Can there be too many

This is a timely post. I was just telling my wife I know I have too many guns. I have a few safes full of guns, and one small safe has all the guns that were passed down when my grandfather died. I haven't been in it in a while, and decided to look them over. When I first opened the safe, I saw two shotguns, and my first thought was "I don't remember grandpa having those", turns out they were mine that I bought and tucked away and forgot about.

Of course that wont stop me from trying to find more, like when I go out yard saling tomorrow.
I'm to the point where the herd needs thinning. Those guns that haven't ben shot in the last three years will probably be the first to go.
At the height of "collectormania" I had far too many. Stacked in corners, shoved under furniture, etc. and almost none of them ever used. Granted, most were recieved in trades and were meant to be used in other trades, but still. I finally had my fill of that, so got rid of almost everything. Now I only keep a few dozen, and many of those are sentimental things which won't ever get sold. The rest are either serious defensive guns, or range toys which I enjoy shooting. Anything else gets traded or sold.
I’m content with what I have, if I never acquire another I’ll be perfectly happy. Wouldn’t be a big deal at all.

With that said, I do still have a “list” as they say. Some 45/410 for snakes is near the top right now. Others come and go on and off the list and some will certainly be acquired.
Being honest. Anyone honestly say. "I have enough guns"?

"I have enough guns.¨

I could tweak the hoard, but my current perceived needs are adequately met.

This life won't endure, and one doesn't take one's accumulated stuff into the next. And, I try to be mindful about what the Bible says about covetousness.

To some enough may be 1, to another it my be 40 and yet another 100 +
I am at that point that I can say I have enough. There are one or two grail guns I would love to have. But I am at that point in my life I am not looking, needing or wanting another gun. I love all I have. I try and shoot every thing I have at least once a year.
I'm so glad I took up reloading 35 years ago. Makes it that much easier and fun to shoot.
I have my favorites that get shot more than others, and my ccw's get a rotation and turn to be carried.
I just am at that state being in my late 50's I am more content to just tinker, test and enjoy the guns I have and not wanting more and more
Before the pandemic, I was collecting all the regular barrel lengths for S&W K-frsme revolvers with adjustable sights. Except for Model 16 revolvers ( have a 6” 16-4)
I got all of them then realized I had forgotten the Model 48 line (22 WMR).

At a gun show in the late 2022 in my parts, I found an 8-3/8” Model 48. To expedite matters I bought 4” and 6” Classic version of the 22WMR Model 48 revolvers.

Except for 32 S&WL Model 16-0 through Model 16-3, I have the regular cataloged barrel length models for all cartridges

If I attend gun shows in the future’ I’ll look for early production Model 48 tevolvers. Otherwise the Classic guns will do.

.I wish S&W would come out with a 32 S&WL Model 16 K-frame revolver.
I’ve had “too many” twice in my life, so far. I had over 300 in inventory at one point, liquidated, rebuilt over a decade to over a hundred again, liquidated again. Honestly, I ALMOST or SORT OF feel like I have “too many” once again, but largely rather because I have a lot of heirloom rifles, and rifles I keep out of nostalgia, but of which I just don’t and won’t make use - Rifles I like, and like owning, but I just don’t shoot any more, so it’s tough to justify holding on. I have a few JM stamped Marlin 1894’s, as an example, and really only make use of one of them. I have two blued and walnut .30-06’s, one a Ruger M77 MkII, my first deer rifle I bought for myself, and one a Rem 700 BDL, which was my father-in-law’s rifle; I can’t really bring myself to sell either, and neither are worth enough to warrant their sale, but I also don’t make appropriate use of either any longer, and can’t really justify why they should rot in the back of my safe, then rot in my son’s safe in the future when I’m gone… I have a Bushmaster Varmint Special Stainless I just can’t bring myself to sell, but also can’t bring myself to shoot any more either….

So I’m kind of stuck again thinking - eh, I don’t need all of these, don’t even want all of these… but I can’t quite drop the axe on them…
My daughter saw how I sold (most of) my father''s guitar collection over a period of time. We've talked about this a couple of times. She can research a few firearms at a time to know what they're worth, sell them each for a good price, and move on to the next few. There's a lot of money to be had if she's smart and patient (she's both).

I'm pretty sure she'll just keep maybe a 22 and/or 32 and/or 38 that she shot a lot as a little girl and sell the rest. It'll be an interesting project for her. I'll try to sell the classic cars before then, as they would probably be more of a hassle.
Being honest. Anyone honestly say. "I have enough guns"?...
Yeah, I kind of have. Mrs. McGee and I went through several lean years, and buying a new gun on the spur of the moment was absolutely, 100%, out of the question. I made do with what I had. If I wanted a new gun, I had to sell something to get it. And that's never a money-making proposition, so I pretty much just kept what I had. Fast forward a decade or so, and we've mostly recovered financially. But I'm also a decade older and circumstances have changed. The Little McGee isn't so little any more, and she's in college. I recently took a new job (50+ hr/wk), and am trying to sell one house and buy a new one. So while I could theoretically buy more guns, I sure have other demands on my wallet.

I'm also just not interested in keeping guns I don't shoot. If I've said it once, I've said it a dozen times: I'm a terrible collector. If I buy a gun, I want to shoot it. Plain and simple. (Please, for the love of all that is holy, don't hand me a Singer 1911. I'll shoot it.) By THR standards, my "collection" is meager. I have a few working guns for SD/HD and hunting, and a few fun guns for the range. I enjoy shooting all of them. If I figure out that I don't like one, or I'm just not going to shoot it, off it goes to fund something else. There are a couple of exceptions, like my Dad's old hunting shotgun, but those are few and far between.

...But that doesn’t temper my want to own and shoot others that I have not tried yet....
You're not wrong in the slightest.
I can honestly say "I have too many guns". About as useful as saying "I need to quit eating snacks". It happend by a life time of acquisition and old age reducing what I can do. And I hate the process of selling guns. Have done it a few times. My liberal, non gun loving kids are just gonna have to deal with it.