Chinese civilian rifle target practice

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I was trying to figure out what he was saying in Chinese (sometimes reverse translation can actually make more sense than just reading the Engrish), and then I remembered that (a) my Mandarin is awful (sorry Mom) and (b) I'm not actually sure that a Shanghai native would be thinking in Mandarin to begin with.

Anyone ID that rifle?
Dunno what rifle, but look at the trigger guard - stamped. This suggests a 22 to me.
Looked like a Chinese version of the various European Mauser .22 trainers.

I like this, though, very poetic:

Maybe ...
He would be filled with horror at the sight.
Certainly It was only on my monkeyshine mood.^^
I only want to pursue the target, the bull's-eye.!!
Looks like a Norinco JW-15, which is a copy of the CZ452-2E ZKM "Trainer" rifle. INteresting side scopemount to boot. Maybe he's too young, but aren't all the males in China required to serve in the PLA, which should have marksmanship training?
I am fluent in both Chinese and English, yet I have a hard time figuring out some of those verses. :D

Anyway, Stella went to the range and had fun. That's all we need to know.

To mp510: military service is mandatory by law, but since PLA cannot possibly absorb all able-bodied men, it is optional in practice. In fact, one usually needs a certain degree of connection to get enlisted because PLA is considered a cushy job to farmboys and such.

College students are required to undergo watered-down bootcamp training. That includes some range time.
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