Case Lube

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I also have been doing my own bootleg for many years.
I used lanolin and alcohol and works great.
Now I use canola oil and alcohol and works even better.
Both natural and free of petroleum. your fingers will not crack over time.
Wash the brass always anyway.
I was thinking with the coconut that after the alcohol evaporated it'd set up more like a wax & would maybe work better. I think I'll do a small batch & give it a try. I'll probably try the canola oil also to compare to.
I put a bit more of the oil to alcohol ratio with the canola oil. In fact I have one bottle more saturated to work on case forming / wildcats.
I eye ball it so it is not precise but it works every single time.
many ways to skin a cat I guess.
i also find it interesting that we all have such different results with the same products. I had tried many of the spray lubes out there over the past few years and had stuck cases with all of them.

I have switched 100% to the homemade lanolin/99% alcohol mix and have had great results over the past year doing from the smallish .223 to .308 and .300 savage but nothing larger and nothing hard to size. I use Home Health Liquid Lanolin pure emollient oil I think I found on Amazon and mix 1:10 with the 99% rubbing alcohol. I have used it sprayed directly onto the brass while they were in a loading block and into the ziploc bag and shaken with equally good results. I have found that I need to wait 5 minutes or so for the alcohol to evaporate before sizing.

Keep it warm and mix/shake well before using as it will separate in the spray bottle.
Best lube I've used is a 50-50 mix of Hoppy's No. 9 bore cleaner and STP motor oil treatment.
I use STP sometimes too, but it's 50/50 with 10-30 instead of Hoppes
Slicker than snot, and greatly eases the sizing effort....but doesn't clean off very easy. I'm not a huge fan of tumbling again after sizing, so I typically use the tubes of Lee stuff. It works fine and wipes off really easy. (I can't remember exactly what it's named, off the top of my head).
I save the STP mess for 308
I like the lanolin/Alcohol lube. You can by it or make it. I have used Dillon and Frankford-same stuff.
I stumbled on this years ago and am still useing it. It is Imperial sizing die wax. Imperial Lubricants , a product of Redding Reloading Eqipment. Redding-
+1 for Imperial Sizing Die Wax. A 2 oz./$9.00 tin seems to last forever and, after 1000's of .223 Rem. and .270 Win., I've never gotten a casing stuck in the die.
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