CA Politicians' Hypocracy Reaches Critical Mass

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Davek1977 said:
i'm not the LEAST bit surprised people are up in arms about this. Thjey have every reason to be, IMO. What we have here is an "elected elite" who want privileges denied to you and I. If they were arguing we should ALL have the right to carry weapons, they'd have some High Road backing, I'm sure. However, many of us here don't like the idea of two different sets of set for "them" and one set everyone else must follow. It is no longer a government of the people, by the people, for the people when that government grants itself rights that don't apply to the population at large. We don't need a ruling elite who believes it is entitled to rights that the common man is not, not in California, not ANYWHERE. Its not that as shooters we are against them for pursuing the right......we're against it because they think thye can be trusted with rights the common man cannot be, and that way of thinking is dangerous.

Awesome post. Extremely well-said!
You're right, it's not High Road. Luckily being a member of THR gives you the right to call out improper behavior and report it to the Mods if necessary.

Also, it has nothing to do with coming to the defense of anyone. It's got everything to do with how we carry ourselves here. THR is based on civility, respect, and reason. We have enough to overcome in the fight for gun rights without stooping to the level of grade-school namecalling.

I am not above reproach. Truly. However, I refuse to be lectured for something that quite frankly wasn't that offensive. You CAN step down off of your pedestal. Really, it IS possible. You just have to try.

ETA: If you wish to bestow any more wisdom upon me, feel free to send me a pm. This thread has already been polluted enough with you "correcting" me.
Is, for example, a black woman living in the projects LESS likely to need a CCW than a politician who has paid guards at the statehouse, extra cops on foot outside, and who lives in a gated community?

No, but in their view her life is worth less than theirs (whether they realize it or not--surprisingly few politicians seem to be fully aware of their own power-tripping tendencies...or act like it, anyway). They also see her as a threat to their own safety.
Was that really worth the time it took to post?


As I did not direct my remark at a specific individual, how could it be considered personal?
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