California Legislature Today Passes Gun Bills to Governor

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Mar 16, 2007
California Legislature Today Passes Gun Bills to Governor who is going out of the country on Friday and will Veto or Sign the following bills before he leaves at 11:00am Tomorrow for a European Vacation. He is doing this because Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsome likely would have signed each one into law.

What starts in California tends to be adopted across the country.


The powers that be just took down Cal Guns in a DOS attack so we couldn't get out the word to call the Governor's office.
Quick reference of bills:

SB 880 (Hall): Bans common and constitutionally protected firearms that have magazine locking devices.
SB 894 (Jackson): Re-victimizes victims by criminalizing the failure to report lost and stolen firearms.
SB 1235 (de Leon): Now competes with Gavin Newsom's Safety for All Act/Ammo Ban.
SB 1446 (Hancock): Confiscation of lawfully acquired, standard capacity ammunition feeding devices.
AB 857 (Cooper): Forced "Ghost Gun" registration.
AB 1135 (Levine): Bans common and constitutionally protected firearms that have magazine locking devices.
AB 1511 (Santiago): Bans the loaning of firearms.
AB 1673 (Gipson): Redefines “firearms” to include items that are not firearms.
AB 1674 (Santiago): Bans buying more than one firearm within a 30-day period.
AB 1695 (Bonta): Makes some non-violent misdemeanors punishable by prohibitions on owning firearms.
AB 2607 (Ting): Dramatically expands who can request a Gun Violence Restraining order.

The LA Times version:
The bills sent to the governor include:

Ammunition sales: Requires an ID and background check to purchase ammunition and creates a new state database of ammunition owners

Large ammunition clips: Bans possession of ammunition magazines that hold more than 10 bullets.

Bullet buttons: Two proposals would strengthen California’s assault weapon law by outlawing a small buttonhole used for quickly swapping out ammunition magazines

Limit on gun loans: A new restriction on loaning guns without background checks.

Stolen gun reporting: Stolen or lost guns would have to reported within five days.

False gun reporting: A new punishment for falsely reporting guns as stolen

Ghost guns: Homemade “ghost guns” would need to be registered and there would be new limits on selling them

Long gun limits: Only one rifle or shotgun could be purchased per month

Gun research: Urges Congress to lift the prohibition against publicly funded scientific research on the causes of gun violence and its effects on public health

Gun restraining orders: Bans a person subject to a “gun violence restraining order” from having any firearms or ammunition while the order is in effect

Gun theft: Clarifies that theft of a firearm is grand theft and is punishable as a felony

SB 880 Link:
SB 1446 Link:
SB 1235 Link:
SB 875:
SB 894:
SB 2607:
SB 1695:
SB 1674:
SB 1673:
AB 1511:
AB 1135:
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Welcome to the beginning of the end, fellas. Is Vegas taking odds on how long till a straight up ban on semi-autos gets voted on? Oh, or how long until the ATF decides to adopt CA's new interpretation of "firearms?"
What starts in California tends to be adopted across the country.

You'll have to provide some type of citation or data to back up that statement as there is no correlation to gun laws in Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Kansas, etc. being affected by gun laws passed in California.
Welcome to the beginning of the end, fellas. Is Vegas taking odds on how long till a straight up ban on semi-autos gets voted on? Oh, or how long until the ATF decides to adopt CA's new interpretation of "firearms?"

Going back to the dark days when the 1968 GCA was passed (and yes - I remember those times) There were pessimistic predictions that the end was near and would arrive shortly. Doom and gloom were the order of the day.

But we are still around - at least in most places. Gun sales are at historic highs, and most of them are the kind that the "banners" don't want the public to have. In one day - the Friday following Thanksgiving last year - enough background checks were made to represent transfers in numbers capable of completely rearming the entire U.S. Marine Corps! This past May background checks (that do not represent all of the transfers that were made) were 31% higher then the same month last year.

You can be sure that the mostly Liberal/Progressive mainstream media is not going to mention one word of the above, which in no way doesn't mean it didn't happen.

