Child Safety Lock Act of 2005

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May 28, 2004
I was breezing through articles in a recent issue of Gun List, and I read this:

. . . the [Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act] also places additional requirements on gun dealers. One section of the law, the Child Safety Lock Act of 2005, requires dealers to provide all handgun purchasers with a safety device. That will take effect April 2006 . . .

-Gun List, Jan 13, 2006

Now I for one don't need any more gun locks. Beside the box full of OEM locks, I have a safe and two gun cabinets. So I think it would be nice to return the gun lock coming with my next handgun purchase back to the dealer, after the puchase is completed. I suggest afterwards so that there is no legal question that th dealer properly included the lock as part of the purchase. Giving the lock back would help lower the cost of doing business to the dealer.

If you don't have an appropriate lock, then by all means keep and use it. But if you have more than you will ever need, why not give it back?
I wonder when the goverment is going to require you to use the locks.Remember when the law was pass that seatbelts had to be put in the cars being made? Back then you didn't get a ticket if you didn't use them. You do now. The gun locks will be the same just watch. The bill was a good bill for the industry but with the amendments it will prove to be bad for the gun owners. Just wait
I forsee the invention of the worlds cheapest piece of plastic and metal. So poorly made it couldnt stop a wet puppie, with a universal key that every person and their mother is bound to own.
It will only serve to frustrate gun owners with more restrictions while placating gun-grabbers with another hollow victory. At the same time it will save no children and do nothing for the crime on our streets.
In the PRK, you can get out of this if you sign a paper saying that you have a Safe. You could also sign one if you have a receipt for a gunlock purchased within the last 30 days or a DOJ approved "cabinet".

Stupid Law; I've already got enough things to use as paper weights.

A guy at a certain gun shop told me to just go to Walmart and buy one, cash. Take it to the gunshop, show it, and return the lock later.

After finding out Walmart took them back without receipts, I brought about $50 worth of locks back to them. In my case, it's not really doing anything wrong because I didn't know about the cabinet exception while I was buying guns.
*shrugs* My local FFL knows me by sight...and I bought a safe from him a few months ago, so he doesn't bother anymore with trying to give me a lock.

Clearly, the solution is to buy a ton of guns and a safe from the same dealer so he won't keep questioning you. :D

Sometimes, I feel like Norm from Cheers...I walk in, and the two guys call out in their Russian accents "Peter! How are you? How's the car? And school? Great! Feel free to look around, you know where everything is!", even interrupting time with another customer to shake hands with me and say hello. Of course, I tell them to get back to helping their other customers, I'll just browse. :)
My local gun shop already has a box of free gun locks from Project ChildSafe so at least it shouldn't cause his operating expenses to go up. Maybe he'll set the box up with a sign that says "Need a lock take a lock, have a lock leave a lock". :D
When I picked up my Blackhawk I brought the wrong Ruger cable lock with me. Had to buy a yellow or red one to match the California state regs before I could go home with my new precious.

Can't use just any ol' color you know, and it better be stored with the cable properly routed or the gun cable lock police will get you.

Just get one of those receipt books from Office Depot or Staples and use it to make a receipt after your "brother" sells you a brand new in the package lock for $1.

Must show a receipt dated within 30 days of posession of gun? Check!
Must show DOJ approved lock? Check!

Then when your "brother" needs to buy a gun, sell him the lock for another $1.
For some time they have been giving them out when leaving the gun shows.

I gave a hand full to a neighbor for gate locks.:)
I remember when i got my first shotgun at the age of 16, my mom insisted on have the cable lock in place and her having the key, well, I went off to do some deer hunting on the other side of the state and forgot to unlock the gun, so we cut the lock off with some wire cutters, bamm, after that none of my guns have ever been locked.
What was it Jeff Cooper said. I think it was "A Safe Gun Is A Useless Gun"

Good idea to use the gun locks on a fence gate. I grabbed a couple at the gun show to lock the box on the back of my ATV Works great for that to
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