Challenges lie before us. We must kill Microstamping now.

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Jun 16, 2005
S.W. Ohio
This is my latest article for BFA. It deals with a couple things including the Micro Stamping bill which is heading to Governor Schwarzenegger's desk this week. We truly have to stop this thing. Tim

We all must act please contact Governor Schwarzenegger,respectfully but firmly urge him to veto AB1471. Governor Schwarzenegger's office phone is (916) 445-2841, fax at (916) 445-4633, or via the web at for email. It would be great if you can call, fax and email him. We stop this in California or this goes national.
I do not respect Schwarzenegger - he couldn't lead me to the bathroom. He is a change agent. A subversive. A frontman for people with a specific oppressive and murderous agenda. Patronizing these people is not going to work.

We need to completely detach ourselves from those stateless persons in the so-called United Nations - people with no allegiance to any particular country - dethrone their change agents busily at work in our country, and send them packing to a homeland of their own if needed. Where they can economically enslave, tax, regulate, control and work each other to death on their own considerably less than global plantation somewhere else.

Otherwise things like microstamping cases, bullets, firing pins, telescopic sights, propellent granules along with the plethora of other calculated absurd and oppressive ideas are never going to go away. And they are going to chip us completely away as they have been doing for decades. It is getting to the point where people need to just say no. Do not vote for the so-called "compromizers" (such people are change agents themselves), and stop playing their game of politics. Vote with your feet if needed, and start exposing these people in explicit terms.

We need a political showdown with these vermin before we are out of numbers and out of time. Find a candidate in California who is not going to waste your time and money and vote for him or her. Schwarzenegger is going to be a good boy if he wants to have continued access to the goose that lays his golden eggs. All the polite letters and appeals are not going to change that.

Nevertheless he is the Governor now and the bill is on the way to his desk this week. If he signs this it becomes law. So we need to make every effort to convince him to veto this legislation now. Worry about removing him with another candidate after we kill this.
We had a better man then Arnie, his name was Tom McClintock! If all the naysayers would've voted for him instead of being star struck, Tom would be in office right now.

Anyway, that's not here or now, the real priority is AB1471 and the need to get rid of it. I got an email back from my Sen. (Runner) that he opposes this and any gun banning bill. Hopefully he will voice his opinion to Arnie to not sign this garbage. Hopefully his wife who's an Assembly member will also voice her opposition also.

I do not think you grasped the essence of what I wrote. Arnie is a change agent. His role is to effect change, and it should be abundantly clear by now to all but the truly starstruck (both with people like Arnie and the people running the so-called "republican" party) in which direction the change is being directed.

He'll play the game as he is told. Do not misunderstand me, of course it would be nice to block this and other similar legislation constantly being thrown at us; however the real target of our efforts should be at the change agents themselves and their hierarchy.

Otherwise, we will almost certainly lose this war.

LAK, No I understood what you said. But to just say "he is an agent of change" and leave it there leaves the impression it is pointless to try to stop this via calling him. As he is the only barrier to this becoming law now, that is an unacceptable attitude to take. Pressure must be brought to bear on him now to try to stop this. He is a political animal, he understands he needs the people to vote for him to hold office...we need to make him believe to the marrow of his bones the people oppose this and will scuttle the political future of anyone pushing this agenda.
We need to completely detach ourselves from those stateless persons in the so-called United Nations - people with no allegiance to any particular country - dethrone their change agents busily at work in our country, and send them packing to a homeland of their own if needed.

I don't want to say something untoward, so.... look, I find this point confusing, could you elaborate?
Call the CA Govenor's official number (916-445-2841)

Press 1 - for English
Press 2 - for Voice your opinion on Assembly Bills
Press 1 - for Micro Stamping Bill (AB1471)
Press 2 - to OPPOSE the gun control bill.
My call is in

It probably didn't take 30 seconds. I urge everybody to step up for this one. You got a better use for half a minute? No, then go for it!
50Shooter said:
We had a better man then Arnie, his name was Tom McClintock! If all the naysayers would've voted for him instead of being star struck, Tom would be in office right now.

Unfortunately not true. One of the few misstatements Tom makes. Tom's a good guy and I like him...

But I did an analysis of the votes on Calguns a year or so ago. Arnie got a significant carry-over vote from middle-grounders, swing voters, and Democrats.

Tom McClintock would have had hardly any of these, and quite a few would have gone to the pre-scandal Cruzamonte (Cruz Bustamente).

Unfortunately California GOP poltics is driven by relgious-right types out of Orange County, which scares many many middle-of-road fundamentally conservative voters and is why GOP can generally not hold statewide office in CA. The perceived GOP positions on "choice" and perceived religion-in-science class ("creationism", "intelligent (sic) design", etc.) is keeping away moderate suburban homeowners in droves - these voters are are afraid of these other positions so much they are making a conscious decision to vote for prospects increased taxes of the Democrats. When people are willing to *pay* not to vote for you, you know your party has trouble.

While Tom McClintock is a true Conservative and not really an evangelical/ 'religious right' "conservative" his party has done little to remove the
"pro-life"/"stupid schools" taint.

It does not matter what your feelings about pro-life and Creationism are personally: they are simply and purely COMPLETELY LOSING ISSUES IN CA.
The number of people voting against CA GOP due to these two issues alone is far greater than the people actively supporting these issues. The latter need to be kicked to the curb as elections are winnable without them - and, in fact their vocal yammering on future exclsion from platform would help Republicans win.

I can far more easily get a Republican elected to statewide office waving an assault weapon and a bag of dead babies around than I could getting a religious right person elected to statewide office in California. (Sure there are certain local congressional/assembly districts, but those guys term out and can't make it to statewide office.)

