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Can't hit diddly on stations 4 and 5 in trap.

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Sep 27, 2003
Grand Rapids, MI
I'm new at this trap shooting thing, but I've been doing it long enough to notice a pattern: I stink at stations 4 and 5.

Originally I thought that perhaps I was getting sloppy, as I usually started out on station 1 or 2, but today I ran 2 rounds starting out at station 4. Both times I got 1 of 5 at stations 4 and 5, while I busted 4-5 at stations 1, 2, and 3.

I'd like to just brush it off as some strange anomoly, or perhaps a psychosematic issue, but I do realize that my left eye is pretty much useless. Seems like once the trap house is off to my left everything goes to pot. I'm 20/60 with corrected vision out of the left eye.

Anybody ever seen such a problem before? Is it real or just imagined? Considering that the trap house remains pretty much in the same spot as you circle around it I find it really odd that my bad eye might actually come into play with such a slight change in angles.

Maybe I'll ask my trap partner to keep his left eye closed for a whole course and see if he has the same problems. It just seems to repeatable for this to be a fluke.
I would have someone stand behind you while you shoot these stations, and see where you are missing them. As a shoot term fix I might suggest standing a little more to the right with your stance, give yourself a bit more wind up on leads on those 2 stations. Not sure without being able to watch you shoot.
Like kudu, I'd want to see you shoot before declaring what's going wrong.

What hold point are you using?

And where is your front foot pointing?
Like others have said, Its hard to say without seeing you shoot. On thing I will say is that more than likely is isant a problem with your eye. I myself am blind in my left eye, but i still shoot decent trap, so long as I dont get flustered :uhoh: :) . More than likely its just a mental thing that will go away with time and practice.
Just like golf, proper balance, foot placement, and a smooth swing coupled with lots of practice will likely take care of it. Just make sure (by having someone experienced observe) to practice correctly. Otherwise, practice will just make permanent rather than perfect.
I'm assuming you shoot right handed, right eyed. My guess is that you are moving your head without the shotgun. Left to right shots for a rightie, it's easy to move the head faster than teh shotgun, your head gets off the stock and that's all she wrote, you miss. :banghead:
you should be starting pointing just over the house, about halfway between midpoint and the right edge (you are cheating right in other words). your left foot should be pointed at that same halfway point. Or maybe in your case you might cheat right a little more.

That's my thoughts, worth what you paid for 'em.
HTH :)
Thanks guys... I'll pay more attention to where my feet are. I had never thought about that before.

An older fellow there told me to hold the gun on the lower right corner at station 4 and at the upper right corner on station 5. I do the mirror of that over on 1 and 2.

I'll pay attention more to what I'm doing over there and forget the eye dominance thing. Sounds like that's likely to be the least of my worries.
Are you right handed?
Crank your right elbow up to or above horizontal, it will help lock the gun butt into the "pocket" and reduce the risk of getting your head off the gun. I went through the same thing and a lady shooter told me that which helped considerably.
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