Climate change behind Darfur killing

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Actually the dryness of the Sahara is due to COOLING. When the sahara was hotter about 5000 years ago it got steady rainfall and was actually a grassy savanna. The former moistness of the Sahara was due to increased airflow which brought in moist air from the surrounding ocean.
Competition for resources is Biology 101. People are animals, after all.
Actually the dryness of the Sahara is due to COOLING. When the sahara was hotter about 5000 years ago it got steady rainfall and was actually a grassy savanna. The former moistness of the Sahara was due to increased airflow which brought in moist air from the surrounding ocean.

link to journal? Sepulchra et al says otherwise.
from CNN - Six Admirals & Five Generals: There will be wars over water:

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Global warming poses a "serious threat to America's national security" and the U.S. likely will be dragged into fights over water and other shortages, top retired military leaders warn in a new report.

The report says that in the next 30 to 40 years there will be wars over water, increased hunger instability from worsening disease and rising sea levels and global warming-induced refugees. "The chaos that results can be an incubator of civil strife, genocide and the growth of terrorism," the 35-page report predicts.

report can be found here:

I really can't comment on that. I don't know that much about precipitation.
WOW! If that doesn't show you how stupid the clowns at the top of the UN are, I don't know what will. I cannot wait to hear how Hamas, Hesbollah, and Al Quaida are also cause by George Bush driving an SUV.
Drought and famine certainly have played a significant part in many wars. No doubt it had major part to play, but so did age old animosities between rival ethnic groups, government incompetence in dealing with the drought, and the political and economic domination of the non-Arabs by the Arab controlled government.
Most of the worlds problems are caused by guns, and global warming...Oh and Halliburton too.

I gotcha!

Ah, so we can take these points to their "logical" conclusion: The U.S.A. is behind every single one of the world's problems! :rolleyes:
Before blaming global warming, shouldn't someone point a finger at the government in Khartoum for arming, supplying, and providing air support to the Janjaweed? Oh, wait, that makes too much sense.

What about the alternative theory that the Darfur conflict is the result of finding make-work for the generals who were formerly in charge of the civil war in the south?

Gosh, don't the Chinese like buying Sudanese oil? Perhaps they are supplying Khartoum with weapons knowing that the weapons will be used to commit genocide in Darfur. This fits Chinese interests nicely: they will be Sudan's only friend, which means they keep buying oil from Sudan.

Also, hasn't the Sahara Desert been growing in size for centuries if not millenia? If this is the case, what does global warming have to do with it? Could it be that Mother Nature, pitiless harpy that she is, is behind all this?

I'm sure that there are other much more plausible explanations for Darfur than global warming.
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