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Chief Seeks to Ban Assault Weapons in New Orleans

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Dec 30, 2006
Could an old idea of banning assault weapons be gaining more traction?
10:02 PM CST on Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Katie Moore / Eyewitness News Reporter
Four years ago, New Orleans police pushed state lawmakers to ban assault weapons in Louisiana.
Met with an arsenal of opposition, the bill never made it to the house floor – but it appeared Tuesday Police Superintendent Warren Riley hasn’t stopped fighting for an assault weapons ban.
“These guns were designed for war,” Riley said in an interview on WWL Radio. “There's no place in an urban, or any American city for people to have the right to ride around with an assault rifle.”
During the interview, Riley talked about his recent visit to New York City – where there’s an assault weapons ban.
“Speaking to some of their high ranking officials there, the solvability rate of their victims is much better than it is here because their victims are being shot once or twice with a handgun, our victims are being shot ten or twelve times with an assault rifle,” he said.
Riley recently announced the city bought 100 assault rifles to give his officers the tactical advantage over criminals.
“You may have had the chance to take advantage of the criminal justice system after Hurricane Katrina,” Mayor Nagin said. “But the day is over for that.”
However, gun owners at one Gretna gun shop say banning the weapons won’t solve the problem.
“You need to answer all the questions about what's wrong with your department, what problems you have before you start reaching out to take away second amendment rights away from people who deserve them,” said Gretna gun salesman Jason Gregory.
They argue that the federal ban that recently expired didn’t really stop people from buying them.
“There wasn't a ban on assault weapons,” Gregory said. “You could still buy them. I bought them during the ban. You just could not have a high capacity mag in the gun and get caught with it.”
But at a time when city leaders are pushing new strategies to combat gun violence, could Riley have more luck getting it passed?
“Given that most, a lot of police chiefs around the country, the fraternal order of police, the international association and these big police unions around the country tend to support this, I'm sympathetic to what he's suggesting," said New Orleans City Council Member Shelly Midura.
Midura says she wants to see a more specific proposal before really weighing in on the idea.
Riley said in the interview that it was something he is planning on pushing, but that he is waiting on more research and information from New York before moving forward.
Riley said in the interview that it was something he is planning on pushing, but that he is waiting on more research and information from New York before moving forward.

Translation: he's waiting on his marching orders from Herr Bloomberg.
“Given that most, a lot of police chiefs around the country, the fraternal order of police, the international association and these big police unions around the country tend to support this, I'm sympathetic to what he's suggesting," said New Orleans City Council Member Shelly Midura.

Shelly doesn't seem to know that most rank-and-file cops tend to know that gun control is best applied with two hands. Conversely, white-shirts rise through the ranks because of the good will of politicians, and so have their noses firmly inserted six inches up the nether region of one pol or another.

Gotta love how she's definitely willing to do something based on the mere suggestion that 51% of one given group might possibly be of a mind to support such an action. What about the rest of us?
I'm going to revist this thread later. Living so close to all the nonsense in NO (and being a former resident), my thoughts are along a not-so-high-road. I tend to get rather impassioned regarding their annics.

-- John
"There's no place in an urban, or any American city for people to have the right to ride around with an assault rifle"

So, eh, what do the NOPD carry in their cars?

The average NOPD patrol officer has a sidearm and maybe a shotgun in their pool unit. The members of the SOD unit have other weapons.
“Speaking to some of their high ranking officials there, the solvability rate of their victims is much better than it is here because their victims are being shot once or twice with a handgun, our victims are being shot ten or twelve times with an assault rifle,” he said.

That's a great line! The people who get shot in other cities are LESS shot than the people who get shot in our city.

Of course there's no interest in stopping people from getting shot (real crime control) he just wants his taxpayers to be able to pay his salary after they get shot.
Of course there's no interest in stopping people from getting shot (real crime control) he just wants his taxpayers to be able to pay his salary after they get shot.
You assume the people getting shot pay taxes. I assure you that, by and large, they don't.

What they're trying to do is what they always try to do; attack the tool or technique rather than the criminal. Successfully prosecuting and incarcerating criminals is bewilderingly expensive, and the success of it relies upon forces beyond the control of any one agency. So, why not just ban assault weapons? It might help, won't cost anything, and it doesn't hurt anyone besides a bunch of kooky gun nuts that won't vote for us anyway. Or, as Atticus said, it's political low hanging fruit.

