Cast bullet lube?

Jan 12, 2021
Thus far I have been using Lyman Alox Orange stuff for my smokeless bullets. I lube and size in a Lyman 450 machine, with the heat plate underneath. I have also use SPG in another 450 that I've loaded both smokeless and BP. I'm just about out of the Lyman lube and gonna need something new. Just wondering what the favorites are? I should say that I actually haven't shot any of these lubed bullets yet, casting for smokeless is new to me and been a winter project.
Some folks hate Black Moly by Lyman. It is a good lube and runs well in the 450/4500. I like it.

I also make my own lube with beeswax and moly grease. It works well. Smoky though.
OK, well, I use 45 Colt RN, Lyman 452664. The 2 Rifle bullets are Accurate 46-305 and 46-350DL that I use in 45/60, 45/75, and 45/70. And Accurate 51-350CL for my 50/95. Eventually I'll start in on 38/55 too. That would be in my Uberti 1876's and Browning 1886's. Hunting, plinking, general fun shooting.
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For many years I've made my own lube from 60% commode seal and 40% canning wax.....Works great in my pistols and rifles....I get little to no barrel leading.......I REFUSE to pay $5 and up for a stick of lube...........Been using my mix for over 20 year4s.
1. 50/50 Beeswax/ALOX (NRA Lube, also sold as Lyman ALOX Lube sticks)
2. Lee ALOX, thin-coated & allowed to dry in "warm" oven overnight
3. Powder Coat

Any of the above
Actually, my favorite and most used is TAC1. It is hands down the best I've ever used. It used to be available on eBay, but the guy making it quit selling it, that's why I didn't mention it previously.
The maker is on the Cast Boolit forum and his handle is Randy Rat. If a person sweet talks him, he might whip up a batch to sell. I'm down to 2 1/2 sticks so I'm going to have to ask him soon.


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MEHavey's right - if I can do it anyone can do it.


Powder coating is fair easy. Put some powder in a plastic bowl with a 5 inside a triangle marked on the bottom. *Pour in a handful of bullets then put the lid on and shake for 30 seconds vigorously. Remove the lid and with needle nose pliers set the bullets on the tray for the toaster oven you previously lined with nonstick aluminum foil and put in a preheated oven at 400* for 20 minutes. When they come out they get to cool about 5 minutes then get knocked off the foil into a pan then when I’m all done for the day I try to get them all sized. I run 4 pans for the toaster so while one is cooking, I’m filling up another.

*I try not to handle raw bullets with my hands as the oils in them seem to cause adhesion problems with the powder. I could be wrong though.
That is exactly how I did it, with Eastrich or Eastwood powder, I forget the name at the moment East something. Tried the Harbor Freight powder 1st, that was even worse.

Powder coating is fair easy. Put some powder in a plastic bowl with a 5 inside a triangle marked on the bottom. *Pour in a handful of bullets then put the lid on and shake for 30 seconds vigorously. Remove the lid and with needle nose pliers set the bullets on the tray for the toaster oven you previously lined with nonstick aluminum foil and put in a preheated oven at 400* for 20 minutes. When they come out they get to cool about 5 minutes then get knocked off the foil into a pan then when I’m all done for the day I try to get them all sized. I run 4 pans for the toaster so while one is cooking, I’m filling up another.

*I try not to handle raw bullets with my hands as the oils in them seem to cause adhesion problems with the powder. I could be wrong though.
Just looked at the bowl I used to shake the powder and bullets in. It's a Cool Whip container with a 2 in the triangle. Does that make a difference?
Just looked at the bowl I used to shake the powder and bullets in. It's a Cool Whip container with a 2 in the triangle. Does that make a difference?
It does. A number 5 is a different type of plastic and will generate the static you are missing. The only good harbor freight powder was the red one and they discontinued it a couple years ago. Eastwood is what you have and by all mention it is good powder.

What powder?
What Temp?
What thermometer?
What Time?

Other than bore riders, Shake&Bake PC'ing has become a no-brainer 'DoItInYourSleep' process.
Can you recommend any good videos from YouTube? Most seem to be presented by newbies.
Liquid alox. With the Lee push throuh sizers it works so well and takes so little time I have never bothered with anything else.
Powder coating seems tedious and time consuming, traditional luber/sizers are expensive and time consuming, and pan lubing just sounds messy and tedious.

Nothing beats dumping 500 bullets into a plastic bag, pouring a little alox over them, shaking for 30 seconds, then pouring them out to dry.