cat urine

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I will say that cat urine ammonia stench is very difficult to clean up, but if you can remove everything from the bag and machine wash that will probably do it. As for ammo, wipe it off, but I think the ammonia might do bad things to brass is left on it too long.
step 1, remove the cat ;)

Chuck the bag in the washer with a 1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar.

Wipe the ammo off with a wet cloth, leave them in the sun to dry.
Wipe the ammo, it may rust if you don't get to it in time. Use steel wool or something to clean it up.

Bag, use an enzymatic cleaner like Nature's Miracle. Saturate and air dry. Wash it if you can.

Keep it out of reach from now on as it's forever "marked" as a pee spot, even if you can't smell it anymore. The cleaner limits this somewhat.

My secondary range bag got hit. Worst damage was superficial rust on a 10/22 Steel Lips magazine.
Shoot the ammo!

As for the bag it's my experience it's a "total loss." Because three cats. There are enzymatic cleaners which work better than laundry detergent but the real issue is getting a highly detailed piece of luggage made of fabric clean. It takes a large container and just soaking in some kind of detergent dilutes and spreads the contaminants into every nook and cranny.

There's dozens of cleaners on the market:

Having used a few it's moot that you can eliminate all traces of the odor. Suffice to say that the best cure is prevention and having items like range bags, luggage, etc. kept up and away from where felines like to establish territorial markers is what stops the problem.

Your local Goodwill/DAV/Salvation Army resale shop will benefit from your donation. And assuming that, it will be amazing how fast the item will sell regardless of the odor. Once sprayed the cats will just come back to it - start with new or the result will be repeated offenses.

It's one of those dog/cat things - dogs smell all the time, cats smell up things around them and neither goes away. :(
There's a product called "Nature's Miracle" that just destroys cat urine.

I had two cats BOMB a pair of boots where I'd forgotten them in a closet and there were crystals forming by the time I got them out.

Couple washes in that stuff and you can't even guess it ever happened.
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Definitely clean the bullets. Cat urine on bullets is a violation of the Hague Convention on inhumane weapons of war or something. Bullets are metal; the cat urine won't penetrate and can be washed off.

Getting cat urine out of cloth or leather is another problem.

A teal deer story. My son told me his cat had urinated on his leather jacket and it stank. He had taken it to the mattress store where he worked. They tried what they used to remove stink from old mattresses. Still the cat stink was there. He told me that he got disgusted and tossed the jacket in the dumpster. That Friday night I went by the store and retrieved the jacket from the dumpster and put it in a plastic bag. (Yech -- it was worse than the armchair my wife had bought at an estate sale years ago. The armchair problem had been solved by sending it to the landfill.) Saturday morning I set out to the old homeplace on the mountain to spend a day target practicing, woods walking, sitting and watching clouds and buzzards float by. First thing, though, I took the jacket down to the brook fed by the old family spring and put it in the stream weighted with rocks so the water would flow through it without it washing away. That evening I retrieved the jacket, ran a rope through the arms, tied it to the top of the car so it would get air, and drove home. I hung the jacket up in a back room until it was dry. No cat smell. Next time I went to see my son I handed him the jacket and asked him to check it out. He could detect no cat urine smell at all.
Vinegar mixed 50/50 with water in a spray bottle. Give it a thorough soaking, allow that to dry, then machine wash.

Wipe off the ammo then shoot it soon.

Investigate with your cat has crystals forming in his/her kidneys. We feed ours a special urinary tract health food that helped curb the tendency to mark outside the litter box.
+another for Nature's Miracle.

Two years ago i didn't treat my lawn for grubs, and skunks came to eat them my dog got skunk sprayed frequently. Live and learn about lawns... but that stuff works.
Make your life easier and toss it all. Just my 2cents. Is it worth the headache?
I had a similar situation occur a couple months ago. One of our cats marked my new range bag as his territory. Fortunately I caught it quickly and removed most of it before it sunk it. The I sprinkled some baking soda over the effected area for a week before my wife washed it the washing machine. She used Tide with Febreeze. After it dried completely there was no odor at all. While most male cats stop marking territory after they have been fixed not all do.
Wipe the ammo, it may rust if you don't get to it in time. Use steel wool or something to clean it up.

Bag, use an enzymatic cleaner like Nature's Miracle. Saturate and air dry. Wash it if you can.

Keep it out of reach from now on as it's forever "marked" as a pee spot, even if you can't smell it anymore. The cleaner limits this somewhat.

My secondary range bag got hit. Worst damage was superficial rust on a 10/22 Steel Lips magazine.
Unless it's steel cased ammo, brass doesn't rust! Only steel rusts. If the ammo is in standard cardboard boxes throw the cardboard out and wipe the ammo down and shoot it. As for the bag wash it ( pet odor remover will help ) after it dries put it outside to air out with a piece of charcoal or a container of baking soda in it. Change out the charcoal as needed. As long as it didn't sit to long before cleaning it should be fine. You will have to play it by ear ( or should I say play it by nose) as to how long to let it air out.
Interesting question. A couple or few years ago our male cat peed on the top of my big Midway USA range bag. Water, soap, soaking, rinsing, repeating...and waiting a little while...did the trick. I still consider replacing that bag but, well, it still works and I don't notice the smell anymore I don't think so

For ammo I would take it out of anything it may be in and rinse it off with water, then air dry or dry in front of a fan. Should be fine, though I wouldn't let it be used for anything other than range practice and maybe if I wanted to be extra careful, for slow fire type practice just in case it found a way to squib
Dr. Rob's step #1 was just right.
My step #2 involves lighter fluid and a burn pit.
Step've been looking at a new range bag...haven't you?

Show us a photo of your choice.

how do you remove the cat urine from my ammo bag and bullets

Ummm..... I don't.

That said, I will agree with those above about Nature's Miracle. I haven't tried it with cat pee, but know it does great with dogs.

I can't stand cats, but no need to shoot them either. Gettin' a little dark, don'tcha think?
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