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CCW training prices

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It can be expensive...

... but the cost of training is really only a small part of the total cost. There's the gun -- a lot of folks with a lot of guns don't have one suitable for carry -- and the belt and the holster, and the cost of the application, and then there's practice.

Doing it responsibly -- with at least once-a-month practice sessions during the first year -- can easily run you over a thousand bucks in the first year, with the majority of the expense being range fees and practice ammo.
Bear in mind, regardless of what these so called 'training classes' are claiming. The Bill as passed includes very specific language that states the class "must provide the pamphlet prepared by the Attorney General". Now, this pamphlet doesn't exist (regardless of what any class says) and it will not exist for potentially 95 days or more after the law takes affect. The reason being the AG has 30 days from the date the law takes affect to draft the 'rules necessary' to issue permits. The Joint Committee on Agency Rule Review can take 65 days or more to review the rules and make sure they do not contradict the law.. and then the AG has another 30 days after the date JCARR approves the rules to actually provide the pamphlet and forms to the County Sheriffs.

There is no way the pamphlet can exist until the rules are passed by JCARR.

Disregard what the AG's QA says, it is not law. Read the bill as passed, and decide for yourself. But any instructor claiming to give a class that meets the requirements of 2923.125(G) without providing the pamphlet is risking liability.

The only exception to this is 2923.125(D)(3)(d) which states that LEO's, Military and Federal Agents (perhaps others, not 100% off hand) firearms training does not have to meet the requirements in 2923.125(G) (presuming I suppose that's it's much more stringent).

There are at least some well know schools here in Ohio that are claiming they don't have to provide the pamphlet. Don't believe me, read 2923.125(G) and you'll not that it plainly states the class "must provide" the pamphlet. Perhaps some classes intend to send the pamphlet out with their certification paper, which may meet the requirement depending on how you interpret "must provide".
I have been charging my students $75 for 16 hrs of training since I started CCW certification training in 1994. My price includes the range fee. The $50 fee to the State for the 4 year permit and fingerprinting are additional.
It can vary quite a bit around here for the class. I checked around before getting mine and found prices from $50-150 for the mandatory 16 hour class. I opted for the $50 class. There were no range fees as the shoot took place on private property in a 70' deep gravel quarry. Renewal classes are $25 for the 4 hour class. The inital permit was $50 and there were no fingerprinting fees either.

Training requirement does not specify length of class. Most seem to run 6 hours or so.

Training costs: "market." I paid $235 as an early adopter. Classes seem to be running $135-250.

Permit cost: $100 for 5 years
Renewal: Take another class, and pay $75 renewal for another 5 years.
Prices for the state required carry class and shooting proficiency test available in Knoxville/Oak Ridge area - 0, 25, 50, 85

Yep. The Oak Ridge PD charges nothing for the CCW classes they give the second Saturday of the month!
in ky,
it cost me $80.00 for a 6 hour class, we shot 50 rounds at a range had to bring our own gun, then it is $60.00 at the sherrifs office for a 5 year permit,
Here in the State of Kentucky, the State regulates the max on how much you can be charged for the CCW course. The max is $75. That's for 8 hours. The Sherriff's fee is extra.

The person I used charged $65 and provided lunch. BTW, he had more than enough 9mm ammo for those that brought a 9mm to qualify with. He even sent us home with some.

jon 1996, unless they raised the price recently you got burned. Go here, it still says $75. http://kc3.org/kyccw/license_process.htm

BTW, why don't you put KY in your profile?
heres a breakdown of my class, the instructor(real good guy) brought 2 extra handguns for people that had a bad one or not one at all, he gave us all coupons for free stuff, he bought and served lunch, he worked a deal out with a gunshop to give us handguns at his cost, he had ammo for a few different guns, i really enjoyed the class, had fun, i dont think i got burned, where i live there is only two people that give the ccw class and i was happy that i got to take it with this guy, but then it is a $60.00 fee at the sheriffs office, by the way russ what part of ky do you live in?
Yeah, our cost for the class included being able to try out any of the rental pistols we wanted as long as we paid for any ammo over 5 rounds we wanted to try - good thing too. It only took 2 rounds thourgh a .40 subcompact glock to know I didn't want one!

my gun club is charging $60. and they start the first weekend in april.

