Colorado Emergency

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Where did all of our member Democrats go? They could be a lot more effective if they lobbied the Democrat majority who are pushing this evil. It is time to stand and be counted if you live in Colorado and voted Democrat in the past. Let your party people know that you are not supportive of their efforts to void the Constitution.
I'm starting to admire the Democrats on this move. Either they are absolutely sure they can get away with this or are willing to commit political suicide in the name of a futile cause.

Me, I'm thinking, if they get away with this, they will be gone in two years. I am amazed at the blind trust the Democrats have in thier leadership rather than following the wishes of thier constituants.

Either way this next election will be very interesting.
Are there any state reps in the Denver area who are wavering/weak points on this issue?

My wife may be up for a two year post-doctoral gig with the Denver VA, which would (perhaps obviously) entail both of us relocating there at least for those couple years. I'd be happy to write to anyone whose district I might be living (and voting in) a year from now about how my college educate, middle class family unit will be giving Colorado a pass if it passes state legislation subverting the Constitution of the United States.
Steel Horse Rider said:
Where did all of our member Democrats go? They could be a lot more effective if they lobbied the Democrat majority who are pushing this evil. It is time to stand and be counted if you live in Colorado and voted Democrat in the past. Let your party people know that you are not supportive of their efforts to void the Constitution.

Indeed. While I don't mean to detract from the very important message that this thread is attempting to address, I must admit that I remember hearing quite a few Democrats on here around election time, who were none-too-concerned with the desire or ability of the elected Democrats to diminish their 2nd Amendment rights.

Thus far here in Colorado, this issue has gone EXACTLY down party lines. If it does that this week, we're losing our rights. Right now we ABSOLUTELY need some Democratic representatives to buck the party line and vote with common sense.

And, I do hope any of the closet Democrats around here will remember this event in the next election.
Are there any state reps in the Denver area who are wavering/weak points on this issue?

My wife may be up for a two year post-doctoral gig with the Denver VA, which would (perhaps obviously) entail both of us relocating there at least for those couple years. I'd be happy to write to anyone whose district I might be living (and voting in) a year from now about how my college educate, middle class family unit will be giving Colorado a pass if it passes state legislation subverting the Constitution of the United States.

There are several dems who plan to vote in favor of these bills that are also on the VA committee.
here is a list for Colorado house VA committee. in case you want to tailor a message to them specifically.

[email protected]
[email protected] (very anti 2A/GunOwners)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (infected twitter account that pumps out spam BTW)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (also very anti 2A)

as has been said by Steel Horse Rider:
Read the city ordinance for Denver before you move there. Outside of the city and county of Denver, as of today, is still free-er for the most part- but given these bills the rest of Colorado might also be a another state that starts the down the slippery slope.

Keep fighting and writing folks.
Colorado - if Colorado falls than many swing states will fall to anti-gun laws. Sad.

EVERYONE needs to write, regardless of residency.

This worries me A LOT.

These mag bans were previously in Dem controlled states but have moved to swing states.

Also, to those that think these laws are unenforcible, people do go to jail in states like NJ and IL for these types of violations. So think again.
I've thus far received two replies to the e-mails I've sent out TONIGHT, and neither seemed like an automatic canned reply.

State representative Libby Szabo is definitely in our corner, and urged us to continue fighting to defend our rights.

On the other hand, state representative Paul Rosenthal replied to my e-mail with a one liner in which he identified me by name, then said: "I am enthusiastically voting YES!".

He's clearly not in our corner.

Please keep contacting these folks, they are checking their e-mail!
Can you suggest to Paul Rosenthal that he at least respect the laws of grammar, if not the Constitution, and refrain from capitalizing entire adverbs at the end of a sentence?
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Are there any state reps in the Denver area who are wavering/weak points on this issue?

Not really, not until you get out into the suburbs, which are not Denver county. Jefferson county, Arapahoe county and Adams county immediately border Denver, and some of their results were close (note: the districts are not county by county).

You need to get at least one county away from Denver in any direction to be in friendly political territory. I'm in Elbert, and bluish-purple Arapco stands between us (3/4 red) and Denver (3/4 blue). Douglas is a little less red than Elbert, also a county away.

Here is an interactive that will highlight the counties and the Romney/Obama percentage in the 2012 election. Since districts ignore county lines, this is the best was to get an idea how a county leans:
Got another reply from Representative Chris Holbert. I like him:

"Thank you for your email and your concern for the Second Amendment.

Please note that I have already voted "No" on the so-called "gun
control" bills and I will continue to do so.