So get off you're knees, stand up, and fight back! Above all, remember to vote!
You vote!!!! Also help to get as many like minded individuals to the poles to vote as well, instead of letting them sit this one out "because it is a lost cause already".:banghead: We can do this just as well as the Dems can, and THEY have done this in the past so we now sit around bemoaning what we have lost. My message is clear these days----Vote pro gun at least this one election or we will soon loose our gun rights altogether.

I have one really liberal friend that has voted Dem down the line for her entire life so far, thinks Obama is doing a good job etc. etc. Then she stated this time around she would even vote for Trump to keep Hillary from winning if those were her choices in Nov. WOW:what:
I am surprised that they are pushing gun control in California.

I thought that they had outlawed everything already.
You'll have to provide some type of citation or data to back up that statement as there is no correlation to gun laws in Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Kansas, etc. being affected by gun laws passed in California.

One example: California passed the Roberti-Roos Assault Weapons Control Act in 1989.

US Congress passed the Assault Weapon law in 1994 -
In November 1993, the proposed legislation passed the U.S. Senate. The bill's author, Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and other advocates said that it was a weakened version of the original proposal.[6]
The legislation passed in September 1994 with the assault weapon ban section expiring in 2004 due to its sunset provision.
Unfortunately, CA seems to export goofy people who don't like something here, but still want CA-like politics wherever they wind up.

Another example: CA has its stupid Roster of handguns approved for sale; Maryland and Washington DC copied it.
What starts in California tends to be adopted across the country.


That was once the case but now most States have done a 180° where California keeps on barreling towards total annihilation of Rights.

The last five years have seen some pretty aggressive pro-gun laws being enacted in several States. Constitutional Carry being a popular one where the number of States having it have doubled.

Good luck to you guys. We fight our own "UBC" in Maine this November. :(
One of the proposed laws that changes the definition of a gun, in effect, would list an AR upper as a gun, same for 80% unfinished lowers.

Next you will have to register your index finger if you point it and go "pew pew".
One of the proposed laws that changes the definition of a gun, in effect, would list an AR upper as a gun, same for 80% unfinished lowers.

Next you will have to register your index finger if you point it and go "pew pew".
The problem with that is that those items aren't serialized nor are they federally tracked. But their agenda is to make it so much of a pain to own firearms that most people won't go through the hassle.
Gov. Brown has vetoed a number of similar gun bills in the past, so there is that. At least by California standards, he doesn't seem to be a foaming at the mouth anti-gunner.

Newsom, however, will be a bigger problem.
What starts in California tends to be adopted across the country.


Well, seeing as all the proposed federal legislation failed after Orlando, this is just fear mongering. Copycat legislation will be limited to the usual suspects
export goofy people who don't like something here, but still want CA-like politics wherever they wind up.

Yep, CO is a good example of that.
CA seems to export goofy people who don't like something here, but still want CA-like politics wherever they wind up.

Austin, Texas is getting full of those people also. I hate hearing people moving into my area talk about how good it was in cali, barf......take your politics and go back home.
This could be challenged on a federal level which makes the next potus very important. We don't need anybody Hillary would appoint on the Supreme Court.

I find the misdemeanor portion of these bills interesting. Was there any clarification as to what misdemeanors they were speaking about.
Definitely a bad day.

Is there a significant effort within California to fight this type of legislation? We always seem to be loosing little portions of our rights in CA, NY, etc. when was the last time we got some of this junk repealed?


There was lots of effort to defeat these bills before they passed. I am sure we will come together for a court case.
This could be challenged on a federal level which makes the next potus very important. We don't need anybody Hillary would appoint on the Supreme Court.

I find the misdemeanor portion of these bills interesting. Was there any clarification as to what misdemeanors they were speaking about.
Oh for sure.

But they know that.

This is one of those efforts where you pass it knowing it is illegal and wrong, but you do it anyway because it will be years until it gets repealed.

And even if it does get repealed, the state (apparently) does not have to follow the ruling.

Just look at the 10 day wait thing. That was repealed but nobody seems to give to turds.

There was lots of effort to defeat these bills before they passed. I am sure we will come together for a court case.
Unless we can get something like a Federal civil rights argument, I don't see a lawsuit going anywhere.

And, given we're in the 9th Circuit, Federal courts look like a long, drawn-out slog. Remember Peruta is in its 7th year ...
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