From the picture that was posted on another site some time back of the Mayor and Chief pointing AW's at each other,I have to agree that the Chief and Mayor shouldn't be allowed to have any in their hands again,----ever.:rolleyes:
This is the same guy that ILLEGALLY CONFISCATED weapons from law abiding citizens of New Orleans that were defending life and property in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, leaving them defenseless. Now he wants to come after the LEGALLY OWNED weapons of LAW ABIDING CITIZENS. He makes no distinction between semi-automatic or fully automatic weapons. After they take our weapons and we are left defenseless, we will be in the same shape as Australia, with our citizens at he mercy of armed criminals and no one left to blame but ourselves. We need to wake up and do something NOW!

The Chief of Police of the City of New Orleans needs to DO HIS JOB, and aggressively go after the criminals that they already know are promoting the illegal drug industry. If he can't perform his duties and get results, the he is not the man for the job. And once you arrest the criminals prosecute the bastards, put them in jail and throw away the key.

Mike out.
This is the same guy that ILLEGALLY CONFISCATED weapons from law abiding citizens of New Orleans that were defending life and property in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, leaving them defenseless.

No, THAT guy is gone, this is just another of the same kind of moron, but not the same one.

The gun grabbing Chief was Eddie Compass.
Welcome to The Highroad. It's nice to have folks in my neck of the woods about. But, I have to admit, I have a three year old and every time I see your handle, I think of Billy Crystal's cyclops ball of a monster...

And I don't blame you for not giving the NO Cheif any slack.

the solvability rate of their victims is much better than it is here because their victims are being shot once or twice with a handgun, our victims are being shot ten or twelve times with an assault rifle,”

What exactly does this mean? NYC's solvability rate is better because thier victims don't die? One would think more bullets would lead to more forensic evidence and therefore a more likely prosecution

Also, I do not remember seeing alot of rifle attributed murders in the news these days. Certainly not with more than ten rounds in a single body as mentioned here. Most are committed with handguns as they are more concealable an easier to get into the locations where these murders occur. Most of those handguns have magazine capacities of... ten to twelve ;)
“Speaking to some of their high ranking officials there, the solvability rate of their victims is much better than it is here because their victims are being shot once or twice with a handgun, our victims are being shot ten or twelve times with an assault rifle,” he said.
I am curious why it makes any difference what firearm was used to kill some one.

I am also curious if there is any significant number of murders being committed with rifles as opposed to handguns in NO. If there was, it would be unique in the country.
The gun of choice amongst the hardcore fellas here in New Orleans is the "Choppa" or AK variant. Most murders are being committed with a variety of weapons, as you would expect. The "high profile" media hyped events generally involve the AK style weapons, thus getting the uproar of attention.
solvability rate

Is this even a real criminological term? Any criminologists/police officers want to enlighten us on this term, because it doesn't make sense in plain English.

It I understand how the chief is using it, however, I believe he means that it is easier to solve crimes in which people are shot one, or two, or three times than crimes in which people are shot four, or five, or six, or ten times. I'm missing the logic there. :banghead:
Speaking to some of their high ranking officials there, the solvability rate of their victims is much better than it is here because their victims are being shot once or twice with a handgun, our victims are being shot ten or twelve times with an assault rifle,” he said.

Dead people in NYC are less dead than dead people in NOLA. If you're shot with an AW you're even more deader than if you're shot with a pistol. I'm glad that if I lived in NYC I'd be less deader rather than more deader. More deader is waaaay bad. Less deader is better.

Why is this guy on the force?
“There wasn't a ban on assault weapons,” Gregory said. “You could still buy them. I bought them during the ban. You just could not have a high capacity mag in the gun and get caught with it.”

Was this true? Even if you owned a 30 round mag prior to implementation of the ban?

I think this photo from last month is relevant.
the solvability rate of their victims is much better than it is here because

.... they do their jobs better or more efficiently ?

Look , these people need to be called out on their comments and agendas. Law enforcement is suppose to be about ENFORCING LAWS , not making more . Maybe , if they actually did something about the criminal element , they wouldn't have their perceived problems .

Btw , this is the first I hear about all these people being shot 10-12 times . You would think the news would be all over this with :special reports" and the such . Could it be exaggeration for effect?
Luckily Louisiana has a preemption law that will block any attempt at this unless the state legislature passes an assault weapons Ban (which isn't going to happen). So Riley can crap in one hand and wish with the other. :neener:
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