I am going to take a bunch of courses this summer thru TDI.

Since you are from Ohio, if you are near springfield i believe the clark county sherriff's office is only charging $35.
Actually, it's $50 for the permit, whether the first time or a renewal.

I stand corrected, my bad... I've got three and a half years until I have to worry about it though! :p

Any good reasonable places around Cincinnati? I have some friends and relatives who want to take the course.

Can you take it in KY or IN or elsewhere and have it qualify, provided it meets the 12 hour requirement (10 classroom, 2 range)?
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Any good reasonable places around Cincinnati? I have some friends and relatives who want to take the course.
Technically speaking, the law requires the pamphlet (which doesn't exist yet) be provided by the class. In other words, no. ;-).

Our club is tentatively planning on holding a class and having the students sign a waiver indicating they understand the pamphlet will be distributed to them when available. The certificate will include language indicating the pamphlet will be distributed when available (as required by law) and the students will sign a waiver indicating they understand this.

If you find a class, make sure to ask them how they intend to comply with 2923.125(G), if they hum and haw or don't mention anything about a pamphlet,..buyer beware.
I'm sure no one will be taking the class for a few months, so they can nail it down some more.
Any good reasonable places around Cincinnati? I have some friends and relatives who want to take the course.

Can you take it in KY or IN or elsewhere and have it qualify, provided it meets the 12 hour requirement (10 classroom, 2 range)?

check here it's about 1 hour and 15 minutes out 32 to the east.

Tactical Defense Institute. In West Union Ohio.

www.tdiohio.com their website was down last i checked though.
Know right where that is, for the most part. Thanks.

I hope they're still in business.
I paid $145 in the DC metro area recently for NRA Basic Pistol (the class happened to be running the next weekend, and I had to take it immediately or I wouldnt get it in before I moved back to school, so I didnt have time to shop around).

ohh they are still in business. might just be updating the sight.

this summer i plan on taking the weekend handgun course. step 1-3 or something like that. but for just CCW i will do it here in ciny since it's convienent and cheaper. just can't wait. not that it really matter since i am not 21 until april.:banghead:
I'm sure no one will be taking the class for a few months, so they can nail it down some more
I wish that were the case, but no.. there are loose cannon instructors and schools that think the clear wording of the law is wrong. One TDI instructor told me "I have it on good authority that the pamphlet will only be available when you apply and that the classes do not have to provide it". His 'Good Authority' is worth zilch, the Attorney Generals QA and other publishes information is also worth nothing until approved by JCARR.... The only thing that you can rely on at this time is the bill as passed.

This is why I will never go to TDI, granted this is just one instructor but it's enough to make me doubt that they screen them very well... or even have a clue when it comes to matters of the law.

I'll be attending LFI instead.
Wow you guys are paying a lot of money for your permit courses.

In FL there is no required number of hours and NRA basic pistol suffices for the training.

The first time I took a training course it was at a gunshow and it cost me $35. The class was mostly about laws and the four rules with exactly one round being fired down range to satisfy the statutes. Classes like this are offered at every gunshow I have ever been to in my life and $35 seems to be the standard rate.

The second time I took a CCW training course I tagged along with a friend of mine who was taking his at the local police station. It was free range time and you can never practice the basics to much. That class was offered by the South Daytona Police Department free of charge. The instruction was outstanding. The head instructor, a police captain, has made it his goal to have put over 1,000 armed citizens on the street before his retirement this year.

I can't rember the exact price it has been a while. I think it is $117 for the permit plus the cost of finger printing, pass port photo, and the class if you don't get one for free.

With the $35 class I took everything cost me about $150 after all was said and done.

I think the permit may cost slightly more for a non resident permit. Something in the neighborhood of $125.

Gun, holster, ammo, magazines, etc. are all extra.
what you save in class fees, are partly made up in permit fees ;-). Our permit fees can be no more than $45 (I believe). And I can pretty much guarantee if people wait that there will be classes for under $100 (we haven't set a price yet, but similar (although slightly shorter) classes that some of our members run cost $50 per person.

I don't think a class that meets the letter of the law should cost more than $100 (assuming handguns and ammo *NOT* Provided).
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