California Gun Owners Blamed For The Loss of Gun Rights

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Dec 24, 2002
Moscow on the Colorado, TX
California Gun Owners Blamed
For The Loss of Gun Rights

Gun Owners Are All Bark and no Bite!

By Ralph Weller

March 3, 2003 - It has been suspected for quite some time that gun owners were generally all mouth and no action. But, we really didn't understand the gravity of the situation until we received an email from John Brantuk, 2002 candidate for the 56th Assembly District in Southern California. John is upset, and he has every right to be.

John had a shot of winning his district had he received the pro-gun vote. Southern Californians don't need to be told how pro-Second Amendment John is. Suffice it to say, he's one of those rare types who makes protecting our Second Amendment rights a top priority in his personal and public life. But, the information he sent in his email is the type of information that makes the hearts soar of gun grabber Don Perata and other liberals of his ilk in Sacramento. It is the kind of information liberals know about, but very few pro-gun types are willing to acknowledge. So who got the pro-gun vote instead of John Brantuk? The answer is most disappointing.

John took a look at a list of people that regularly attended gun shows in his district. He compared the attendee list to voter registration lists to determine how many of the 12,000 gun show attendees were registered to vote.

Do you want to guess the results? Would you say only half are registered? You would be considered an eternal optimist if that was your guess. How about 30%? Well, you're getting closer, but you still have a long, long way to go. How about 10%. No, you're still too high. No... I'm not kidding. Try about 670 people. That's a whopping 5.6% of gun show attendees are registered to vote. Now, of those 670, an optimistic number of those who voted would probably range at about 50%. That means of the 12,000 gun show attendees only about 335 probably voted. Ok, that's being a little harsh. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and assume that all 670 voted. Somehow inflating the number won't make most feel all that much better about the whole thing.

The problem is, there is no pro-gun vote in California. John didn't get the pro-gun vote, but neither did anyone else! It doesn't exist because the overwhelming majority of gun owners don't vote. And the liberals know it and act upon it with impunity. They don't fear California gun owners! Why would they? Gun owners certainly won't vote them out of office!

Are John Brantuk's results indicative of the rest of California? Sure they are. In fact, most professional pollsters use around 1000 people to achieve very accurate results. John had 12,000 gun owners on a list and registered voting lists that simply don't lie. This is pure data. Not thoughts, not polls, not desires. It's the real thing, and unfortunately it is fact!

The bottom line is gun owners could own California if they vote. John Brantuk would be in the state assembly this very day protecting gun owner's rights along with dozens of other newly elected pro-gun legislators. Instead, gun owners lament the demise of Second Amendment rights and take NO ACTION to resolve it. Gun owners are the problem in California. They're all bark and no bite.

Gun owners avail themselves of the right to participate in freedom of speech on the net, but do nothing to preserve it. They complain endlessly about erosion of Second Amendment rights, but do nothing to change it. Gun owners claim they'll have to pry their guns from their 'cold dead hands' before allowing them to be confiscated. But, gun owners don't vote because they're afraid to be on a government list? California gun owners aren't scaring anyone with their bravado, least of all liberal politicians. If gun owners can't demand their rights in the voting booth, it is easily assumed they'll fold like the paper tiger they're perceived to be when they come knocking for their guns.

On the other hand, those who do vote deserve a medal because they're a rare breed of people. Very rare as the numbers go. They are so out of the mainstream they could almost be classified as a radical fringe group. Those who don't vote deserve a bigger medal hung around they're neck and a short plank into the Pacific because that's all they're worth... fish food.

A lot of people think erroneously that California is hopeless because liberals outnumber conservatives. It's clear gun owners outnumber themselves. Gun owners are engaged in an act of self-flagellation. They love victims and they are it. They wallow in their own self-pity claiming this or that pro-gun group, Northern California liberals, or the Brady Bunch are their downfall.

Here it is point blank. There is no one else to blame. 'We have met the enemy and it is us.' Only when gun owners finally take charge of their destiny will all this anti-gun nonsense come to an end. Until then, hope and pray gun owners take action at the polls before they knock on your door demanding your firearms. If California reaches that point, it's too late because most of you cannot be depended on to do anything. You've already proven that.

John Brantuk is going to run again in 2004. For the life of me, I can't imagine why he would waste his time if he can't count on gun owners to get him into office. But John is a driven man with a vision of saving gun rights in California. If you are inclined, there are few people in this state that deserve gun owner's support more than John. Visit his site and donate. Then register to vote online using the link below and start participating in the only process that will make a difference. VOTE!

One final comment. Can you imagine John's shock as he matched up gun show attendees to voter lists and recognized fellow gun owners in the community who "support" him, only to find the people who talk a good game aren't even registered to vote? A lesser person would have thrown in the towel and called it quits. Don't be a big mouth spouting about how no one in California is protecting your rights. It starts with you. If you can't do anything about it, don't expect your neighbors to do something. They probably aren't voting either so it's up to you, the individual gun owner to make a difference.

Make your check or money order payable to "Brantuk For Assembly" and mail it to:
Brantuk For Assembly
P.O. Box 171
Whittier, CA 90608
Or donate online at:
(562) 698-2870 Phone
(562) 698-2810 Fax

Do something useful with your life and register, then vote!

Register to vote on-line

Your comments are welcome: [email protected]

Unrestricted distribution and republishing of this article authorized
providing credit is given to as the originating source.

Some of these folks would seem to be the sporting clays/pheasant hunter folks and deer hunters who think long guns, so long as they aren't "evil" and black, will not be taken away.