The Second Amendment is our defense against tyranny. I will not
negotiate with your Rights under the Constitution, which means that I
will not compromise on the Second Amendment.

The House will vote on HB-1224, HB-1226, HB-1228, and HB-1229 after we
convene at 10:00 a.m. Monday morning. The final, "Third Reading," vote
is a recorded vote. Unless absent or previously excused, each of the
65 Representatives in the House will either push the red "No" button
or the green "Yes" button. There is no "present" vote alternative in
our state legislature. Thirty-three is the number of votes required to
pass a bill through the House. Anything less and the bill fails.

You're always welcome to come to your Capitol Building and watch the
proceedings from the House gallery. Doors should open by 9:00 a.m. One
public entrance is located at the north end of the Capitol at Colfax
Avenue. On the north side of the complex, go UP the granite steps and
enter at the First floor. The second public entrance is located at the
south end of the Capitol at 14th Avenue. On the south side of the
complex, enter BELOW the granite steps and enter at the Basement

If you can't make it to the Capitol and you have Comcast cable
television service, then you may also be able to watch us on the
"Colorado Channel" on Comcast 165. You can also watch or listen to
proceedings on the House Chambers online at:

It is an honor and privilege to serve in our Colorado House of Representatives.

Respectfully yours,

- Chris

Representative Chris Holbert
District 44
Parker • Lone Tree
State Capitol Building
200 E Colfax Ave, #271
Denver, CO 80203
Capitol: (303) 866-2933
[email protected]"
Holbert is on the education committee and battled tirelessly against 1226. He also fought all day Friday against all 4 bills. He is an ally, no question.
This is a response from Greg Brophy and a copy of the letter I sent to ALL reps and senators thanks to Zak's handy list. I like Greg's response...

Thanks for taking the time to write. I hope that at least a few of the Democrats will vote against these bills. I want you to remember who has pushed these bills; do not vote for a Democrat in Colorado again. Even if one votes against any of these bills, they still support the leaders who are pushing these infringements. You can count on me to do everything possible to defeat any and all gun control measures.

Greg B.
Spelling errors are Apple's fault, I own the grammar.

Dear Representative

I strongly urge you to vote NO on these bills.

House Bill 1224 – Bans magazines with a capacity greater than fifteen rounds.
House Bill 1226 – Repeals current law allowing individuals with a concealed carry permit to carry a firearm for self-defense on a college or university campus.
House Bill 1228 – Imposes a “gun tax” for a background check when purchasing a firearm.
House Bill 1229 – Criminalizes the private transfer of a firearm.

Criminals will not be swayed by any of these bills and House Bill 1226 will simply create another “killing field” for the criminally insane while encouraging more school shootings in the future.

House Bill 1224 will eliminate 100’s of jobs in Erie , Colorado and millions of dollars from our fragile Colorado economy while doing nothing to prevent crimes such as Aurora . If you must have a magazine ban, why not the 100 round drum magazine which was used by the Aurora criminal?

House Bill 1229 will be unenforceable without a gun registration scheme and is an added burden to lawful firearms owners.

Allowing CCW holders to by-pass the current background check system would lesson the impact on the already overstressed Colorado background check system, after all they have already submitted and passed a rigorous background check and must do so on a regular basis.

Burdensome, unenforceable laws and regulations on the law abiding citizenry of this State will do nothing to reduce crimes.

Dismissing the opposition of hundreds of Colorado residents at these hearings and stripping away the constitutional Right to Keep and Bear Arms by law abiding citizens will not go unnoticed, especially during the next election cycle.

My family and I and many of our co-workers and friends are very disappointed in the direction this new Legislature is taking us.


I've also received several other letters back already this morning, all very positive and especially so from my State Rep Libby Szabo.

Similar hardcopy letters are going out to the Governor first thing this morning.

Don't give up the fight folks...and I'd encourage anyone who is even "thinking" of coming to Colorado to throw in support. We especially need the Democrats from Durango and Steamboat Springs to hear about potential loss to tourism.

We may loose a battle or two but we can win this war in 2014 and 2016
I had the opportunity to talk with senator Brophy while I was at the capital last Wednesday. He is squarely in our corner, but fighting a losing battle with a 15-20 minority in the senate.

He said he would send out a list of senators in purple districts who would be most likely to consider the political consequences of these bills, though I've not received this list yet.

