Carolyn "shoulder thing that goes up" McCarthy to retire - good or bad?

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Oct 21, 2005
Carolyn "shoulder thing that goes up" is not going to seek re-election. This is great for the nation as she will no longer be able to strip Americans of their 2nd amendment Constitutional rights. However, she said she will continue to be a citizen activist. This will most likely give her less power. However, like Bloomberg it may give her more time to focus on stripping Americans of their rights.

So will Carolyn McCarthy not seeking reelection be better or worse for 2nd Amendment proponents?
Her no longer being in a position to make actual law is a plus if you ask me.
It's always good when a staunch anti like that leaves political office. I'm sure she will still be creeping around agitating, but at least she won't be able to vote on the laws now.
Stupid pols are like Slinkys. They're basicly useless but can make you smile if you push one down the stairs.I'll miss her for her entertainment value.
So will Carolyn McCarthy not seeking reelection be better or worse for 2nd Amendment proponents?

Depends on who fills the seat. I'm not overly optimistic, as the trend in heavily Democrat districts is to replace bad with worse. May well end up with someone just as anti-gun, but smarter, more articulate and without her foot-in-mouth tendencies.
It's going to be an open race for this seat. Among Democrats there are three pretty anti- current DA Kathleen Rice and local politicians Dave Denenberg and Kevin Abrahams are being tossed around as contenders.

A leading Republican candidate is pretty soft as well. Kate Murray is self described as pro-gun control ... a "moderate Republican, while being fiscally conservative".

Fran Becker, however, has had this to say "I am a Constitutional Conservative. While we must keep guns out of the hands of children and criminals, the Second Amendment clearly states that every law-abiding citizen has the Constitutional right to bear arms for their own safety and protection."

This will be a heated contest for the seat. Becker has run twice against McCarthy, without success. Not sure whether he had enough traction to take in in a third try. But in Long Island politics, who knows?
Her husband was shot by a guy that hated and wanted to kill white people and he wrote that on paper and told people. Naturally that was swept under the rug and the gun became the source of the problem. The real problem was never addressed
It's unlikely she'll be replaced by someone who's actually pro-gun.

However, if she's replaced by a politician whose pet interests lie elsewhere, I think that's a win for us.
The second amendment says nothing about personal rights, nor criminals. Obviously, the guy can't read.
Initial thoughts are her replacement is probably going to be in favor of UBC mag restrictions and assault weapon's ban. The replacement could very well be well spoken and be able to argue the issue intelligently instead of a caricature that will only be taken seriously within his/her own district.

On the other hand Justin raise a good point; the replacement might not see gun control as being that high a priority.
Again, all he leading credible contenders for the seat - Rice, Denenberg, Abrams and Murray - are support gun control positions, except for one (Becker) who I am discounting as a winner against a Dem (although he did come within 8 points for McCarthy when he ran against her in 2010).

The pro gun control contenders can be expected to robotically support any gun control measures. However, they are not likely to be so vocal and obsessively focused on he issue as McCarthy. So, while McCarthy's replacement can almost certainly be expected to be a vote for pro-gun control measures, I'm not expecting the replacement to be a generator of gun control measures him/herself.
As a Congressperson, she has been remarkably ineffective at achieving ANYTHING, let alone her pet goal. Honestly, I'd rather have a dedicated anti-gun idiot than someone who was squishy on guns but actually competent. The latter might actually make something happen.
Depends, on our side.
Of course it's good that she's leaving. She needs to not be able to influence anything. Even as far less of a conservative than some of you, the only person I've heard worth less of my time is Pelosi.

The problem would be if her former voters pick someone that actually does their research and can argue more effectively than the current group's method of standing at a podium and foaming at the mouth.
I am not happy to hear she is ill. Doesn't mean I am not glad to see her go.

Here's the thing. There are antis and then there antis. Pretty much all Democrats are anti. (Oh yeah, I totally said it.) But she was a dem anti whose sole reason for existing, breathing, and holding office was to ban guns. Her replacement will not likely be pro-gun, but it is also unlikely they will be nearly as bad as she was.

When the Sandy Hook legislation panic set in, I said over and over again, They are doing this because they know it is their last chance. The career antis are dying off. Biden is about to be sidelined permanently. Feinstein doesn't have many miles left on her. They knew that if they failed this time, they wouldn't get another chance.
In the long run there probably will be no effect.

The real problem isn't the politicians, it is the electorate.
Not too many people paid much mind to her as a sitting Congresswoman, I doubt she'll garner much more as an activist civilian. I'd be more worried about who gets elected to seat in the next election. Michigan Senator Carl Levin is also retiring. He's voted for every freedom stripping bill that's come down pipe as long as I can remember. Hopefully we can fill that empty chair with a good conservative.
The real problem isn't the politicians, it is the electorate.

Exactly. More concerning than the retirement of Rep. Carolyn McCarthy is the gun-issue "evolution" of her New York colleague, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand. Remember, this is a person that was considered pro-gun (even had an NRA endorsement) when she represented an upstate congressional district. As soon as she ran for statewide office, she switched completely on guns. Now, Gillibrand isn't a one-issue antigun crusader (unlike McCarthy), but she is a smart politician. As a smart politician, she's figured out that gun control plays well with the New York (read: metropolitan New York City) electorate.

This is the problem faced by the pro-gun side: how to convince urban voters that it's in their best interest to be less restrictive on guns. We seem to be making some progress in Chicago, but have a long way to go in the urban areas on the East and West Coasts.
This is the problem faced by the pro-gun side: how to convince urban voters that it's in their best interest to be less restrictive on guns. We seem to be making some progress in Chicago, but have a long way to go in the urban areas on the East and West Coasts.

Hence the need for at least two Americas.
Early in WW-2 there were plans to kill Hitler. It was soon realized what a mistake this would be. Taking Hitler out meant someone competent might take his place and the Allies decided it was in our best interest for him to stay in power.

That might be the case here. While McCarthy is a one issue anti-gun politician, she is not particularly competent in my opinion. We may wish she were back in office depending on who takes her place.
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