close range coyotes with 9mm handgun?

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9mm will do the trick. Check your local laws though it may not be legal to use FMJ rounds. As others have said many a song dog has been downed with 22's so a 9mm should be fine.
The only good coyote is a dead coyote...

Once December rolls around and night time hunting starts back up again I am planning to use my HP 995 w/red light. I can hit anything at about 65 yards... is that still a good distance for a 9mm? I am using cast lead 115g....
Has anyone run those hard cast flat nose .380 rounds in their LCP? That would definitely give it a Plus rating in my book with that option. Especially for being such a small lightweight pistol.
I have not personally, but i have read of others who said they did on various forums. When i had a Kel Tec P32 (almost the exact same design as the LCP) i did use the equivalent Buffalo Bore 75gr+P hard cast lead flat nose loading, it was quite snappy, but the pistol handled them fine. However in .32acp the short buffalo bore rounds tended to rim lock even with a spacer kit in the magazine, so i was restricted to carrying the chamber rd and top rd of the mag with Buffalo Bore, and then the rest of the mag with slightly longer Corbon JHPs(they fit the mag perfect with the Kel Tec spacer kit installed). Honestly, i suspect even that little .32acp with it's 14.5" gel penetration (goldenloki tests) would easily kill a coyote too.

Currently i've run 102gr Golden Saber, 90gr Fed Hydrashok, 80gr Corbon DPX+P, 95gr Geco FMJ(this could probably be considered "+P" ammo by US standards) as well as a variety of loose FMJ i had sitting in a closet for years through my LCP and it fires all of it just fine. I've got probably 200rds through it so far.

I plan to pick up some of the Buffalo Bore 100gr+P hard cast flat nose .380 at some point myself. It's really hot, i think it almost hits 300fpe of energy out of a Sig 232...that's standard pressure .38spl like energy, and darned near standard pressure 9mm para level energy. It'll be a bit lower out of a 2.75" Ruger Barrel, but not that much lower. It should easily eclipse 20" of gel penetration and leave a nice semi-wadcutter type wound tract.
While we are on the topic of coyotes, I have three hundred or so feet of five foot steel high fence enclosing part of my backyard due to a pool. I let the pooch out back feeling confident that a coyote could never jump it. Any idea whether a coyote could jump it? As each rail, about six inches apart, has a spiked finial, I'm half expecting something to eventually be impaled. If there is a risk that a coyote might get within the perimeter I would be inclined to keep a rifle handy.
5 feet doesn't sound like too much of a challenge for a wild, agile, lightweight and very motivated canis lupus, BUT, I haven't seen the fence and I'm certainly not an expert.

I'd keep SOMEthin' handy if they frequent the other side of the fence, be it 5 feet or TEN feet. Just in case. ;)

Yes, Val, I took a good look at the hard cast flat nose 9mm and .45 that they make. Seems ideal for a jaunt in the wild n wooly woods, if my Glocks would run 'em reliably. If not, I'd rather stuff 'em with ANYthing else that I KNEW would run. Rather have somethin measly that I know will cycle and fire than kryptonite depleted uranium that won't even chamber. :D
just remembered something i gotta share:

first of all, i have never spotted a coyote anywhere near where i live
BUT, i believe i have heard them or maybe coydogs, or probably both

a couple years ago i was taking out some trash to our can at about 10-11pm, and everything was really quiet...then i started hearing ' yip yeep yip ' directly across the road from our house...a distance of no more than 100 feet

had never heard this before, and honestly didnt think anything of it for a few secs...until i noticed that my many dogs were totally silent...and they bark at pretty much anything...thats when the hair on the back of my neck stood up

i made for the house double-quick since it was totally pitch black outside and i didnt have any sort of weapon on me...and if my dogs werent gonna bark at these things, thats something all together special...
Nushif: I've got some experience with the 'airborn' 105mm myself. :)

At over 1000'/sec a marble will kill a coyote. A hollowpoint bullet will do it more thoroughly.
There has never been anything on the other side of the five foot fence other than one wiley bobcat. Not even deer get in and we are thick with them with many tastey morsels inside the perimeter, but yeah, a motivated coyote....

I'm thinking that I may now have the perfect use for my PS90 or FN FiveSeven. Good advice. Thanks. Be prepared.
Sheesh, coyotes aren't evil creatures, they are opportunists that are trying to survive. Sometimes pets, barnyard animals, etc make their way into their diet big deal. These creatures are dealing the hand they were dealt--encroachment upon their habitat. I love hunting coyotes, but I never mistake one for a bloodthirsty murderer.
Storm the 6" opening might not be close enough, and have you considered that they can just dig a little and belly under the fence.
My 22 pound Lhasa won't fit, but the digging might be an issue, but fortunately this is hard Georgia clay. I check for that on a regular basis. And while the range of the coyote has gone far beyond what it should have often encroaching into urban areas, I'm a live and let live kinda guy, but if comes to my dog Max (or my cat Iggy who is a house cat who does escape once in awhile) anything inside that fence is gone if there is a situation. Even Iggy the cat stays inside the fence. The 5-7 is the way to go.

