Civil War Replicas

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Mar 17, 2005
Austin, TX
Well after deciding in my previous thread that a fully assembled rifle was the way to go, now to decide what to get :)

What reputable companies produce civil war era reproductions, specifically rifle muskets (springfield 1861, etc)? This will be my first BP firearm, so I'd prefer to keep the initial cost lower, and I'm not looking for museum quality reproductions as this sucker is hopefully gonna get shot, alot.

Things to look out for, or to look for?

Thanks again,

From what I have read, no personal experience, that Armi Sport would be a good blend of quality and affordability. As far as Enfields and Springfields and Zuaves are concerned.
Any of the Civil War sutlers will have what you're looking for. They tend to stock mostly Armi Sport or Euroarms brands in the $500-ish range as they cater to reenactors and living historians. I've had a "self-defarbed" Euroarms Enfield for about 14 years - it's been a good and dependable shooter.

Start at these places and shop around (prices will vary slightly): (page 1,2,3)

There are a lot of Sutlers out there. If you're looking for a used musket, try come of the reenacting magazines/CW newspapers like Camp Chase Gazette and The Courier. Occasionally you can find a good used one...

Personally, I would not get a 2 band musket and would go with a 3 band Enfield or Springfield.
Thanks for all the replies, I've got a lot of looking and drooling to do so I can settle on my present to myself :)

I'd go over to the North-South Skirmish Association bulletin board at and ask around. You should be able to pick up a used gun at a reasonable price - and get in touch with people who can give you a lot of pointers on how to shoot it.

If you are looking to a serious shooter, go with a 2-band musket. They handle better.
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