Celebs aren't on our side...

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There are 22,000 gun laws on the books, I seriously doubt another few are going to make a difference to the criminals and the nut-jobs. Enforce existing laws and when you KNOW someone is a danger to society, REPORT it.
I remember rosie o donnell blasting gun owners a few years ago, meantime, she lives in a secluded mansion with huge walls, security gate,cameras. Not all of us can afford the luxury of living in a secure walled in compound.....
I remember rosie o donnell blasting gun owners a few years ago, meantime, she lives in a secluded mansion with huge walls, security gate,cameras. Not all of us can afford the luxury of living in a secure walled in compound.....

It's easy to protest the raw realities of the world we live in if it doesn't really affect you isn't it?

I wonder how Ms Odonnell would feel about spoon capacity limits.
Stars have 24/7 private or hired security, huge walls,gates,cameras,easy for them to judge.
I'm curious to know how much each one got paid to take time out of their busy lives to record a commercial like this
I wasnt joking. 1 and 3 should be enforced. They are both great bargining chips
All that the "demand a plan" celebrities have just given me a list of people who I will no longer watch. Screw these guys using their celebrity status to try and sway people towards ineffective gun control measures.

Seriously run a quick Google search celebs and explain to me how strict gun control has helped Chicago, California, or New York to have lower violent crime rates.

Show me one instance where a gang member stopped and said "oh damn guys, we can't do this drive-by because these aren't 10 round magazines in my gun".
1. Require a criminal background check for every gun sold in America
3. Make gun trafficking a federal crime, including real penalties for “straw purchasers”

Ok, here are MY problems with "1 and 3" For 1., This will open the door to national registration, so they know who originally had the firearm in the first place, so they know who to charge for failing to get the gun's background checked. Secondly, it won't be just for when the firearm is "sold", it will be any time the firearm changes ownership...so no more trading with a buddy, or buying something from a private seller at a gun show, without making a trip to the FFL. Want to give a gun to your grandson for Christmas? Well, sorry, he's not old enough to pass the background check himself, so you'll have to have one of his parents meet you at the local gun shop, and they will be the legal owners. For 3., Yes, if you knowingly purchase a firearm for an "unapproved person", it should be a crime. However at this point, the verbiage for the "straw purchaser" status is up in the air, as the whole buying it for my brother, who'll pay me back later, or as a gift for my wife/girlfriend thing could be misinterpreted. And even if that IS the case, if the "#1" issue is in effect, you'd then have to go BACK to the FFL, and have them run the background check on whoever you were giving the firearm to. A lot of hoops for law-abiding citizens.
Check out Piers Morgan, you've had a vote to get him deported, 31000 votes so far.

Just hang on a bit so we can have a vote to make sure he don't come back here!
3. Make gun trafficking a federal crime...

In other words, arrest and try Eric Holder and dozens of others who new about and/or participated in OPERATION Fast &Furious, up to and probably including POTUS? See they're not serious about enforcing #3 (or most other crimes) unless the person who did it isn't one of their own ilk.
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