Remember, in CA politics, gun control is anywhere from 6th to 9th on "issues of concern" to middle-ground/swing voters. "Choice" (and with associated avoidance of religion in schools - whether or not there's a true connection, there's a perceived tie-in) is always in the first three items of concern.

Since CA GOP cannot generally elect people to statewide office these days due to their "pro-life"/"religious right" etc. stances one must make the logical assumption that this segment of CA GOP is, in fact, anti-gun because they keep pushing local winners into statewide losers in CA GOP primaries.

CA gunnies need to keep voting "one issue only" (guns!) to allow the generally-left antigun forces to be diluted amongst multiple issues.

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As for the microstamping stuff, thanks for the calls folks.

Do be careful and don't start just punching keys - the menu priorities *may* change over time and you could be voting on kangaroo preservation or used car parts bills.

The bills to urge the Gov to VETO (and use that word) are AB821 and AB1471.

We do NOT believe AB1471 is on the Governor's desk yet - it's been 'sent' but appears not to be yet in his office pending enrollment.

We KNOW that AB821 (the condor lead ammo ban) *IS* on his desk ready for signature at any time, please call and urge him to veto.

For more details and talking points and contact info:

Bill Wiese
San Jose CA
I must have missed the memo. What, exactly, is so sinister about being a "change agent?"
But to just say "he is an agent of change" and leave it there leaves the impression it is pointless to try to stop this via calling him
While well intentioned, and perhaps not entirely pointless, I think our collective efforts would better directed at the root of the problem.


If you want to be unconfused, a good starting point would be to search, arrange, and read about a week's worth of U.N. material about gun control on their website. When you've done that, come back and open another thread on it and I can fill in any blanks for you if it is till necessary.

I do not plan on being a slave on their global plantation. The rest is considered "off topic" for this forum these days, though you are welcome to send me any more questions PM.

I sent my emails to Arnie opposing a yes vote on both issues.
But what does lead bullets have to do with condors?
Are they eating them and dying from lead poisoning or what?

It appears to just another sideways approach of banning bullets.
The goal is to drive up costs of guns and ammo to ridiculous levels. Remember Senator Moynihan's 10,000% sales tax proposal on ammo back in the 90s? Same goal, but they have come up with a better way of sugar coating it for the fools that take them at face value. If you drive up costs you reduce gun ownership. Making fewer gun owners makes it much easier to pass prohibitions to firearm and ammunition ownership... Then years down the road the libs will probably use class envy saying something like we have to disarm the rich as they are the only ones who have guns...I can see it coming... the slippery slope my friends... Lets get Arnold to kill it now.
Not the greatest, but here's my email to our governor. Hopefully he'll do the right and intelligent thing.

Dear Governor Schwarzenegger,

As one who volunteered to help you defeat Governor Davis, and one who has always supported you because of your desire to serve the people with common sense devoid of politics, I respectfully ask you to veto AB1471 - the Micro Stamping Bill.

This bill will do absolutely nothing to make Californians safer, while making it more expensive and much more difficult for law abiding citizens like myself. There are already over 20,000 gun control laws on the book, and what Californians need is for those to be rigidly enforced, not new ones.

Lastly, as I'm sure that you are well aware of by now, that this micro stamping technology isn't feasible at this time and more than likely would convince many gun manufacturers to stop the sale of their guns to California due to being unable to comply with this foolish law. Ergo, this would amount to a ban on the sale of new handguns here, thereby achieving through unworkable technology, that which could not be achieved by any other means.

Yours respectfully,

Call the CA Govenor's official number (916-445-2841)

Press 1 - for English
Press 2 - for Voice your opinion on Assembly Bills
Press 1 - for Micro Stamping Bill (AB1471)
Press 2 - to OPPOSE the gun control bill.

Keep the calls going in! Even if your from out of state, we have to show Arnie that this is BAD NEWS. And if it passes and spreads like a disease to other states?!?

Call the CA Govenor's official number (916-445-2841)

Press 1 - for English
Press 2 - for Voice your opinion on Assembly Bills
Press 1 - for Micro Stamping Bill (AB1471)
Press 2 - to OPPOSE the gun control bill.
Keep the calls going in! Even if your from out of state, we have to show Arnie that this is BAD NEWS. And if it passes and spreads like a disease to other states?!?

It takes about 15 secs to do it. Call I did, from 3 phones, with every one i know.
My Email

Governor Schwarzenegger,

Any day now, Assembly Bill 1471 will come to your desk for passage into law. The microstamping of gun parts has been studied and attempted for years, but it has never been shown to work outside a laboratory. This bill is simply another attempt to marginalize law-abiding California gun owners by forcing gun manufacturers to add special tooling and processes just for our state. It doesn't matter to the sponsors of this bill that microstamping is ineffective; their goal is make a new firearm so expensive that ordinary people will not be able to afford them. The police and the bodyguards of the wealthy and famous will not have a problem, of course, but as "The People's Governor" you make your decisions based on what is best for ordinary Californians. Gun owners, Governor, are ordinary Californians--doctors, lawyers, construction workers, housewives, old and young, Hispanic, White, and Black.

Ask yourself this: If microstamping is so wonderful, why hasn't it been made mandatory for California's Police forces? After all, law enforcement officers often have to discharge their weapons in the line of duty. Wouldn't it be great if police brass could immediately be distinguished from a criminal's brass? But try to make the police the first required users of microstamping and you'll hear a blue wall of protests: "It doesn't work!", "It might make the pistol less reliable!", "We can't afford it!". If those claims are true for California's officers, they are no less true for the rest of us. Why would I want to buy a gun that will cost $200 more (the passed-down cost of retooling and new machinery) and might fail me when I most need it?

There are many more reasons for veto AB 1471, but I know you are busy--I appreciate your taking the time to read this. Please veto this now,


Remember, be polite!
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