What was his suggestion? Go after the governor. He felt that these bills getting through the house and senate were foregone conclusions with the dem majorities, but that Hickenlooper was apt to consider the costs of signing them in a state that can still go either way pretty easily. Hick didn't have to campaign last time in 2010, because the conservative vote was split; the election was handed to him. They also had the marijuana bill bringing out a lot of otherwise lazy people in 2012, the extreme majority of whom check the D box. Those advantages will be absent in 2014. Romney was projected to carry Colorado by 2-5 points, depending on the poll; most experts agree that the marijuana bill is what affected the outcome.

In other words, there's really no reason to believe the state has swung hard left, but rather that several contributing factors led to Democrat wins in 2008, 2010 and 2012. Ken buck lost the federal senate race by less than 1 point, if memory serves. They just got control of the state house this session.

So, write Hickenlooper. Call him, fax him, just implore him that the people of Colorado don't want this. Even if you're not in the state, express that your intended move or vacation plans will be abandoned if these bills become law. Agriculture and industry are still our main revenues here, but the tourist economy is no small consideration.
I'm curious to know what level of email in-pouring these officials have experienced on just gun control alone. I'd hope it would be huge. I have family in four states working with me to contact everyone in the House and Senate here and the governor too.
I just submitted the form to the Governor. I have taken a few vacations to Colorado, but I won't go again if they pass this legislation.
One more point to put in the letters:

People don't immigrate to states because of strict gun control; If they did, CA, IL and NY would be seeing population booms. It is not something the other side usually considers, so the loss of revenue by gun owners who refuse to visit or move to CO will not be offset by people coming here because of the new laws; The anti-gunners who come here would have anyway, but the pro-gun folks who had planned to change their minds.
I just submitted the form to the Governor. I have taken a few vacations to Colorado, but I won't go again if they pass this legislation.

That is a perfect example of what the governor should be hearing!!

Also, anyone who might consider moving anytime in the future; let him know how this legislation would affect your decision to make Colorado your next home. Describe your expertise so that he knows what Colorado would miss out on.

For anyone willing, contact Hickenlooper here:
Key point here...while I 100% agree we keep calling, writing, etc. (the Governor's office just informed me that he's "unwilling" to have a private meeting with me, BTW), none of this has anything to do with what the people of Colorado want. I've had proponents of the bills tell me they have been swamped with "Vote NO!" messages.

Colorado is a "test run" for Michael Bloomberg's civilian disarmament plan, and it's working just great. Think of it as a franchise operation — Bloomberg supplies the legal boilerplate, a package of "pro" witnesses, including a nice selection of blood dancers, heads of some fake "gun advocate" organizations like "Hunters for Reasonable Gun Control," retired law enforcement who are willing to sit in front of legislative body and lie (the former BATFE guy told a whopper), etc.

The key point is that the Bloomberg organization then "guarantees" that it will fund a primary challenge from the left for any Democrat who breaks rank. The carrot is probably that if the Dem stays in line, Bloomberg money will be available (I haven't been able to verify that part yet).

None of this has to do with what the people of Colorado want...that's why this stuff is being rammed through so quickly. It's worth noting that the "Pros" couldn't even find enough locals to fill up their allotted times during the "public testimony" phase.

Call me paranoid — and many people have! — but I expect something like an assault weapon ban bill in the next few weeks. That bill will be designed to fail. to allow the Dems in the rural districts to cast a "NO" vote, then go back to their districts and say they stood tall for the Second Amendment. I plan to be in those districts come election time, and I WILL have something to say about those "heroes..."

KEEP CALLNG...KEEP WRITING...KEEP FIGHTING..and buy a bunch of standard capacity magazines!!!!!!

BTW BTW, can you imagine what a storm this would be if a right-wing multibillionaire decided to essentially take over the electoral politics of a state?

Michael B
Call me paranoid — and many people have! — but I expect something like an assault weapon ban bill in the next few weeks. That bill will be designed to fail. to allow the Dems in the rural districts to cast a "NO" vote, then go back to their districts and say they stood tall for the Second Amendment. I plan to be in those districts come election time, and I WILL have something to say about those "heroes..."

Yup, just like Salazar and (especially) Maclaghlin; " I believe in the second amendment, and I fought for you and got you 15 rounds instead of 10!".

They are not allies. They are the foxes guarding the henhouse. Just because they aren't as extreme as Fields, McCann and others DOES NOT mean they are on our side.

These people are NOT enforcing the will of Coloradoans, and they know it. They just suffer from hubris. They will see their folly in 2014 and 2016, of that I am sure.

We can always get this stuff repealed later through pro-gun legislation, court challenges, jury nullification and even amendments, but it's definitely preferable to defeat it now.
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