(CNN) Constitution "translated"

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To believe that the 2nd Amendment only applies to maintaining militias, you have to be utterly ignorant of American history. Let's see, America had just broken from a tyrannical government (using the force of arms, not asking nicely to be left alone), and the 2nd Continental Congress forms a Bill of Rights that guarantees the right to bear arms to THE GOVERNMENT?!?!?!

I can understand how that makes sense to a leftist parasite; facts and logic aren't their cup of tea. But this tells me that the founders wanted to guarantee the right to bear arms to all citizens to keep the government from getting too big for its britches.
Lupu also questioned the translation's version of the much-disputed Second Amendment, which includes the phrase "citizens have the right to own firearms."

"A lot of people believe the amendment was intended only to protect the rights of states to maintain militias and not to guarantee a right to ordinary citizens," he said.

A lot of my friends believe that they are going to date Jennifer Garner..

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