Candidate for the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs supports animal rights

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Dec 27, 2002
Union Grove, Alabama

Obama's choice to head the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Cass Sunstein, supports "animal rights". Apparently, one of the powers of this office is the ability to " block rules, including those that protect hunting and conservation."

Link to the article written by Gene Mueller of the Washington Times, dated August 5, 2009:

Text of the article:

President Obama's choice to head the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs had Sen. John Cornyn, Texas Republican, so upset that he blocked it - a move that puts only a temporary hold on the appointment. Now the U.S. Sportsmen's Alliance, a hunter advocacy group, says American sportsmen need to step in to make sure the block stays in place.

According to the U.S. Sportsmen's Alliance, Cass Sunstein supports animal rights. This is an important office that has the authority to block rules, including those that protect hunting and conservation. The pro-hunting organization says Sunstein has mentioned the possibility that hunting could be banned altogether if its sole purpose is human recreation.

There's no way of knowing how Maryland's senators, Barbara Mikulski and Benjamin L. Cardin, both Democrats and normally supportive of the president's appointees, will react to Sunstein's nomination. The same holds for Virginia's two senators, Jim Webb and Mark R. Warner, also Democrats. But it probably wouldn't hurt to let them and your house representatives know how you feel about having an animal rightist in a position to seriously affect hunting and massive conservation programs funded by recreational hunters.

Mark Warner and Jim Webb of Virginia apparently have the ability to influence, in some manner, whether or not Sunstein attains this office. So for those that reside in Virginia, please contact Warner and Webb and let them know that a vote to appoint Sunstein to this office will be countered with a vote for their opponent the next time they're up for re-election.
The GOA (Gun Owners of America) sent me an e-mail today asking me to write my senators to vote against his appointment. If you go to GOA's website they have a letter written that you can edit or leave the same that can be sent to your senators. It is a very easy process which is helpful to me,since I am very computor and internet challenged.
I don't see this is a gun-related issue, at least as it was presented.

Moreover, without knowing more about the person involved, I don't think that saying that they support "animal rights" really means anything at all. Such a term could mean that they are a member of The Animal Liberation Front or PETA, or might just mean that they support policy decisions that prevent what most of us would consider to be cruelty to animals (dog fighting circuits, cockfighting, etc).

I could easily say that I support animal rights, and I am also a hunter and meat eater. The language in this is too vague, as news articles usually are.
“We could even grant animals a right to bring suit without insisting that animals are persons, or that they are not property,” Sunstein said on page 11 of Animal Rights: Current Debates and New Directions (2004).

Is that good enough for ya Kevin?


Almost all gun control legislation is constitutionally fine…. [O]n the Constitution’s text, fundamentalists [that is, gun rights supporters] should not be so confident in their enthusiasm for invalidating gun control legislation.

That's quotes GOA compiled.
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Cloture Vote on Sunstein's nomination probably happening as I write this (4:50 PM EDT)
Perhaps someone was misinformed.

The Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (part of the Office of Management and Budget) does NOT have the ability to "...block rules, including those that protect hunting and conservation".

It is an advisory office that reviews draft regulations among the regulatory agencies to advise on whether the proposed regulations reflect their intended objectives, reviews collections of information under the Paperwork Reduction Act, and it also develops and oversees the implementation of government-wide policies in the areas of information technology, information policy, privacy, and statistical policy.

Go look it up yourself.

I would hesitate to take political action based solely on some news writers' opinions. It is better to do our own research.
I believe today's vote was just on cloture - i.e. to end debate and prevent filibuster.
Look at the quotes ants, go to the GOA website. The Obama admin is making up new rules as it goes along, these czars are going to have carte blanche.
Hello, Warhawk83

Yes, my friend, I looked at the quotes. And I went to the GOA web site. And I went to the NRA ILA web site. And then I went to the OMB web site. And then I looked at Wikipedia, and a half dozen other resources. Please, we should all do the same for ourselves. It pays to do plenty of research.

I bet lunch for a week that this new appointee will have no impact on hunting. Better than that, I'm part of a committee in our state to lobby anit-gun politicians on safe, responsible, legal and constitutional gun ownership. Research everything you can, and then take effective action.
I hope your right ants, but I believe that you may be underestimating this administration. These are different political animals than this country has ever seen, and Sunstein IMO is dangerous, because of the power he will have if confirmed.
Very Anti-2A

This guy is very anti-gun. There is a video of his saying he doesn't think the Second Amendment means what you think it means. Given, this is from before the Heller decision, but don't imagine that he has changed his mind.

They passed cloture yesterday. That was the 63/39 vote. That allows them to do a straight up-or-down vote.

They're supposed to vote on his confirmation today.

If that hasn't happened yet, then now is the time to burn the phone lines.

This man is immensely dangerous to liberty.

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