Chuck Woolery Speaks About "Assault Rifles"

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Trent, thanks for sharing. Some excellent points made there. Perhaps my favorite, "Trying to blame guns for crime, would be like blaming airplanes for the 911 attacks."
Amazing....who knew?

I also noticed his reverence to Ice Tea. Found an interview Mr. Tea ;) did with some Brit host. He nailed it too.

Would have never guessed entertainment types having a clue.
Now if we could only get that aired at half time during sundays game.
Excellent. Imagine being of a reality-based mind and having to bite your tongue to get along in Hollyweird. What a blessing it would be to see and hear more traditional voices from the left coast.
While I found Chuck's video quite clever and mostly on point, I fail to understand the "shotgun" approach of equating liberal to anti-gun. Why? There are plenty of "conservative" hunters/shooters (probably NRA members) that would happily ban "assault weapons" as long they keep their bolt-actions or 30-30s.

The pro 2A cause is best served by focusing on guns issues and not broader politics in general.

I just don't understand the need to alienate folks who agree with a cause you think is very important.
I fail to understand the "shotgun" approach of equating liberal to anti-gun.

This is a false impression that some people have. My boss is very liberal, but he is a big duck hunter, has several handguns, and frequents the range. He is very pro 2A. Political party affiliation doesn't always equate to what you think in terms of firearm ownership and views.
While there are some republicans and other conservatives who are deficient on the definition and intent of the Second Amendment (Bill O'Reilly comes to mind,) it absolutely IS a stated goal of the democratic party to reintroduce an assault weapons ban. There absolutely IS a preponderance of Democrats and liberals who would do this as opposed to republicans and conservatives.
Chuck is the spokesman for Generation America, a much more conservative group than AARP. I joined GA and dropped AARP.
Paul, would he throw black rifles under the bus thinking it will let him keep his shotguns?

I'm not sure about that. I know he's fired an AR and likes them, but I don't know how sensible he would be if it were crunch time.
The words "Chuck Woolery" haven't escaped my lips in a long time. I remember him from the original Wheel of Fortune.

So after checking out the video and his Wikipedia entry, I have to say Way to go Chuck!
Political party affiliation doesn't always equate to what you think in terms of firearm ownership and views.
Yes but Democrats are hell-bent on destroying our gun rights. IMHO, a gun owner that votes Democrat is equivalent to the chicken who votes for Colonel Sanders. D-U-M-B. Unfortunately, there's still a lot of old Civil War era Southern Democrat rhetoric in these parts from folks who do not realize that party roles have reversed. My grandfather voted Democrat because his father brain washed him into think that you did so if you wanted to keep your job. He never looked any deeper, if he had, he would've found that he was really a conservative.
This is a false impression that some people have. My boss is very liberal, but he is a big duck hunter, has several handguns, and frequents the range. He is very pro 2A. Political party affiliation doesn't always equate to what you think in terms of firearm ownership and views.

Give the leftists more time. They will eventually purge that unfortunate faction of thier voting block out or throw them under the bus.
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