Truth is, gun ownership includes far more people than have any use for the 2nd.

Even Andrew Cuomo owns a shotgun for sporting clays.
Exactly. For every ONE person that's active (such as myself,) there's always 20-50 who own guns, but think "Oh well, it's not going to affect me. "

That's probably what they thought when the SKS ban came through, then the "junk guns" ban...

Now, I'm wondering where they'll go from here... gawd, I gotta get outta here.
:fire: :cuss: :banghead:
I'm a registered Republican ...

... and I always vote. I usually vote a straight Republican ticket unless a particular candidate stands out enough to make me vote otherwise. What does that matter though? I will be out of this state before the next election, unless the recall Davis group gives me another opportunity to vote against him ;)
I vote in every election. I consider the key issues to be sound economics, quality education, anti-abortion, pro-gun, and a strong defense.

I hardly ever vote for anyone but a Republican.

But the key is, for all gun owners, dang it, GET OUT THERE AND VOTE!!! If you are not voting, then shut your yap about gun control, because you have no excuse to whine if you DO NOT VOTE! None.
Registered and I vote. And I support CRPA and NRA (easypay life). And I take my liberal friends out shootin.

But there is more I could do, I know.
I vote in every election, and I'm often the first to vote at my polling place.

I question the percentage of gun show attendees who are registered voters: the numbers given don't seem at all realistic.
Not only Voter Registration, but Brantuk needs to make his point, so he should be at every gun show in his district for 6 months before an election, either with a table he paid for, or is donated by the exhibitor, right up front.

He needs to make it clear how the 12000 gun show attendees, had they been registered, would've made the difference for gun rights candidates like himself.
Couple a things.
How did he get the names of the people attending a gun show?
I've never "registered" to enter one.
I was at a local gun show a couple of weeks ago.Seems theres always someone
wanting you to sign a petition for something.
I,like Sven,was wondering "howse come
theres always some petition but no voter registration"?
It is truly amazing how many people b--ch and moan and then
claim they don't vote!
I guess I'm a minority...voter,gun owner!:rolleyes:
I'll have to call the registrar of voters and find out whats involved
in registering voters.
Good reason to go to a gun show(like I need one!):D

I'll bite too...

...what is a gun show "attendee list"?

Is that a California invention?

Just curious. And voter registration is a good idea.

I hate liars


John took a look at a list of people that regularly attended gun shows in his district. He compared the attendee list to voter registration lists to determine how many of the 12,000 gun show attendees were registered to vote.


HORSEPOOP, there is no itemized list of gunshow attendees.

Maybe an estimate that 12,000 attended gunshows, and he had 670 votes in total?

Since when do they keep itemized lists by name of who voted and share the vote by persons name with the candidate???

QuickDraw and John BT,

Good question!. If you really do care where the gun show list may have come from, go to the original article and E mail Ralph Weller who wrote it and ask him. There is another thread on this entitled (CA) Comments? where his e-mail address is listed. It's listed above also.

Please report back on what you find out. I don't know if he knows since he was relying on Brantuk. As he said:

Your comments are welcome: [email protected]
Since when do they keep itemized lists by name of who voted and share the vote by persons name with the candidate???
He just looked at the list of those registered to vote, not those who actually voted (which as the article suggests was probably a smaller number than 670).

I, too, would like to know how he got a list of gun show attendees. Maybe he collected the names himself at shows? Candidates usually have a mailing list of supporters.
I have no idea how he could have gotten a list of gun show attendees, but lists of voters are available here in WI from the state. You can also get a list of ballots that show how a voter voted. Both parties do that in order to find "independent" voters. If you cross party lines when you vote, they want your name and address so they can hammer you with literature.

Regardless of whether the above story is true or not, the author's point is. Work a political table at a gun show sometime. After doing a few, the blank stares, grunts and rude comments you'll get from gunowners will make you want to buttstroke them.
This brings me to one of the sad realities of gun culture: paranoia.

I'm sure a lot of those folks at gun shows don't want to register because then the gov'ment will know where they live and can come and take their guns someday. Perhaps a prudent fear?

The other side would prefer that we not vote or organize. The atmosphere of fear surrounding gun culture today ensures that - unless some of us swim against the stream - we are destined to stay isolated and cut off from any chance of political success.

My personal hope is that by making firearms politically correct on a small scale (namely, by taking friends shooting), I can eventually have some effect on the global outcome.

I took my voting application from Jessie Jackson, who was speaking at my college. Wonder how Jessie would feel about my voting record?

The Attendees List is easy; Gun show promoter offers door prize, for which you register. Promoter harvests those names for a mailing list which he uses to advertise every area gun show he is involved in, via postcard. Our hero simply has a buddy who is a promoter/organizer and handed over his list...

Makes ya all warm and fuzzy inside, eh?
I also question how he got the list of 12,000. However, as others have pointed out, the concept of the article is still good. I work a political table at local gun shows and the number of registered voters seems much higher here (purely subjective). There is voter registration at gun shows in our area (or at least passing out of registration forms).

I circulated this article to some local activists and as a result we may take some polls of gun show attendees regarding voter registration, party affiliation and some other items of interest.

It would be easy to get a head count of attendees, and many might fill out the promoters form as suggested earlier.

Only 3 threads on the subject?
I e-mailed Ralph Weller, the author of the article yesterday afternoon. He got back to me and said he would be posting information as to how the gun show attendee numbers were arrived at in a couple of days. If you haven't visited his site, check it out. Great place for news from all over.

I found Jim March and TFL through Ralph site.
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