns have to destroy them or not bring them. So even if someone was dumb enough to move to CT in the first place that will deter alot more people.

You can't even put your legally owned AR in your will if you die. The state gets any prebans when you die. So eventually if the law is enforced there will be a huge drop is AR ownership here now. Of course the bad guys still can pass their AR's down to their kids. ;)
You can't even put your legally owned AR in your will if you die. The state gets any prebans when you die. So eventually if the law is enforced there will be a huge drop is AR ownership here now. Of course the bad guys still can pass their AR's down to their kids.

By the time that starts to be an issue either the law will have been overturned or none of will have any guns left.
The Democrat's anti-gun zealotry is going to kill them in the 2014 elections and beyond.

I sincerely doubt that it will be any different than last years election. Just wait and see.....You all KNEW this would happen when NOBAMA was re-elected, yet he was still re-elected.
HKGuns said:
You all KNEW this would happen when NOBAMA was re-elected, yet he was still re-elected.

Mitt Romney was correct in his 47% intention but said it poorly.
If nearly half of the population is dependent on government largess, these "know nothing" voters will vote for the candidate that promises them the most goodies with the least amount of personal involvement.
That's one of the main reasons "Dumbo" was re-elected.
“[Why would you need a] rifle that accommodates 20 rounds semi-automatic for deer hunting? … It’s only very infrequently that someone commits a crime with an assault weapon – why do you need one for self-defense?"[/QUOTE
Does this idiot really think the Second Amendment is about deer hunting or self defense?!?!?

The Second Amendment is about the people of this nation waging WAR against the government!
The Second Amendment is about the people of this nation waging WAR against the government!

True, but when you say that all the non believers say that could never happen and is fruitless and half of the believers roll their eyes and quietly turn away.
Mitt Romney was correct in his 47% intention but said it poorly.
If nearly half of the population is dependent on government largess, these "know nothing" voters will vote for the candidate that promises them the most goodies with the least amount of personal involvement.
That's one of the main reasons "Dumbo" was re-elected.

Sure he was correct. Nearly every Democratic policy is designed to increase their base of the dependent class, steal money away from producers and distribute it to their dependents outside and within Government(employees).

What do you think is behind this amnesty crap? It serves one function, it increase their base by 20 million more ignorant dependents. If you oppose it you are labeled a racist.

What chance does this Country have after that one?
The Second Amendment is about the people of this nation waging WAR against the government!

Not so! The purpose of the 2nd. Amendment was to provide an alternative to a large standing army. In that context the militia could be and was used against foreign invaders. State governors occasionally "called out the militia" to suppress lawless situations. It is true that the founders saw it as a hedge against a dictatorial national government but so far as not been used for that purpose.
This could all be ended if a major ammo company threatened to refuse service to large metropolitan areas that are promoting gun control. The very notion of what mayhem would unfold would be enough to make these Mayors back down. Give them a taste of the heartless coercion they impose upon their citizens daily by limiting their access to firearms and ammuntion.
Now that's a fine idea if I ever heard one. How do we go about implementing that? Ammo manufacturers are all about the bottom line, most likely. Any one of them show more than a passing interest in something like this, like maybe outrage, in any of their statements? We could lean on them.
Sure he was correct. Nearly every Democratic policy is designed to increase their base of the dependent class, steal money away from producers and distribute it to their dependents outside and within Government(employees).

What do you think is behind this amnesty crap? It serves one function, it increase their base by 20 million more ignorant dependents. If you oppose it you are labeled a racist.

What chance does this Country have after that one?

All true, and spot on. The other problem it creates is that most of these illegals do NOT support the 2A, and would willingly vote for more restrictions on legal guns as they buy into the whole statist agenda, and mantra.
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