I'm not at all interested in killing anything unless I have to.
as some one with coyote problems most of my life i can tell you that 9mm(along with a slew of other calibers) has been doing the job for me for years of coyote issues, i dont want tho hear there not a problem i have been nearly attacked many times in the past (only nearly because i heard/saw them and killed them) i lost both of my first dogs as a kid to coyotes, my family's old farm had lost tons of chickens, ducks, etc. unless we did a good job eradicating them that year, heck just a few months ago they got my poor cat ON MY PORCH! (still stained)they get into trash, i could keep going. no don't just kill them on sight, get your friends over and eradicate them (have a small contest most kills gets a case of beer)!!! on another note im currently using a ruger p95 stainless while walking my dogs, doing daily outdoor tasks, etc. but i have had no issues using fmj to slaughter the suckers, and if you or any friends skin 'em you can fetch at least 25-40 for a good fur around, and about eating yeah there stringy, very gamey, not the best tasting, and there's not much meat, some if not most of em are wormy+your pretty much eating dog not the best sounding thing eh? i generally dont recommend it but into hunting them, they are fun to hunt just remember they can be dangerous ('duh) but if your into predator hunting it can be enjoyable, for me its really a task i have done since childhood but it is fun :) the way if they absolutely positively have to die...12 gauge slugs can be pretty darned nasty, im pretty sure there's a youtube video out there of this but its almost over kill especially for something a well placed .22 round will drop on the spot (most of the time)
Once December rolls around and night time hunting starts back up again I am planning to use my HP 995 w/red light. I can hit anything at about 65 yards... is that still a good distance for a 9mm? I am using cast lead 115g....
The carbine at 65yds probably has more velocity than a pistol at the muzzle.
as some one with coyote problems most of my life

There's GOTTA be some better lookin women around there SOMEwhere. :uhoh:


Sounds like you've been at war with those Hell Hounds all your life, man.
I would definitely be poppin 'em with whatever was handy every chance I got in that situation. Especially if they'd taken ANY of my pets. Not to mention MANY pets.

I'd probably carry somethin like a Glock 20 if it was a question of possibly seein 'em every time I left the house. Not that you'd need 10mm for coyote, but it'd be nice to know that, at almost any range, you'd have the upper hand and especially if there's packs of em that prevalent.

Almost sounds like fun to have an ongoing war with those cunning targets runnin around at all times. But it's not fun when they're destroying pets and livestock, I'm certain.
No fun when they're murdering beautiful 19 year old Canadian folk singers either. :(


Taylor Josephine Stephanie Luciow- killed by coyotes while hiking
yeah, sometimes it can be fun and i have some pretty good memories from hunting them, but on the other hand they can cause some serious $$$ loss and not to mention my poor cat and my dear old dogs:(...but yeah this is a funny coincidence, i have been considering a 10mm lately but last time i went to look at one i walked out the door with a browning hi power clone in 9mm. i figure 10mm could be a very good multi purpose caliber but id definitely be getting a set or reloading dies with the gun. but when it comes to fall/winter or anytime i might have a longer range shot, its definitely my old 357i'm carrying, or a rifle ...usually my wasr10:evil: but as long as there not causing an imminent threat aka within 100yards of the house they are extremely fun to hunt gotta make the best of a bad situation lol... especially when moving is not an option
With all due respect to everyone, none of us are that good a shot under pressure. And they will sneak up on you, they are natural born hunters, we are not.

9 mm will eventually kill them but you will need 3 or more hits to stop one charging at you. 357 mag, 357 Sig, 45 ACP, 44 mag or 45 LC is what you will need (158 grain bullet or larger) to stop them dead in their tracks. These are dangerous animals they can take down deers, cows, moose and yes people. Best use is a 12 gauge, 30-30, 270, 30-06 car, van or truck 4 wheel perferable. Kill them whereever and whenever you see them. If they are stalking your neighborhood someone's child or pet will get killed.

If PETA has a problem with this, that's too bad, they are idots anyways.
The problem is that many of us live within city limits where a firearm cannot be discharged so shoot on sight is out of the question. They roam free with no predators to control their numbers.
You can feed the PETA people to the city coyotes, it solves both problems, eventually when all the PETA people are eaten, you have nobody to complain whey you remove the now slow and fat coyotes.
No fire arms, no problem. Bait them with posion (sorry dog you ate the wrong stuff), live trap them and call animal control (see how much help you don't get). Drive the cage out into the country and shoot them in the head with a 22 mag (that will work). Use a cross bow, or your hunting bow (help you get ready for deer season.)

I still think the car across the middle of their back is the best way, if it's between replacing a head light or my daughter, my vote goes to replacing the head light.

Drove up to the gunshop yesterday. Saw a beautiful yote in the middle of the road, dead, but not road killed. I was considering checking, and putting a 9mm 147 grain bullet in it's head, to make sure it was dead, but thought better of it.
The head is so small, and so was the body, I don't really think you have a real good chance of hitting one with a pistol.

How is pepper or bear spray on these animals?

Also, in my limited experience, without a really good hit, wild animals can be REAL hard to kill.

I'd rather have a yote around then rats. We have either fox or coyote here, (can't tell which?) but it wouldn't let me get within 140 yards of it on the golf course.


I tried to brace on a tree and get closer with the telephoto, but, it heard me, jumped sideways about 8 feet up and into the bushes on the left.

Mountain lions here too.

Put a cat scratcher outside for a local domestic cat, and the next day it looked like this:
Wonder how big the claws were that did that?

Never used a 9mm on one but I think it would be more than enough at 25 yards. I don't have the need to shoot on sight but I'm not loosing live stock to them either. Don't get me wrong I have killed a couple but I like using a heavy projectile say about a 2000 lbs Chevy or a 1500 lbs Mazda. Rabbits, coyotes, squirrels, mice, snakes and anything else that runs into my path at 60mph! Bump Bump and its all over!:what: But if I was looking for one I think I might take out a mini 14/30 light easy fast and a little better range than a 9mm.:D
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