Canada's $2 BILLION white elephant goes online, for your viewing pleasure...

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Jan 8, 2003
People's Republic of Canada
This is a searchable database (as of last year) of everything that is supposedly "registered" in Canada, but you can see exactly what we got for our two billion dollars if you search for type: handgun and action: full automatic; five pages of some admittedly valid FA handguns, along with a bunch of world-class screw-ups. An MG-42, an FG-42 :)eek: ), several Lewis guns, a Browning 1918A2 BAR, some Thompsons, some MP40s, and so on.

Overall, the Ottawa Citizen article was the expected hack-job propaganda piece on guns and gun owners, but this little tool shows just how worthless this particular white elephant is.
Yep, those are (supposed to be) everything that is LEGALLY owned, either by individuals, by museums, or by manufacturers (the po-leece are exempt, of course). I've also just noticed that it includes data on American guns that were "temporarily imported" by their owners for use while hunting or competing (unless WA and NY became provinces while I wasn't looking).
I have a frieend who is a LEO in Ontario. She said the Canadian proviences have their own laws like States do here. Some are pretty open, and some are California like.
Well, it's more like everyone HAS to be like California, but individual provinces can turn around and "interpret" things in a more or less strict manner if they want to. For example, the provinces are the ones that "regulate" firing ranges, and Quebec (the New Jersey of Canada) has chosen to interpret this as meaning that they will NOT allow any range to operate in which any bullet can leave that range. Therefore, there are no more outdoor handgun ranges in Quebec, and the only rifle ranges are those in which you have to lay the rifle in a rest with limited movement (blocked by timbers and baffles), so there is no way you can fire a bullet over a berm.
Ooh! I just did a search of my old Toronto neighborhood! Wow, there's a TON of machineguns-- in Yorkville?! Sweet God, I should've robbed my neighbors! AK-47s, Uzis, Sten guns... oh wait a damn minute... does the Royal Ontario Museum have a gun exibit?
Isn't the Liberal Party out? Haven't Jean Chrétien and Paul Martin and been booted?

... or, move to the Western Provinces...

...or, maybe work on getting politicians elected who share common sense views of gun ownership and use!

It can be done. The election of pro-gun people can start, can be successful, and their numbers will grow!
The LIEberals are out, but the Conservatives only have a "minority government" (ie. they have fewer than 154 members elected, out of the total of 307); this means they have to play "let's make a deal" with one or more of the other three parties in order to pass laws, and none of them want to change this particular law. The LIEberals passed this garbage in the first place, the separatist Bloc Quebecois are even MORE anti-gun, and the NDP are dyed-in-the-wool socialists who figure that the serfs can't be trusted with guns in the first place.
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